I summoned a beholder once thinking she would share some of the dark knowledge she has beheld. She did not, literally all they do is behold. Kinda frustrating honestly, I can't get rid of her.
How weird of you to assume that WE would share the knowledge that WE so thoroughly preserved? If you want someone to share, summon yourself a "sharer"! Or behold it yourself, though it would be much difficult to you, having only TWO eyes! Ridiculous! Humanoids are sooo weird!
Not gonna lie, your weave definetely looks...interesting... BUUT! The fact that you would ever need an interconnection with the material vessel tells much about you! WE, however, are connected directly to the outer lining, and OUR perception range extends from the deep ethereal to astral! SUPREEEME!
This vessel is just for funsies, my evil spells and incantations transcend the physical world, but it's much more fun being able to interact on the same level as those I curse
If you can interact with them, they can interact with you as well! You are very RISKY! Tethering to the Material in any way pinning one down, so WE don't understand those outerlands folks so HELL-BENT (PUUUUNNNN!!!!!) to conquering/controlling it! No wonder they never succeed!
Oh monsterfuckers I *get*, but this is simply the creepy chud on your dorm floor that everyone knows about but won’t take the hint no matter how many people tell him to fuck off.
Is there a monster under the stairs? You bet your ass there is - literally, he’s there for the up-skirts.
This is My Life Now
I will never not introduce myself in this way forevermore
Then he lets them take hold 👀
Is there a monster under the stairs? You bet your ass there is - literally, he’s there for the up-skirts.
Or however that saying goes