Every single Democratic lawmaker should be calling for Hegseth's immediate resignation right now. Not just some. Not just a few dozen. Every single one, starting at the top with Mr. Schumer and Mr. Jeffries. And the fact that it hasn't happened yet is nearly as shocking as Hegseth's conduct.


I'm not talking about just calling for investigation or just a vague call for accountability or just explaining why what Hegseth did is so deeply disturbing.

I'm talking about definitive calls for him to immediately resign, full stop.
I would extend that to everyone in that Signal chat. This is clear evidence that the Trump admin is using Signal and other illegal methods to hide their communications from oversight and transparency.
Yes. Go big. Everyone, and not just resign, but actual accountability including jail. And not “normally this might result in jail” weak sauce.
THIS is the key.
Who these?
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That's the only reason they are doing it
Agree. Needs to be the whole gang. Apprentice style - you're fired!
Well, not everybody. I think Goldberg should keep his job.
Tactic from Project 2025
It will ultimately fail . There’s always a reporter who will let the air out of your tire while you’re with your ho . Right Jerry ?
Hegseth knew about a week ago not to use Signal.
I came here to say this.
And this is why they win. Within 10 minutes, they’ve received the talking points, and they’re all repeating them ad nauseum. 🤷🏽‍♀️
All of them: Waltz, Hegseth, Gabbard, Rubio, Vance, etc. - they all committed the crime of using a non-governmental means of communicating classified information.
Mr. Schumer and mr. Jeffries, yeah, right.
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Quite the pair. Pathetic. If they aren't going to lead, then STEP DOWN and get out of our way. We The People need leaders that are willing to FIGHT DAMMIT.
Murc's Law in the wild
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Every citizen of the United States who cares about this should be marching on Washington protesting demanding the resignations of Pete and Tulsi and those criminals on that signal call this is not a blame your Democratic leaders
He put this country in such danger!!! Worse yet, he had no clue!!!
In the past, people would have resigned on disgrace or to try to preserve honor. Or what is left of it. But his administration has no honor. No grace. No self-awareness. Trump took no accountability, saying he knew nothing. His typical, "I don't know her". "I know nothing about it", so he can dodge.
Should apply to everybody on the chain. Every person there is a senior American government official, and they should know better.
100% agree!
Fire them. Jail them. Don’t wait for resignations.
Schumer, and now Jeffries, are just not living up to the moment. We need strong fighters
Honestly, if they continue to be complacent there won’t be a representative govt and they’ll be out of a job and checking in at a Salvadoran prison getting a new hair cut. Tick tock guys! They will be shipped off before us citizens, we’ll just die in the streets. @democrats.senate.gov
I'm more frustrated with Jeffries because he's an excellent wordsmith and easily-capable of formulating a convincing argument for Hegseth's resignation. Him not doing that is a waste of his talents.
I always liked him. This past few weeks? He's not stepping up.
I don't like politicians on principle, but I won't deny Jeffries his gift with words.
he is afraid. you
can see it.
I'm sure he is, which is all the more reason that Jeffries should say something.
Otherwise, why bother representing Democrats in The House?
This. Immediately.
Duckworth, Buttigieg, Warner, Moulton, Raskin, Kaine and many other Dems have done that!!! Why do people keep falsely saying they’re not? Turn on the news and you’ll hear them!
Because you get social media clout by stoking outrage
But nor schiff, AOC, Crocket? We need a unified message! (And frankly, jail time should be the solution here. Any line worker would get that in the minute.)
Every citizen of the United States should be marching on Washington and demanding resignations starting with Pete and Tulsi this is not about blaming your elected officials this is about blaming the criminals
Crocket did call them out for their horrible lack of understanding of national security. Schiff was on MSNBC last night demanding an investigation.
Schumer is either too stupid or scared.
Probably the latter, most-likely.
he’s been in trumps pocket since
1970’ NY. He is an appeaser just like Garland and Biden. Garland was trumps best atty. We
saw the foot dragging and absurd strategy he used to run out the clock. Trump has never gone after 2 ppl. Putin and Garland.
How hard is it to have a united message? What are they doing all day?
They're trying to figure out if the story has legs and whether they should bother with it, since the stated goal is to stand back and let Trump wreck the place so they pick up seats in the mid-terms.
Book tours
Apparently close to impossible. We don’t have united messaging, we don’t have united protests, we don’t have united opposition but we have a Dem Senate leader & a Dem House leader who love book tours during crucial times so there is that.
Touche on book tour comment. The Democrats need to hire a spokesperson for the house and senate. This is a practice in UK. They need a spokesperson who is qualified, likable, can think on their feet, understands policy, can clearly articulate the issues.
Maybe some people do need a signal group app….
Book tours and emails asking for money.
Scratching their asses, having a morning nap followed by lunch then an afternoon nap.
they're making so much money just by not doing anything
Great but it's literally not going to happen. Everyone knows this. Republicans have circled the wagon and there's no Adam kinzinger or Liz CHENEY to call them out.
That's why this needs to be an ongoing news story. Every Democrat should be on every network talking about this. When the interviewer asks another question, circle back to this. We need to be relentless.
Still isn’t going to do anything to sway them. You don’t understand this and that’s why you appear as weak and whining to independents. They have no shame, they don’t care and they want you to go on every network and wear out that message because then they’ll use it against y’all and it’ll work
So you're saying no matter what happens in this administration, the democrats can never win the narrative?
Good luck with that one
Yes, and they shouldn’t shut up about it no matter how much they try to change the subject. We need to flood the zone - with the Truth
Some Democrats have already started pushing for resignation.

It's not the numbers people would hope, but politicians tend to drag their feet.
Oh, you know. Fretting, wringing their hands, worrying, being very concerned, trying to find an appropriate bible verse to send out on Elon Musk's social media platform, begging for money, planning book tours...all sorts of important stuff.
No, I didn't miss Jeffries' words. I regularly see his religious exhortations too. What I miss is Jeffries (or any of the top rank of the party) actually doing something.

Perhaps he could contact Mitch McConnell for pointers on how to act as effective opposition.
What exactly is he supposed to do in this situation? The Democrats don’t have the power to impeach anyone involved. They can’t even start investigations unless the GOP agrees.
This ^^^^^
You don’t want to know
"What are they doing all day?"

Insider trading.
If you or I had done that, we’d’ve been in cells awaiting the initial outcome of the preliminary investigation.

The question isn’t “should they resign?”.

The question is, “why aren’t they all in jail?”.
He needs one of those alcohol monitoring ankle devices.
Don’t let him turn on his phone without a breath test.
DUI hire
And … maybe don’t let him use his phone rather than a Scif but there’s a thought.
Discussing operational details of an action in advance on an unsecured private channel w/ people who did not ned to know.

His attempted deflection by trying to (weakly) discredit Jeffery Goldberg is a flashing neon sign of guilt and culpability.

Like a little kid who gets caught. OUT NOW.
Resign - and go to jail.
Lack of leadership or courage from @schumer.senate.gov and @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social is the exact opposite of shocking. It’s the norm. Both need to go, they are not up to the challenge of the moment.
You made up a thing to get mad at because you think your social media feed is the entire world.
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Dems been handed the baseball bat. Vance, Walz and Hegseth r kneeling on the curb. I wanna see Dems take a swing. Do them like they did Hillary. I'm betting they won't. Its disappointing.
There is just no fight in them. So frustrating
If I was active duty right now i would be having some serious concerns with this regime in charge. They will expect that unlawful orders be followed.
Your opposition party are woeful..
They have. It will mean nothing to the R’s but Dems are doing just that. R’s are the ones who can actually make this happen. We need to call their offices and raise hell.
and they need to question his sobriety when sending these texts.
hit that motherfucker low and hard.
weirdo magats are desperate for acceptance from normal people; break their spirits and consign them to the dustbin of ridicule.
we saw and heard the signal chats. he promptly lied and told us we didn’t hear or see what we did. He was sweaty, combative and blamed The Atlantic. This man is clearly
struggling with alcohol abuse.
Hegseth’s resignation request must be lost in the same folder as Epstein’s client list. 🤔🧐
My thoughts exactly!
@schumer.senate.gov @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social

Get it together & start messaging this NOW. DO SOMETHING.
It's not shocking at all. They are all cooperatively impotent and comfortable with that.
Schumer and Jefferies are useless appendages that need to be removed.
Schumer and too many others are working for the Republicans. For this and so many other things - impeach and begin the long process of reform. All Americans need to demand an end to this mockery of our ideals. This administration is disastrous.
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Are you all awake? What are you waiting for?
Pete Kegbreath you’re fired by We The People.
Now Congress do your job💪
Not just Democratic. Republicans need to decide - either they want this country to survive, or they think they'll get a deal from Putin. This leak, and the way it avoids PRA and FOIA, affect all Americans, regardless of party.
Is there still a Congress, or did they hang a “Be back in 15 minutes” sign up and left for the rest of our democracy?
There is, but Republicans have the majority in both chambers, Democrats have no power to hold hearings and Republicans are fully bought in to the new Nazi regime.
Mike Johnson is a sad excuse for a leader or a man.
Is it shocking though? Really??? …. Ugh
EVERY SINGLE LAWMAKER regardless of party should call for ALL those in that loop to resign‼️
Republicans too
#Schumer and #Jeffries have turned into the Democrat versions of Susan Collins. I'm sure they're "concerned"... might even "have a few concerns".

Thoughts and prayers. That's all it will be with them. If that.

FACTS!!! (And Heg needs a ride straight to rehab on his way out the door!!🍻🥃📲📵🤣)
They be sleeping
Are we hiding behind closed doors plotting to make it look like we’re doing something when we really have no intention of doing anything
Not one word, from one Republican politician. They always write the citizens and civilians off as collateral damage for their careers.
Jeffries has in a formal letter to Trump.
TODAY. He did so today. And that's great. I applaud him for that. FINALLY.

But the lack of loud anger over this is not great. And I'm sorry, but although Mr. Jeffries is doing way more than Mr. Schumer, this is still not enough. At all. Not even close.
I know—I hear you—it’s definitely not a time for polite/formal politics anymore. These are dangerous people because of their drive for power and also their incompetence.
I'm beginning to wonder if it is going to take us leaving the party en masse to wake up leadership and make them fucking fight for us.
I will never understand why people keep waiting for the democrats to do the right thing.
Every “thing” in our government on that call should be arrested for terrorism, treason and criminal acts against the espionage act! And, our constitution.
Because they just don’t k ow what to do with the “gifts” the GOP gives them…. It’s not in their DNA.
McKinsey told them not to.
Thank you. I'm so sick and tired of Democrats not going on offense. We heard for years about Clinton's emails. Why can't Democrats get it together
It’s happening, takes time to truly see evil, Trump is evil and military and police have got Republicans number, Americans the most locked and loaded country in the world, I’m betting on Democracy
They are calling for resignations and investigations. But only R’s can make that happen. Almost seems like there is a disinformation campaign being waged against Dems.
Interesting about the disinformation campaign. Who have you found calling for resignations and investigations? I’ve only come across a handful of names.
Chuck Schumer is staying as far way from the word resign as possible. He is still hiding after his CR disaster.
If only our representatives represented ANYTHING besides lining their own pockets….
For sure. Where’s Senator Hickenlooper? Where’s Senator Bennett? Where’s Democratic leadership?
THIS 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
First Schumer has to consult his magic 8-ball.
You can downplay and/or cover up anything if no one complains or acts. At this point the silence and lack of action - ie DEMANDING Hegseth’s resignation makes the Dems complicit. A Republican runaway train heading for total destruction of democracy.
Dems complicity has been crystal clear to me for months. Left wing, right wing, both corrupt.
More shocking...
The democratic leadership is laughably FAILING us & it is INFURIATING. I fear as a result we are going to splinter even more as a party & alienate voters that we NEED to participate in the next election. Why are we not taking this seriously?!
@senatedemocrats.bsky.social @housedemocrats.bsky.social
They won’t.


I was asking earlier today where all the outrage is from Democrats in Congress. They should have been in front of cameras all day since the news broke.
Thank you!!! This is what I have been screaming all day long!!!
Me too!!! This can't be ignored!!! And not just Hegseth!!
They’re too fucking scared.
There is no leadership in the Dem party, they won’t allow AOC and Jasmine to take over.
Dems are calling for resignations! But this is all on R’s. Only they can get these guys out. R’s voted these nutty nominees. We need to call all them.
Which dems have called for it so far?
Exactly 😡
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Democratic leadership not cut out for this. Brutal.
Dems are the ones playing the music as the ship sinks
Sadly, @schumer.senate.gov and @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social will only sit there with their fingers up their noses as usual. Maybe we'll get lucky, though, and Hakeem will issue one of his strongly worded statements.
Agreed. They are weak
But if Hegseth is fired, who's going to give all our secrets to Putin?!?
hahaha! Directly through Starlink.
And trump from his WH landline.
No! This is much bigger. Signal may be being used for Project 2025. The first thing Congress should do is put all of them under oath and ask 1) How many times in the last month have you used Signal? 2) Who was on these chats? 3) What were the topics and why did you use it instead of a scif?
Problem is … would they even show up for a Congressional investigation? Would they even answer truthfully?
They will lie, but if you can find one person lower down the food chain that was on one of these calls, then you can start investigating deeper. It's like any criminal investigation. If Dems flip the house in 2026, then it will be non-stop hearings on DOGE, veteran care, social security and this
Yeah because when dems are in power they do so much
Do you really think that this gang is going to let that happen?
Lol, yeah, I'm sure the Dems will finally let you kick that football. Next time, for sure!
And Elon will be in China 🇨🇳
People sound like children who want everything right now and if it doesn't happen right now they give up and walk away, complaining and withholding their support. I've heard calls for Hegseth's resignation already. Let this build and stop being so sad sack.
Every person on that chat knowingly violated security protocols. They're all guilty.
Of course they did but were banking on it 'disappearing'. Incompetent fools.
Well, maybe not the journalist.
Wondering who was on it indirectly ? Private phones?
Going to snooze this level of irrational disconnect. If you can't get with the right team, then what the fuck do you think you can do to stop Trump? Republicans are scum but they also stick together. Liberals? Their own worst enemies.
But Chuck's a fighter! Said no one anywhere but him
If you’re expecting Schumer/Jeffries to do their jobs you’ll wait a very long time ….
Well it needs to be every Republican. They're in charge. And we're not naive, we know they won't call for his removal for political reasons. But gee, our national security is being run by an obviously unqualified, unserious person and supported by go-along unserious staff. This is America?
schumer & jefferies are weak. Neither one is a leader.
and yet not shocking at all
As long as there’s cable tv on and pizza delivery, the dems as a party will sit in their fat rich asses and do nothing. Why should anything change now? They’re the party of “please mr trump could you please stop?”
How drunk was Hegseth when he released secret information? 🙄
Won't matter. Republicans have no shame. Unless there was something in the disclosure that said trump was an idiot, it's business as usual for the right.
Why aren’t there daily impeachment bills filed for the sake of optics??
I’d rather have them do something to help people rather focus on “optics”.
True that. ✌🏼🌀
Pretty sure Schumer is more concerned about maintaining decorum and collegial relations with Republicans.
At very least. They should be demanding hearings, protesting, doing sit-ins if they have to.
They should be making noise.
They should be making news.
The should be making waves. Big ones.

Make it so the press can't ignore you.
So there's one...

I do read the news, I listen to the news, I read social media, I follow the news, I subscribe to the multiple news sources and read the newsletters.

If I can't hear their voices they aren't LOUD ENOUGH.
It’s more than 1, and Schumer and Jefferies have both put out statements and spoke on the floor of Congress.

Again, statements are what we have been yelling about! Enough “statements”. Call for them to be fired.
Statements are literally what “calling for” is.

I mean, I agree, keep yelling about this forever…but I’m unsure if you understand that they have zero actual power to do anything about it.
Ooh a hearing. No we read the news we want demands to fucking fire him. Investigations are useless.
What exactly is there to even investigate? We know what happened, and even why. Get the fools the hell out of there.
To me, more than the breach of including a journalist, is the problem of using signal.
What if they decided to call a domestic strike on a city that just isn't doing Donny's bidding and the whole thing gets plotted on Signal, then vaporizes. They could blame Canada and get rid of a problem city...
There is so much wrong with it. How many laws did this break, I think someone said at least 6? What I want to know is what is going to be done about it, today?
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Bet a certain Senator from PA will object.
Crickets so far.
If your first response to any story about the latest terrible things Republicans did is to call out Democrats than you are a useful idiot for the GOP.
THIS. Where are they? What are they doing? Brings Neil Young to mind. https://youtu.be/4g7zF7-rJEc?feature=shared
Damn right. I didn’t think the Democrats would have to reach too deep to find balls to say no to this, but come on.
Exactly how old is Schumer? If people are talking about age limits for President, I'm sure Schumer should be replaced as well.
Honestly, every REPUBLICAN lawmaker should also be calling for it.
The level of inactivity by Democrats is infuriating!
Schumer’s still trying to figure out what signal is, hold please
Totally agree!
WTF democrats where is your outrage
When will the Democrats learn to fight like hell?
We're on our own.
it should be deafening.
Every single republican as well. And, they shouldn’t have too, the POTUS should have already asked for it.
And tells me they definitely must go! We need new leadership ASAP. Replace @schumer.senate.gov & @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social We, the PEOPLE, & Democracy cannot wait any longer for the leadership we deserve & need!
It hasn't happened because not enough people are on the phone or e-mail and telling their reps in DC to fire these people. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate. https://www.nationalfinancialplan.com
They should be loud and in front of every camera they see.
Geez how pathetic are the majority of the Dems. Their country is being razed to the ground and they are sitting there watching as people are suffering. It’s almost as bad as Trump’s fascist government. Grow a spine you lily-livered cowards!!!😡😡😡
Schumer needs to get out of the way and we need someone that speaks from their heart , not note cards reading over those stupid glasses!! Resign already!!
Is Schumer still in Congress??? Haven't seen or heard from the coward since he betrayed the country and supported the orange mussolini!
Democrats are incompetent and rub elbows with the same people. Nothing is going to change. Their performative antics are tiresome and the two-party (let's face it, it's one party) system needs to be done with.
Schumer & Jeffries on TV
—right now—
We know that’s what the GQP would do!
There is no “TV”! They are all owned by Republicans. Fox News is doing a clean up- and off they go. This isn’t about corrupted Democrats. This is about trying to do something when the rule of law is almost gone and govt doesn’t follow the constitution. Hit the streets folks!
“TV” (shortcut for MEDIA)🙄
Yes. I know.
Why are *you* watching faux(?)
I’m sorry to have to break it to you, yes, there are unscrupulous Dems.
There are also LAZY comfortable Dems.
Finally, “trying” to do something is what we/they’ve BEEN doing, which unfortunately, doesn’t meet the URGENCY of NOW.
AND YES- I GET THE URGENCY OF THIS SITUATION AND THIS GOVERNMENT! I have been posting like mad to no avail! If I could, I would park myself on Capital Hill or Mar a lago protesting. But I physically can’t.
I abbreviated instead of writing legacy media. I watch “Faux” from time to time to see how various stories are portrayed. Yes. There are corrupt democrats. There is corruption everywhere. But as a whole- I don’t think they are corrupt- just ill prepared for this regime.
There’s No Time LEFT for “ill prepared”.
*This Moment* requires a Leader with Courage, Adaptability & Savvy.
Schumer, Jeffries Connolly, et al are sorely lacking—while they push down younger highly capable NEW people who CAN LEAD.
Hence, spinning their wheels or just plain hiding out.
This time calls for Everybody stepping up! This is not a one person fix! No one person is going to shut this down. No one party is going to shut this down!
We need new leadership in the Dem Party. They need to lead or get out of the way.
The Democrats are cringing in fear
Instead, the GOP, Mike Johnson holds a press conference to talk more shit about how the Dems, how they like to make fun of people and shit on electric cars. Project much?
And everyone else on that group chat who didn’t notice that “other number” or even question it!
It’s gross how complicit the dems are.
Yes,totally gross and a disgrace!!
I expected a percentage of them to be complicit.. but nearly all of them?? Shocking
Until Pelosi quits her mean girl act, and Schumer and Jeffries resign I’m Done with them
This. Let the fighters lead like AOC and Crockett.
That part. Period point blank. They are literally holding back progress that these young people ARE READY to do
That is hilarious that anyone even contemplates involving a Zio in defense of National Security- How do you think Miriam Adelson ensures individual ProPalestians are imprisoned, deported?
Do your fuckin jobs , you asshole elected officials. Sick of this shit!
And Jeffrey Goldberg should be suing for what Hegseth said upon - clearly with malicious intent, clearly of substantial repetitional damage.
The coward republicans should follow suit!
Why do we have to ask him to resign? Why can’t we fire his ass for being drunk texting? No way it is ‘just a mistake’
Do you really think that if every Democratic lawmaker calls for Hegseth's immediate resignation, it's going to mean jack shit? He's not going to resign. MAGA doesn't care, & what our minority party does won't matter (we already missed our one chance to use leverage for something)
But at least doing so pushes a narrative that just maybe the media will run with…
It’s far better them more Dem rollovers to the fascists
Everyone one that text chain should be fired.
To be fair, Gabbard, Rubio, Ratcliffe et al too.
All of them. Vance too.
He should be impeached.
Indeed. But people in hell want ice water. They don't necessarily get it. 😆
Demand Hegseth’s resignation!
Gillibrand probably thinks Hegseth learned a lesson and it won’t happen again
How do you know they aren't? The media isn't going to cover every one of them.
But…but…but if they did that the Republicans might say something mean about them.
@debbiedingell.house.gov @peters.senate.gov @slotkin.senate.gov please act quickly!
The party has collapsed with the exception of a few voices. The rest has shown their true colors of not giving a shit about anything other than their paycheck and benefits. The rest be dammed
The Democratic senate minority leader responded that he is not resigning. Then, give us some leadership! The Democratic leadership should call a press conference today to call for investigation and appropriate action.
I agree Charlotte
How do you know they aren't? Has any Democrat said that Hegseth should NOT be fired? But where should all these Democrats call for the firing? Bluesky? X? CNN? Should they march to the Capitol and do this? Over Signal?
It may not have been an error.
It is astounding how politically correct, politically scared congressman are of speaking out about the breach of security and our democracy Anything demonstrating some form of congressional oversight regardless of your fu$king political party. This is NATIONAL SECURITY for gods sake…bombs and lives!
Yep, they are all scared of trump. This cannot end well for America when one party is fascist and the other just tucks their tails between their legs and runs away.
You’re absolutely right but the fact that none of these folks owes any allegiance to our constitution should remind you that the democratic party is dead. Dead. No spines, no backbone. No nothing. And they want our votes?
I think we need to pay more attention to the primaries, because the amount of people who have thrown their hats into the race is several hundred percent higher than normal, and only going up.

Also, language matters in persuasion:

Good luck getting any leadership out of Schumer or Jefferies
Thank You
Congress needs their bulk order of spines first
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Not just Hegseth - all the people on that chat, surely?
Everyone should go on their posts and complain about it. Overwhelm them with our opinion on the lackluster job they’re doing. @ them incessantly until they do something meaningful.
I wish it was shocking, but it's just sad. Schumer has become such a blasé "leader," nothing he does/doesn't do surprises me any more. We all know if this happened under Biden, the Repubs would have been on the Capitol steps within minutes with camera crews and pitchforks demanding resignations.
What the fuck is it going to take?
Does anyone remember this?

Trump and Pentagon officials deny Elon Musk...

So should the republicans.
Dems only chance at real leaders are too young for the party to allow to lead. This party is dancing on the edge of the grave. They cannot lead unless they get out of their own way
But they are privately having those conversations at the Congressional gym or at some club next to the White House. They are really twisting arms, I'm sure. Republicans really hate all the words of quiet disapproval that maintains decorum.
Anyone else eyeroll when Schumer called for an 'investigation?" Hearings, testimony, the usual obstruction and blowing off subpoenas? Dragging it out until it loses all of the urgency and outrage? We all just saw it. I just can't stand another mockery.
Why aren’t they already convening fucking an investigative committee? Oh yeah, we have Jeffries & Schumer the useless turds in charge. Hakeem has YET to even fucking comment.
So, blaming democrats for not stopping this shitshow( when they have no real power) is letting Republicans off the hook, like you're saying you expect them to be shit. Think about this!
I can't believe I've woken up this morning and nobody has been fired.
@schumer.senate.gov is beyond pathetic. His weakness is going to break this party.
Suggestion put a breathalyzer on the phone used to call NORAD
Suggestion put a breathalyzer on the phone used to call NORAD
What are you waiting on, this is the chance you've been looking for.
Paying attention @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social @housedemocrats.bsky.social @senatedemocrats.bsky.social ???
“This is your reminder that the corridors of power run deep and run the gauntlet. Your reminder that for all we are seeing on the surface, there is turmoil beneath and a lotta backstabbing and skullduggery in the undertow.”
I believe the words you are looking for are incompetent and spineless.
I have also contacted my Republican Senator to let him know that something has to be done now about Pete Hegseth not just my Democratic Senator!
NOT just the Dems! The GOP/MAGA should be calling for his resignation as well. The fact that they are not is due to fear from Trump. They value their position and power over the security of the American people. SAD.
What if this had been Lloyd Austin or William Cohen? GMAFB.
Many, probably most Republicans aren’t afraid of Trump, they enthusiastically support all of this. They’re fully onboard.
C'mon Dems! You're past looking weak. You're looking complicit. Where is the OUTRAGE?
Every Dem can scream all they want. If Republicans refuse to join in to uphold law, then NOTHING HAPPENS.
I am sincere in asking this - Can you imagine the GOP "fury" if the tables were turned? When Al Green walked out, he went alone & was censored by 10 of his peers. The CR was supported by the House as agreed upon. What happened to the Senate? GOP support? Like EU we're on our own.
You're crossing parties.
Every lawmaker. It’s time the ‘other side of the aisle’ got real in this mess.
lol! You take a maga security breach and blame dems. wtf is wrong w you people.
I'm not shocked by Schumer or Jeffries silence.

They're the dumbfucks who will not open a first aid kit for even deep cuts and wounds because they're "saving it for the really, really bad, life threatening injuries", and when that day comes the entire kit is expired, dried up, useless, and wasted.
Why do you ASSume they have been silent? Quit reflexively blaming Democrats for the evil of Republicans. It isn’t hard to find all of the things Jeffries has said and done today on this. Maybe look into that before you swallow the endless nonsense on here?
I don't assume they've been silent. They've just been silent. Period.

The house is on fire, and Democratic leadership is waiting on the firemen who've been fired from the firehouse that's been defunded and shut down.

Instead of grabbing water hoses, they're waiting on non-existent firetrucks.
Jeffries and Schumer are failed leaders. And Dems silence = complicity.
Both are corporate ‘consultant’ backed sellouts comfortable with their donor grifts and taxpayer funded benefits, neither of whom want to rock the boat. Both need to go ASAP.
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Enlighten us please! If they couldn't force themselves onto any of the major newscasts yesterday they are late, they have lost the initiative. As someone else said, #WikiLeaks pale in comparison to #whiskeyleaks
There is NO leadership coming from Schumer OR Jeffries. None.
I’m sure they are, but they don’t have the votes to even get a hearing.
Every REPUBLICAN should be calling for his resignation. Stop letting them off the hook. Direct your fire at THEM!
EXACTLY! They are the ones with the power. Or have I been asleep for four years?
Remember, 50 Republican Senators voted to confirm him. He passed with JD Vance's tie breaker. Every one of those Republican Senators should answer for this.
Every leader of Congress needs to call for his resignation and also Mike Waltz. He also sent the info to the reporter. And everyone in the group should also be accountable and investigated. They all knew this was wrong.
We have no hope that they care one bit.
Yes, but Dems can lead the way. No need to wait for them bc he's not going to resign
Republicans are all braindead, you can't reason with or persuade a zombie.
Imagine the MAGA outcry if this breach was committed by literally ANYONE else other than white men. There would be NO investigation, just resignations/firings.
Every one on that group chat has to go.
For anyone who wants to know some 'Inside Baseball' on these latest #Hegseth person actions, here's some info on, "Inadvertent Disclosure of Classified Information".
Gonna be a Lot of These Forms passed around, too.
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But would their doing so get any results?
That is so true!
Democrats have a case of the slows, as Lincoln would have said
Democrats must demand that Hegseth and Waltz resign. Make Republicans own their treasonous complicity if they refuse. And some choice words for tomorrow’s intelligence hearing..👇 @democrats.senate.gov @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social
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LFG, people!
They are tired. You need to become an Independent to see the folly of both parties. They both are cults.
let's see: one down, 100's to go?
If Schumer waits a little longer, the Republicans will make a mistake /s
Absolutely - it’s outrageous!
Every Republican lawmaker, don’t you mean? You know, the law and order guys?
They disappoint me more every day. Schumer is done and Jeffries doesn’t look like the leader I thought he was.
They want to lead from behind - they need to be forced out and replaced by outsiders who have never made a back room deal in their life
They're covert agents for the right. They've been working for them the entire time.
DUI hire Hegseth using Signal to avoid anything going into archives that could be obtained via FOIA

That’s DWG, drunk white guy
when Colonel Vindman gave Ratcliffe the transcript of the “perfect phone call”, RATcliffe kept it secret resulting in the first impeachment. #WhiskeyLeaks needs to result in impeachments.
Everyone involved in this need to go.
Imagine if Biden's administration did this. Then again, they would never be so incompetent.
Agree, these dem leaders are complicit, Schumer corrupt
Every Republican should do the same. Pete Hegseth's incompetence puts our military in danger. This isn't a party issue. This is a defense of our nation issue.
They can’t. This is worse than just this thing. This means they are using Signal to skirt FOIA laws and hide what they are doing.

So now we gotta sue Signal for being complicit in that.
They won't!🤬
They'll probably take him out for drinks! 🍻
No offense, but given the Dem's behavior to date, I have to say that you are easily shocked.
Agreed, but we need to go after every single Republican who voted to appoint these amateur clowns to their Cabinet positions. The abject failure of the Congress--both parties--to do their job is appalling and treacherous.
Today will be a test of Democratic leadership.

I have serious doubts regarding their performance.
To remove all doubt, they will do nothing. Or next to nothing but in such a way that it will just make matters worse. Somehow. Cuz that’s our jam.
Every single one. As I've seen many people make the point, this should be a slam dunk. Instead, crickets...
Is it shocking, though? Democrats have never had a clue how to message or how to fight. They are wimps who luck out with voters bailing them out and somehow think it's because of their milqetoast personalities instead of voters hating Republicans.
Democrats were founded to be the Washington Generals to the right’s Harlem Globetrotters. Just a prop so the workers think they have a voice.
So true. Traitors to Americans in BOTH parties.

This 👆👆👆

Hegseth is an incompetent drunk and a complete fu*k up and should be fired TODAY
Where is the GOP? This is a national security debacle, this is on their watch. Please protect the United States of America.🇺🇸
Mike Johnson is in his study with the door locked.
WTF are they all doing? How hard is it to be aligned on this?
Mr Jefferies. Mr. Schumer get your houses in order and become an opposition force. Not a wet noodle.
Trump would have been screaming to the mountains if this was a democrat and his minions would be stomping too! Democrats leaders are invisible. They are clueless as to what to do with this administration. They writing books to sell & he is running all over them! Frustrating. We need a third party!
While I think plenty of them are either afraid of or have been in some way enticed by Trump, I also think that plenty of them are just imagining themselves as having the ultimate moral high ground for not being "like them", and right now their egos are just rolling around in moral superiority.
Basically, fuck the rest of us, as long as they get to enjoy that smug feeling of superiority at being the "good guys".
I think they should abolish all parties and let the best man win. To much devision.
You are absolutely right. If it was a Democrat who had done this, the GOP would be wanting a public lynching. I’m 🇨🇦 and struggle with our politics and politicians but I simply can’t understand US politics. It’s all about power and not about what’s best to move the country forward for its citizens.
Congress must think they are a judicial system. They are slooow.
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Really?! Where are all the Republican lawmakers in all this? This is not a partisan or party issue. This is a national security issue, and all 542 members of Congress need to put our country first, not their party.
WTF are they doing? Anything?
I'll say it again, VICHY Democrats.
They can call for it and it would make them look sane unlike now. But it won’t change a thing. In fact, the regime will LOVE to defy the Dems.
Agreed! Almost a resigned “business as usual “ complacency! 🧌🧌🧌
Jefferies has written to 🍊🐔💩 demanding he be fired.
Charlotte I thought that they have called upon them to go up in front of the Judiciary committee… has that not happened? I thought Raskin was talking about that on CNN, but Lord knows it could have been one of the many other incidents that has occurred. Thanks @charlotteclymer.bsky.social
Every single lawmaker, whether Dem or Repub should be calling for his resignation!
Democrats haven’t got the balls!
@captmarkkelly.bsky.social ?