Dems made a mistake. Every 5 minutes one should have stood up like Al Green and left.
"can't swing at every pitch" he said, striking out without ever swinging, waving to his mommie
Washington, DC
Phone: (202) 225-5936
Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 237-2211
Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 373-0033
That made that call and that it was an order? Thx. 🙏
WHO the hell is benefitting from the “decorum” directive?
WHAT #DNCC interests defend this empty, lame-ass #DianeFeinstein (RIP) #ChangeNothing cowardice? 😩🥺
🧌 ☠️🔥 HATE👹🧌 right now … 😭😭
They are all basically asleep now.
Those who are not standing up loudly by actions not words must be replaced.
If we get another real election.
I'm doubtful.
Not my USA
USSA 🇷🇺 Putin owns us.
neither these 2 should be close to leadership
good luck every winning another election you stupid fools
if you think younger ppl didn't show up in the past -you ain't seen nothing
Washington, DC
Phone: (202) 225-5936
Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 237-2211
Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 373-0033
PLEASE contact your congressperson & INSIST they DO NOT help repubs pass the spending bill, extension OR anything. LET🍊 gov't shut down. Yes, we'll all suffer, but non maga voters need 2 feel pain. Maybe they'll listen. NO MORE "Norms & optics" tellem 2 ignore
And yes, if they had to be in there, should have been one leaving each time he lied - with a big sign that said I’m leaving because of lie no 1 , 2 , 3 etc
Not just here, on the phone to my reps
F these weaklings except Al Green, we’re doomed
Washington, DC
Phone: (202) 225-5936
Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 237-2211
Brooklyn, NY
Phone: (718) 373-0033
They've normalized the coup. 😡
Absolute clownshow all around.
Now get your town halls going everywhere the repugs are afraid to hold one.
Thank you Al Green for showing some moxy for your constituents. Dems, you have to do better.
They have no idea what to do.
Lame. They were like:
“I do declare, my heavens but that orange man does tell a mighty fine fib. I might get the vapors! Swoon!”
Law enforcement. En masse chanting January 6th.
don't represent me. As soon as Trump said "woke America is over" they should have walked out or been there to protest.
At least they won’t be rude sheep when led to the slaughter.
Why remain a member of the Democratic party? They are mostly weak-ass talk and no action. (I am NOT including Kamala, Jasmine Crockett, AOC, and a few other women and a man or two who are the real deal Big Balls.)
Get escorted out, LOUDLY.
NOT a GD thing.
Walk out!!!
Because at the end of it all, all that matters is the decorum we observed along the way!
Remember, you can’t spell “decorum” without stealing some of the letters from “democracy”.
Now hurry along into the boxcars for the free showers.