“Everybody who leaves Twitter lives in a bubble. They don’t want to interact with people who have thoughts and values that differ from their own.”
Listen buddy I’m just trying to escape the sex bots
Listen buddy I’m just trying to escape the sex bots
You can't reason with stupid people 😂
And no, I don’t want to converse with morally bankrupt people.
a bunch of guys telling jokes about how to force women to be with them.
a bunch of women horrified that (gasp) gay people exist in public & (another gasp) some people are bi. & horror over trans people existing
Dudes with rifles & camo
A sane person goes elsewhere
Doesn't seem like a hard choice.
When I audited my followers was shocked how may sex bots mad it past my scrutiny.
Let them come here, where the algorithm and propaganda doesn't back them up and see how they fare.
Of course, if the discussion is over whether my friends and I get to have civil rights, no, I don't give that view respect.
It's not conservative. It's propaganda.
Bro we’re talking children doing adult time in prison, don’t make it worse
Why on earth would I want to debate with them. They are wrong and they will always be wrong.
I have zero respect for bigots.
Not worth any sort of discussion.
It’s all about Jesus and honoring his commandments. Outside of that, there is nothing good to be found.
When you found one felt like making conversation and had the capacity to do so, U got a hundred just screaming. No debate, no real content: Just insults and obscene/*phobic memes (homophobic, racists, sexists... you name it, they got it) and no way to block them
Woman: I defended my thesis today.
Man: REPEAL THE 19th. Get your ass back in the kitchen whore.
Porn bots are nothing next to the belligerant clowns you have to endure in the bad place.
-trash posts to collect blue check money
-regurgitated talking points from their favorite vapid news outlet
-slurs and “owning libs”
-complaining about their own people, too.
Less a bubble, more of a quarantine tent.
I feel like I need to know what the "other side" is doing.
I feel like I need to know what the "other side" is doing.
I showed my face on twitter and my sad norm is having some weird fuck in my comments complaining about my race or vomiting whatever black person-related shite in their mind as if I'm obligated to listen
Must be down to editing ?
She has great Susan Collins energy about Gaetz, Tulsi, and Noem
THIS coming from the platform that bans everyone who criticizes Elon. 🙄
Just get really good at setting your filters and you’ll be fine.
I hate how brains work sometimes
Currently, the sex bots have me pinned down in an abandoned used car dealership. I'm running low on food, water, & lube, but they won't give up their tireless pursuit. I pray that someone will come to my aid, but time is running short. The sex bots will catch me soon.
Bot farms, lies and misinformation is the 99% of X in whole.
I think of this w/respect to climate change. Trump voters tend to be climate change deniers. Bringing them into the discussion means we spin our wheels & make no progress. There is a lot to discuss but maga is a waste of time.
It's not a great advert for AI.
and posted a video about a woman who was getting raped and a guy cut her throat and threaten me, used slurs also, I reported and got nothing, thanks dadbeat.
I honestly feel SO MUCH BETTER over here. About everything.
I am getting DMs here that I never got there. Then again I didn’t use a pic over there 😕
My guess is the disturbing advertisements were a purposeful tactic to get you to pay them to not show you advertisements .
X is like a septic tank suddenly exploded after leaking for several years.
Yeah I did, that’s why I’m a leftist now
and no weird bluechecks that bury the opinions of normal people
It's my first day here, and I found out that moderation options let you see or block adult content, or see a content warning.
Having those options night mean that sexual content is allowed, bit you are free to block it beforehand.
....and the impersonators that try to steal money from artists
...and the hundreds of DMs a day from bots
....and the Grok AI stealing from artists
....and Elon Musk