I have a feeling that you have a plan my brother. We have your back when you go in and arrest all those traitors. America will cheer from coast to coast.
You are pocketing giant gobs of money from people who want you to look the other way. So, you're looking the other way and making bullshit videos. #NoConfidence We are watching how you vote.
Just sent a response to your fundraising email. No money until there’s no Schumer in leadership. Something you CAN change. And get Gillibrand removed as DSCC chair. She only knows how to get senators removed not get them elected.
If you're actually against authrothianism then you can not accept dem leadership in the senate who completely screws over dems in the house. We need party unity and steady leadership. So you need to call for Schumer to step down or nj voters like me will support a primary challenge for you
Schumer needs to go but he’s not the problem. The Democratic Party has plenty of Congress members waiting to step in at a moments notice to take the blame for democrats capitulating to Trump.
You could have voted NO on unanimous consent over 500 times!You could use quorum calls to slow things down! You could call for new leadership! You could call for impeachment! You could not take a fucking break while in a constitutional crises! You are all talk!
Are you now? We’ve heard this from politicians before. It’s time for you to put up or step down. You’d better start making noise in chambers to get OUR point across. You can pass this message along to Andy Kim too. New Jerseyans are waiting to see and hear from YOU. Hammer the GOP or get out.
1/2 @booker.senate.gov We're out in the streets trying to change the things we cannot accept. I've signed a hundred petitions, protested at the office of the nearest Republican congressman, protested at the closest Tesla dealership, attended townhalls, left you and many other senators voicemails...
2/2 We need you to do more than just vote correctly most of the time. Oust Schumer. Work with Dems in the People's House on articles of impeachment. Rally the legislative troops to act as an actual opposition party. You can do it. We need you to do it. The effects on your career will be POSITIVE!
Then put your words into action. Call for Schumer to resign as leader. Without doing that, your words are just that. Pointless to make these videos unless you’re ready to actually DO something.
What does this mean? Practically? We don’t need or want pithy social media posts. We want action. Something real. I am not sure you guys get it. Still.
What exactly are you changing? At this point all of the democrats need to explain what actions they are taking the words all sound lovely but I only see and hear actions from 3 in your party that are doing more then just talking - so what are you dining specifically ?? 👵🏼✊🏽
Please, PLEASE put pressure on Chuck Schumer to step down as Senate Minority Leader. He needs to go to restore faith in the Democratic party. Many of us won't give one cent to the DNC and Democratic candidates until Schumer steps down or resigns. He won't stand up for us. Make him SIT DOWN.
Well, you Senate Dems haven't done jack shit so far. Let's start with dealing with Schumer. You guys got nothing for your vote. You handed them the keys to the city with more power. WTAF? 🙄
Senator, please speak out & get with other minorities because the current president wants to erase all of the achievements & good things done by those who are not white. The president might erase the history of the first black senator to now too. You might not be in a future history book too.
Ok you spineless opportunist who’s only now chosen to stand against Trump, like you’re any different than Schumer? Stfu and actually do something because we are out here fighting for our very lives as lgbtqia ppl, women, POC and immigrants. Grow a goddamned backbone and put up a fight.
How are you changing them?
Will you start rounding up all the fascists in the country like trump is with immigrants?
Are you complying while complaining?
Dude, I have been very disappointed in your leadership to this point. Shit or get off the pot. You had aspired to be president; start showing us that you have the gravitas to meet this moment.
Waiting with bated breath until commitments made show movement in the direction needed. Unlike the "right direction" voters are actually seeing/experiencing now.
Congrats, Cory. Since +30 Democrats couldn’t change @schumer.senate.gov’s vote on the CR, will @democrats.senate.gov be changing their Leader, or is this all talk?
Where the h3ll are the democratic leaders? We elected them. They ran and have put their heads in the sand! I am so embarrassed with our President. But now I am embarrassed that our Democratic leaders have left us. Other countries stood up for USA citizens better than any leader has or is!
Does this mean you’re going to get a few of your colleagues together and call for a meeting to vote for a new leader? Cuz there needs to be a change. Like, yesterday.
Uh huh. As the Dem party just tried to bullshit its voters by having Schumer and his Cheney Democrats help get the rapist felon's spending bill passed (and no Democrat did dick about it) so you all could say but but but we all voted no [wink wink shit eating smirk]
That's a naive approach, some things are unchangeable and acceptance is necessary for moving forward, not everything can be altered to suit individual desires.
You are doing fuckall. The US senate has not done a single thing. You are masters of shitting in your own hat and tightening the chinstrap as you put it on afterward. Complicit shitbags. Remove Cuck Schumer and actually do something. Follow me for more helpful tips. Impotent do nothings…
Yawn. Whatever. This content-free meme generates clicks for Booker. But as others say, REMOVE SCHUMER! That'd be Booker "changing the things he can't accept." Only he *does* accept Shumer, bc Cory is next in line and won't rock the boat. Y'all need better leaders and better memes. MAGA out.
So is tRUMP's, (Ms. Musk). Thinking he's above the law. A king in his own mind. Don't believe it, just ask him. A buffoon. Thinks he doesn't have to abide by our constitution. Not on my watch !!!!
Do you really think posting cliches on social media is the same as doing something to fight for democracy?
Maybe you should take a lesson from Bernie Sanders and hit the road! Go preach in red states!
You are part of the problem, not the solution.
Great!!! What Is Your Plan
(pithy adages don’t stop fascism)
Schumer needs to cede media spokesperson role, if nothing else. He’s not good optics, messenger or up to tv speed.
Enough with the bullshit. What the fuck are you going to do? Enough with the photo ops in the cute videos... do your fucking job and stop these treasonous lunatics.
I not trust any of you now. You’re the ones on your own now as far as I’m concerned. A 12th hour bs stunt wasn’t a very good look for a party that wasn’t looking to good any ways.
Ok but like what are you doing other than posting a video?
The people of this country are like horses in a gate - leadership has the chance to mobilize and deploy it so we can actually fight back. Be that leader.
You’re not changing a thing. As long as you keep operating like it’s business as usual, you are complicit. You should be the first one publicly calling for Schumer to step aside. But you won’t do it. Decorum. Optics. Norms. That’s more important to you than actually trying to stop this nonsense.
I have consumed at least 3 different docuseries recently that included Angela Davis. I know her just from her voice. Each time, I am so glad she is still with us. Same with Dolores Huerta.
When you can spare a moment from stuffing pharma money into your account could you get off your ass and start the procedure to replace Schumer as minority leader? I mean, you are in the job to do what the people want? Right?
Schumer must be removed as minority leader, and all those who approved cloture must be removed from all leadership positions and committees. We must have confidence in our leaders. No one is leading. No donations until Schumer is removed. Less talk, more action. Get out in public. Messaging daily.
Under any other circumstances I wouldn’t say this but Schumer needs to retire. I understand why he made the decision he did but you can’t play your cards with safe bets when you are fighting for freedom. I care about the guy but he’s done his time. We need younger leaders who are willing to fight
Fuck off. You could have told YOUR FRIEND Brian Schatz NOT TO BETRAY US with his YES VOTE or denied UC on this bill all-together. We aren't falling for any of you Dem Senator's bullshit anymore.
So you are going to object to Unanimous consent and stop enabling the fast tracking of the MAGA agenda in the Senate? Otherwise, you're just saying words man.
America was founded by pioneers, people looking for a better way of life, people who were embracing change.
Are you capable of governing in a time when change is needed?
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Came here to say that and enjoy the ratio.
Take a lesson from Bernie and Walz.
You are literally bleeding donors right now. There needs to be a sense of urgency. It's a 5 alarm fire.
The executive branch is completely defying both Congress and the Judiciary.
Can anything be done, or is this the end of democracy?
Will you start rounding up all the fascists in the country like trump is with immigrants?
Are you complying while complaining?
your entire political philosophy is that we should reduce the horrors by 10 or 15 percent
Share & add your name below to one-click email EVERY @democrats.senate.gov U.S. Senator to tell them we demand CHANGE!
#Resist #Democrats #TrueBlue #BlueCrew #Indivisible #UnitedBlueStormArmy #ProudBlue
Doing nothing….. now he’s not
Following the courts. Shocking 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱 I know.
Losing your fucking country while the sun rises and sets daily.
Not another donated dollar
He isn't up to the needs of this moment.
Schumer as Senate Leader.
Change that first.
Where’ve you been?
What people outside of Washington need is to know what actions we can take every day to resist this.
We see some leadership from AOC, Greene, Crocket, Sanders, Warren.
All the rest seem to still be trying to act like it's 1990 and bipartisanship matters.
I love in NJ.
Maybe you should take a lesson from Bernie Sanders and hit the road! Go preach in red states!
You are part of the problem, not the solution.
(pithy adages don’t stop fascism)
Schumer needs to cede media spokesperson role, if nothing else. He’s not good optics, messenger or up to tv speed.
p.s. I’m old too - it’s time.
You’re too DC brained.
This isn’t the Clinton or Obama years. Time to fight like hell and never stop until it’s won.
You are either fighting for democracy or you are making pussy ass excuses.
The people of this country are like horses in a gate - leadership has the chance to mobilize and deploy it so we can actually fight back. Be that leader.
Good to hear you looked at the information in 2025.
I was just running by the Marin County Civic Center last week and thought of Angela.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
Maybe fighting to lower the cost of one singular drug?
We need real radical action.
Call for a general strike.
Until then, fuck your click bait bullshit
I doubt corporate Cory means the same thing she did.
Heartsick and heartbroken 💔