Do you remember the year where the Oberlin LGBTU had t-shirts that were every anti-gay slur you could imagine arranged in a triangle on the front, and on the back it said "...but I wasn't 𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓻 til I came to Oberlin"?
MAGA are junkies addicted to their own adrenaline, dopamine, and endorphins that they get from trolling. Never give a junkie their next fix. It’s time they all had a hard detox.
I'd actually murder a cigarette right now... Not hate speech. I had to give the fags up because of a heart condition 3 In my third week and really feelin the withdrawals. Who am I kidding. I snuck one in 4 days ago ' ^ _ ^
Middle schoolers are saying it again, and as an elder millennial I am irritated that they will make fun of my dated jeans and hairstyle, but then think nothing of using the most tired ass slurs from my youth. 🤨
Scottie Poff called me a faggot in 3rd grade, 1979, and I was so confused, because I was a huge nerd who read tons of really old-timey kids lit (rural libraries) and I was like "....why are you calling me a bundle of sticks?"
“Only the best people!”
Scottie Poff called me a faggot in 3rd grade, 1979, and I was so confused, because I was a huge nerd who read tons of really old-timey kids lit (rural libraries) and I was like "....why are you calling me a bundle of sticks?"
He was like 😑😡 I was like 🤔🥱
Sincerely did not know