Hey Squarespace users! Did you know Squarespace opted you into being crawled by AI bots without telling you?
I didn't...
#AI #scrapers #bots
I didn't...
#AI #scrapers #bots
(That would be a fairly recent development if so, and probably a good idea also)
They did not.
and, same.
"There's no way they can change the wording to make it more clearer." Huh, I would have thought telling us it existed would have been MUCH clearer than hiding it
Plus setting it to the default most users detest shows a complete disconnect with their user base 🙄
> … most users detest shows a complete disconnect with their user base
Also, don't think this is true, business usually don't like if you change *anything* on their behalf.
You know, the choice they didn't make even though we all get spammy emails from them twice a week about "new" features.
so we've had zero ability to enforce anything. The company does not care about my copyright.
Thanks! 😀
I thought Spiders were bad enough.
But sure AF we do. Thanks for the heads up.
#ArtificialIntelligence #theft
This didn't need to be a TOS notification IMO, just a general heads up they have a way to opt out but are defaulting us all to opt in.
This is about ANY content posted on their sites, which is mostly not done with their AI tools.
I am glad the word is getting out.
Glad to get the word out, since Squarespace didn't bother 🙄
I tagged them on Twitter & will post any replies here.
Just turned it off!
But also
Am I not giving you ENOUGH of my dollars?! uuuugh
I'm tinkering with my site on at LEAST a weekly
Sometimes daily basis.
A little NOTIFICATION dot was TOO MUCH? C'mon.
Also, this is not Squarespace doing a "good" thing by giving us an opt out. They'd be shouting that from the rooftops if their intentions were pure, not hiding that they opted us in.
Good lord it's everywhere.
For us, as artists and illustrators, this is particularly concerning since our work is the most stolen of all AI crawled material online...
Thank you for letting us know!
Thank you for sharing 😩 😩