It's so funny watching people complain about a single use of the word 'fuck' on WWE "because there are kids watching" when an hour earlier they watched a man get beaten with a chair wrapped in barbed wire without batting an eye.
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Oh, yes, violence is completely acceptable, even a yawn. The only thing worse than the word fuck would have been a naked female nipple or--unthinkable!--a naked male penis. Unconscionable!
This! The fact that boxing is legal seems ironic since animal fights aren’t. We have enough sense to protect chickens but we’ll let two humans hit each other into permanent brain damage and cheer the sport.
According to the ratings rules in the US, they’re allowed to say one “fuck” without penalty. They’re rated TV-14. I can promise you that most 14 year olds use the word fuck as if it was a comma
The F word is the last thing a parent should be worried about while raising their child in 2025. I can immediately think of a litany of greater threats to their livelihood.
Having grown up in a conservative home and mostly in conservative circles, it was not uncommon that kids were allowed to watch violent movies. Sex and swearing were the major no-no’s.
tbf as an adult I get why my mom didn't want me watching it (especially bc of the rampant sexism in the 90s/2000s) but like... it's honestly amazing to me that the insane amount of bleeding going on wasn't one of the reasons she didn't want me watching it
I have never once heard of a kid melting or spontaneously combusting or even being hit with a barbed wire chair just because they heard someone say fuck.
Mom was dragged into the headmistress's office when my nephew, aged six, said, "fuck," playing jenga. Upon questioning where he'd learned such distressing language he said, "Granny says it all the time." Teach your children well so the world doesn't shock them.
Same can be said for nudity. They can be watching a movie where someone gets beat bloody but, as soon as there's a nipple, there's a problem. And don't you dare ever put in a same sex kiss.
I've never understood that about usians. You let your kids watch the most shocking violence without pause, but freak out over foul language or sex. So strange
Conservative Christians are weird in what they find offensive. Like saying fuck is grasp the pearls bad but kids getting molested is just something that happens.
I remember as a kid in 1968 visiting my grandfather. On Saturday evening he always watch big Time wrestling. I kept telling him it was fake. one Saturday they were featuring the landing of astronauts on the moon. we were watching and my grandfather said that is fake🙄
I have to find a humorous way to reply to your post, strangely include the post's premice and still seem like a bot talking about trump... this could take a while
It’s giving complaining about Ozark because someone gets a blowjob, but ignoring the fact that someone got shot at point blank range and someone else got thrown out of a window.
It was a PPV (I have no desire in remembering whatever dumb shit vince wanted to call them) right? It's pretty well known those are a little more coarse in the language department. Like this is not a new phenomenon.
Pretty sure there’s a lot of parents that object to their children hearing that language AND watching that stuff on tv and do their best to shield them as best they can.
Their priorities are a sign of serious inability to grasp a sense of responsibility for children’s mental health & development. Somehow seeing a person in drag is SA, but showing horrifyingly violent human destruction is ok? W o W
To paraphrase Doug Benson, little Timmy is alright to watch Uma Thurman slice up 88 dudes with a samurai sword, *but if he hears the word "fuck" he will go insane*
They do now but American TV that ISN’T cable is extremely weird about its anal-retentiveness. You can see a woman’s butthole but can’t say fuck. Yeah, it’s like that.
Oh for fucks sake! If they don't want to expose their kids to swearing, then stop letting them fucking watch it! Might as well keep them from watching movies that aren't G rated, play video games,and cancel your cable/satellite and streaming services.
Never underestimate the power and influence of our Puritanical legacy.
Saying "fuck" on TV? UNFORGIVEABLE!
Resorting to violence and gunfire to feel powerful or just visible, and screaming at each other like feral playground toddlers high on rage and high fructose corn syrup? Totally cool.
Little ass kids shouldn’t watch pro wrestling imo. It’s far too violent and complex for their little minds to comprehend. It should have always been tailored for an audience of 16 years old plus.
Maybe for some, anger is a useful emotion, more useful than self loathing! I think no one from Wisconsin should open their toothless mouths to burp out a stupid thought personally.
American morality has always puzzled me. The level of violence I some movies and TV shows can be sickening. But nudity and provocative scenes, a definite no-no.
Yes. Same with the video game world. Decapitations? Fine!! Nudity? Fuck no. Sex? Oh hell no. Sony will go so far as to butcher hard won art over several years rather than to leave adults to make their own decisions.
Even Michael Cole said “shit” about 3 minutes later. Surely people are just mad that Cena won, and I can’t really blame them, but at least it wasn’t Punk🤷🏼♂️
Cena forcing his way into the chamber match was a bit of a tell for the possibility of a turn, but actually doing it? Surprising. As for Cole, I don’t see the justification for his expletive. He’s just an announcer, it doesn’t seem to serve any purpose beyond “well, we’re on Netflix now, be edgy”
Selectively puritan. They still support Apartheid Clyde after he told some in MAGA to “FUCK YOURSELF in the face” (his caps not mine) over desires to stop H1B immigration.
Vince wrestled god, and won. Rollins is the messiah. Deacon Batista was a violent pastor…evangelicals need to just sit TF down and tell us more about how Vince and his rape crew are the real victims
Because fucking swearing is way worse than anything in the Bible or the horrors on tv. The fact people still clutch their pearls when they’re at an ADULT event, blows my fucking mind. They need to grow up.
Theses same people think drag shows are a problem for kids, but sweaty, nearly naked men in briefs, beating each other for a spectacle, is okay for kids to watch.
It was KO Vs Sami and I guess they were calling back to El Generico vs Kevin Steen back in the day. Definitely gimmicked wire but I was surprised to see even that from the Fed tbh
Yeah I thought they'd let it build to Mania as well but it looks like they're heading for KO Vs Orton for that. It was a fun match, not amazing but solid. Very weird to hear the WWE commentary team acknowledging ROH on air, too
I kinda get why they didn't have Owens and Sami bleed, what with seeing how the go-home angle went, but also, they shoulda let those boys bleed for a match like that.
One night during my 1st visit to Australia in '97, I was watching network TV w/ Aussie friends.The actors said "shit", a surprise to my "if it's not cable, we can't say that back home" ears. I swear like a sailor's parrot normally. We had a great discussion about US violence & the Land of the Free.
Who is complaining? Heck, these days our US children say this word while in diapers/nappies like they say mama or dada. 🤣
I don’t watch WWE, but my coworkers do, so this was the first chat of our day this morning. I mean, about John Cena turning heel and all. Not the cursing.
The FCC needs to acknowledge that we have a multitude of non-banned words for acts of fornication, defecation, etc., and that it's literally impossible to ban all of them.
Just require broadcasters to display a warning prior to airing adult content, such as bloody wrestling matches.
I only learned that WWE was made for children too like a week ago and was dumbfounded
Surely words are better for kids than physical violence?! I am so confused by our continued acceptance of violence as entertainment but not words or sex, just wildly disconnected imo
Yeah it's in a really weird place where the most popular guy in the company is directly marketed at 12 year olds but there are also people in their 40s and 50s who are die-hard fans. They're coming out of an explicitly PG era that was right now and it's tonally very strange
Our values are upside down. We also support alcohol and medication commercials, and vulgar and violent bloody torture and murders in media. But one gay love scene, and they'll fight to shut it down. Fundamentalist religion and the patriarchy must go! Along with capitalism!
White trash. Same people who protest and schools and libraries saying that they don’t want their kids sexually groomed and indoctrinated. A lot of these perverts seem to be charged with child rape trafficking and porn.I think they just really don’t want their kids to know right from wrong.
Would this be the same WWE that once kicked off Black History month by introducing a jive-talking One Man Gang as being "African", introduced with a backdrop of bongos and men literally dancing around a fire with spears? Which had a cadre of Mexican wrestlers enter on ride-on lawn mowers? That WWE?
The same one with a plot where Stone Cold Steve Austin brought a gun to work and almost had a workplace shooting? Where there was a necrophile subplot and an aged woman giving birth to a human hand?
The one run by a guy charged with human trafficking? That WWE?
Come on. Everyone knows that man wasn’t *really* beaten with a chair wrapped in barbed wire… any more than anyone *really* believes don trump is the lawfully-elected leader of the world’s largest and oldest democracy.
They’re in on the con. Violence is ok, freedom of expression, not so much.
fuck yeah
Also, those same people also probably cuss in front of their kids.
But I kept reading and figured out that it *wasn't* a post about Trump.
I'm clever like that.
It’s the fuckin’ words that are an issue
Swearing happens. Shit.
Never underestimate the power and influence of our Puritanical legacy.
Saying "fuck" on TV? UNFORGIVEABLE!
Resorting to violence and gunfire to feel powerful or just visible, and screaming at each other like feral playground toddlers high on rage and high fructose corn syrup? Totally cool.
Get a life people.
I gotta start paying attention...
I thought they would save that for Mania.
I gotta check this out, I know Sami and KO can have a war with pool noodles, letting them even suggest some real violence is a good direction.
I don’t watch WWE, but my coworkers do, so this was the first chat of our day this morning. I mean, about John Cena turning heel and all. Not the cursing.
Just require broadcasters to display a warning prior to airing adult content, such as bloody wrestling matches.
Surely words are better for kids than physical violence?! I am so confused by our continued acceptance of violence as entertainment but not words or sex, just wildly disconnected imo
The one run by a guy charged with human trafficking? That WWE?
Man being beaten with weapon; Nothing to do with them.
Their kid hearing a word they don't like; Might effect them in some small, if self invented, way.
They're self interested and don't care about others. Like all the shitty people are 🧐
They’re in on the con. Violence is ok, freedom of expression, not so much.