Telling Senators to vote ‘no’ on the CR means the CR passes 53-47 or whatever. They have to filibuster (NO ON CLOTURE) and prevent the CR from coming to a vote. It’s the only way to stop it.
I'm glad you're voting NO, AS ALL DEMOCRATS SHOULD. It will be a bait and switch bill. It's time to quit playing by the rules, Cory. Democrats need to work on their messaging and take the gloves off.
Thank you, Senator, for explaining in such as forceful way. Your colleague agrees at And I hope both of you also vote NO on the fake-out replacement budget bill that Rs can approve with 51 votes. New Jerseyans need both of you to stand up for us and America.
I'm certain you understand both that (1) there's a difference between voting on the CR and voting on cloture for it and (2) voting yes on cloture means that the CR will pass.
I'm a constituent (07803) and a longtime fan. But I'm getting worried about your weasel wording here.
thank you. please push all fellow dems in the senate to vote NO on cloture and NO on the CR. Sen Schumer is wrong--we don't need others to follow his lead
Man fix this problem as well!
Black Medicaid providers, particularly the Eastern District of NC & nationwide,face disproportionately high criminal charges & incarceration not civil penalties like white & other ethnic providers that commit far more egregious and damaging fraud to the Medicaid system.
Vote NO on CLOTURE. Otherwise, you are tacitly agreeing with the CR. And PLEASE, get your colleagues to vote NO on CLOTURE. Hold the line. Do NOT give Trump/Musk a blank check to fuck America.
Cloture is how they end the filibuster. Cloture requires 60 votes, so they would need several Democrats to vote Republican to end the filibuster. If they end the filibuster, then the vote on the CR only requires a simple majority of 51 votes.
TY!! And I recall a short previous "shutdown" that excluded Social Security. It was a partial shutdown: everything except SS and, I think FEMA, in case of fire or hurricane. Go for it! 🩵
Thank you 🇺🇸
Our allies are being attacked and Americans are out protesting DOGE - we need elected officials to support these efforts.
The 🤡 administration will not stop until forced to negotiate with Democrats
(I also told him I was happy to see the video on bisky and not "you know, *Twitter*" and I really did not intend nor expect the amount of scorn that dripped off that word when it came out of my mouth but you know what, I stand by it) (I have no idea if he's still over there, I hope not)
I can't tell you how furious I am at MY Senator Schumer not standing up for OUR GOVERNMENT and OUR DEMOCRACY.
This he will be remembered for, and excoriated.
Thank you Senator Booker! Please let your colleagues contemplating voting yes, they will be done. Americans are not stupid, we know exactly where we are and where this can possibly go. Any vote yes by a Democrat is self explanatory and clearly self serving for something on the back side.
NJ resident here. I called your office yesterday to insist that you vote no on BOTH cloture and the CR. Glad to see that you have heard us, but just want to make sure that you are a NO to BOTH.
Republicans played this CR vore right against the givt shutdown deadline.
Stop buying their script. Pay attention to the Horrible CR.
Do your jobs senate dems! Stop being gaslighted. Recognize the same game played again and again already!!! And learn to grow and show a spine!
It’s not about the CR. It’s about stopping the Administration from breaking the law and violating the constitution. This is our only leverage on this question.
Good. You can't sign on the very end of the role of Congress -- which is what this is. (Rs giving Trump and Musk exactly what they want doesn't count as a real role.)
Thank you, Senator Booker. You are such an amazing person and role model for other leaders. My students at SJNY (St. Joseph’s University in NY) have studied one of your speeches about gun reform, and you have many new fans each semester. Thank you for leading this fight!
Thank you Cory Booker for standing for your NJ constituents. Please use your influence and diplomacy to help your NY colleagues and see that NO vote is the only choice.
BRAVO. Thank you, senator, for your sanity and for listening to the will of the people. Please hold steady and don't be swayed by 's cowardice. It's a betrayal of the American people. We are grateful to have real representation from you!
Thank you for caving in. Thank you for not obeying in advance. Thank you for representing your constituents. Thank you for representing democracy. Would you please go talk to Schumer and explain to him the facts of life!
Ty. Every damn dem should be. I’m hearing they think there may be enough dem votes to avoid this. Please no. Call your senators peoples. Primary every single one. Enough already.
Yeah, okay, great. But on cloture? A yes is too cute by half and none of us will buy it. And yes, we have solid D friends in Maplewood who are vital to you. They are also smart.
Shut down the government!
I'm certain you understand both that (1) there's a difference between voting on the CR and voting on cloture for it and (2) voting yes on cloture means that the CR will pass.
I'm a constituent (07803) and a longtime fan. But I'm getting worried about your weasel wording here.
May I ask who the dem senators are who might not vote NO to BOTH issues? Some of us might want to give them a quick call.
Of NO Friday
We in New Jersey appreciate you taking this seriously and making the right choice
Black Medicaid providers, particularly the Eastern District of NC & nationwide,face disproportionately high criminal charges & incarceration not civil penalties like white & other ethnic providers that commit far more egregious and damaging fraud to the Medicaid system.
What the Hell #ChuckSchumer!
Democrats need to Stand together and #VoteNo
#NoBlankCheck for Trump & Musk!!!
Cloture is how they end the filibuster. Cloture requires 60 votes, so they would need several Democrats to vote Republican to end the filibuster. If they end the filibuster, then the vote on the CR only requires a simple majority of 51 votes.
Democrats need to stand up against Trump and the Republican trumpions.
Our allies are being attacked and Americans are out protesting DOGE - we need elected officials to support these efforts.
The 🤡 administration will not stop until forced to negotiate with Democrats
Get schumer out of there !
GOP works 4 the 1%
Democrats work 4 the rest of us 💙
now I will lie down and wait for my heart rate to return to normal
(Cory: when *I* get past my phone anxiety you know it's serious!)
& those others voting yes.
The Dem voters want them ALL to VOTE…
There will be no more donations to DNC until leadership understands the moment and stands up for the electorate.
Schumer's little deal for voting on DOA amendments is dumb.
I can't tell you how furious I am at MY Senator Schumer not standing up for OUR GOVERNMENT and OUR DEMOCRACY.
This he will be remembered for, and excoriated.
If senators vote YES, people are going to vote third party, Republicans are going to win more seats... This vote will have ramifications for YEARS
Thank YOU for being a real G.
Stop buying their script. Pay attention to the Horrible CR.
Do your jobs senate dems! Stop being gaslighted. Recognize the same game played again and again already!!! And learn to grow and show a spine!
NO on Cloture as well.
Shut it down.