This is one of those underappreciated personality differences. I don't keep any tabs open; it would make me feel like I had lost control of my life.
Reposted from
RM (they/them)
i am doing so good at cleaning up my tabs for the end of the year i am down to a mere 45 or 50 open tabs
At least that's what I used to think. Now I'm wondering if it has your personal preferences ...
webclipper to markdown with customised templates for your metadata to facilitate querying over time.
Obsidian has its own querying language, another plugin for database queries, and you can also run javascript and other code within your obsidian environment. /1
Not a great strategy, though, because sometimes the browser crashes precisely due to the tabs, and I lose the links…
Then I move jobs & IT wipes my account and I lose all the links.
CTATOC for short
And I have a foolproof system to clean them up: wait for the browser to crash!