Wrote about how four years of “Fund the Police!” did zero for the Democrats except legitimize GOP talking points, depress Dem voter turnout, hand Trump a well-funded police state, and make the world a crueler, more violent place. An abject failure. https://theappeal.org/fund-the-police-backfired-2024/
This is who biden is and always has been. He wrote the crime bill and harris is a cop.
They performed their role in the pageantry of capital admirably.
But if you accept your opponent's terms in a debate, you have begun to lose that debate
Respectfully, I think progressive media types need to refrain from bashing Democrats and acknowledge that this country's electorate is seriously broken, for a myriad of reasons. (I get it that bashing Biden, Harris and the DNC is easier).
Is the system broke? Absolutely, but as long as Dems shrug and go "eh, nothing we can do" even when they have control, we must rake them over the coals.
It sounds like Trump.
Who pandered to Republicans?
Do you not know about another candidate who touted a Cheney endorsement, talked about Israel's right to defend itself, and focused on strengthening the border?
As far back as 1920,HL Mencken wrote:
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
Utimately Dems started courting megacorp donors by toning down promises to raise min wage, tax the rich, bust monopolies, and fix the trade deals that sent jobs abroad. Working class voters. Party leadership doesn't want to rock megacorps' boats. Voters see that and don't vote Dem.
Look at S.2488 - Raise the Wage Act of 2023
when you have ~95% of Democrats versus ~5% of Democrats + 100% of Republicans obstructing it, the reality is that voters DON'T see.
I had a conversation in 2022 on Twitter with a liberal talk show host in Cleveland who said;
most cops are MAGA
when we turn out to protest Trump policies, those same cops are going to be beating our heads in (if we let them)
sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "nuance!!" won't protect you or anyone else from police violence
the "party to save democracy" charged people w felonies for passing out flyers
it is highly possible that this cost Dems 1000s of votes in GA
Voters start from a position of nihilistic apathy, because most work living paycheck to paycheck
It’s on the DNC to inspire voters to vote for them. They capitulated to right wing framing of issues and aided a genocide - this attitude is how we got here
It’s how we ended up losing, again, like we did in 2016
It’s way easier to blame an electorate, than hold your party accountable
All of these journalists and pundits “peeling back the onion” on ancillary issues is the opposite of clarifying.
What we are seeing now is journos and pundits flogging their preferred hobby horses.
mine: police are actually popular with voters
I mean, AfAm congresspeople strongly urged clinton to do the mass incarceration crackdown, right ?
that is reality; when you learn that you learn a real hard Bene Gesserit lesson
It explains a lot about public perception of police vs reality.
However, more importantly, we ABSOLUTELY should make lawsuit decisions come directly out of the Police Union’s Pension fund(s).
Hit them in their wallet…not ours. Watch how fast they switch it up when it’s their money on the line.
The media legitimized Repubs to the points that a Felon and grapist is president. Dems are graded on a curve.
I just don't know how you square Gascon getting his ass kicked in Los Angeles and Prop 36 passing with ~70% of the vote with the idea that the electorate—even in *California*—actually wants "defund the police." They don't.
The right for trumps corruption and
Chaos. Always blame The Dems.
More accurately I would say that voters don’t really want to know what they’re voting for.
Instead they vote for whoever tells them what they want to hear and of course, right wing media and mainstream “both sides” media are there to accommodate them.
on the other hand, I don’t know what we do about the low information voters .
2 I don’t think any candidate from the Center or the left would have been able to counter:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
People claim she was too far to the left as well.
The fact is that there were too many people who voted for Trump, knowing what he is who should’ve known better but I suspect they were going on vibes not facts.
She had a dreadful platform.
What don't you like?
Rx price control?
Raising minimum wage??
Reproductive rights?
Child tax credit?
Comprehensive immigration?
Did Trump run a good campaign?
And we granted residents the right to sue the city if it's not implemented.
This is the part "fund the police" enthusiasts aren't ready for and have no idea will be coming for them.
no. accepting your opponent's premise means you have to compete with them on something they're already saying. since when has the GOP cared about if something is true or not? they've been saying democrats are "weak on border security" since 2000 and the dems have done the same policies
Also, I am confident Tlaib won because of I/P and not ACAB
If left wing voters wanted right wing policies, they would vote Republican. Pelosi is & has always been the leader imo.