When you combine an autistic sense of hyper empathy, feeling everyone's emotions, with alexithymia, not being able to understand what you are actually feeling, along with a heightened sense of social justice, inability to switch off and need to fix everything, the world is a nightmare at the moment
It's ALWAYS horrible, it's just not always THIS horrible...
It's some other kind of horrible altogether 🤸
Then there’s the physiological ‘stuff’ And* their physiological effects on the body; let’s see if I’ve got this right: hypo(under)sensitivity - when you need to go, you really needed to go sooner.
Hyper(over)sensitivity; smells, sounds & light.
Being Alone with one’s thoughts🤔💭
I can’t remember the last time I’d a good nights sleep; or even the last time I slept fully in my bed,
let alone awoke from it feeling rested/refreshed.
It’s as though if you ever went to bed you might, first, miss something critical & second, never wake from your slumber;
When I was younger I wanted to help make the world better, now I just struggle to stop myself falling apart. I hate it...
The autistic sense of hyper empathy, feeling everyone’s emotions, heightened sense of social justice, and then need to fix everything is especially relatable. I’ve been having to take breaks from looking at the news tbh..
This also has good information about safe and sound protocol:
Today I had ramen again.
I do most of my thinking via typing, but then, I have terrible memory. 😅