A barbarian executed in barbaric conditions. This is USA.
Death penalty doesn't fix evil. It doesn't prevent it. And it is contradictory with the principles it is supposed to serve.
But 1000 “justified” retaliatory murders by a society is not worth the murder of a few innocent members of that same society carried out by the state in the name of justice. And that has been a proven byproduct of any capital punishment system.
Okay Mr. King, we understand where you stand with this… I absolutely LOVED Wizard and Glass. I read it in high school, and remember wanting to escape my world and zap into the world you created…
I’ve thinned out my books recently in the event of a severe economic downturn where people like me might have to make some moves, but wherever I go, I’m lugging all seven Dark Tower books with me.
Nontheless every execution be it by firing squad, lethal injection, shphyxiation or interviews with Tom Homan are in their very nature murder.
There is no punishment in death as it seems not to be any deterrent at all. So why still going the same way as North Korea, Iran and other barbaric nations?
Can we please not call Iran a “barbaric nation”? That country is one of the oldest known civilizations, with settlements dating over 4000BC. Current political situation is not a measure of nation’s value. We should know that much…
I have seen firsthand what the current iranian political situation did to some of those relics of its predecessors.
Thats why i call them barbaric - despite knwing about their past. But try to find anything that has not been deliberatly destroyed of the, for example, Urartu civilisation..
Well.. if someone murders you, you dont want anything anymore. But i get what you say and it contradicts my opinion that a rule based judiciary must never take subjective feelings into account in order to serve equal justice.
Sehr amerikanische Druko-Sektion haste hier erwischt, mein Beileid. Hätte iwie nicht gedacht, dass da noch so dermaßen viele für Todesstrafe sind, ist ja gruselig.
I am against capital punishment but it does deter one person from committing future murders.
Would buddy have gone on to more violence?
Did he suffer from mental illness or was he just mean and sociopathic?
There’s zero evidence that capital punishment deters murder. In fact, it sometimes increases it - once you’ve committed a capital offence, the punishment can’t get any worse, so why stop?
Very true. I think the republican party has been getting away with as long as we say the right things we can still do the opposite actions, democrats, I believe, try to make things more level but there is so much to do, one thing is certain, republicans quit working for everyday Americans
The covid vaccacine (if it was Phizer/Biontech) came from Germany, Bsky might be from the USA but the Internet comes from Switzerland. Your Iphone is a conglomerate of technologies that were created all over the world..
The USA are not bad. Just in a bad situation right now.
I'm 100% patriotic American 🇺🇸 I know we are the best, 2nd to none. We are exceptional, not perfect. If we forget this, we become what are enemies have been trying to accomplish since our beginning.
Of all Isms patriotism is the cheapest. You can have it like a $5 whore, have your fun all day and be impressed how great it was...
But like with a $5 whore you might end up getting something really nasty like nationalism or even worse..
I walk the talk, I'm proud of USA, and understand faults and strive to make country better, not by attacking others/outsiders (unless nationalists) for its problems. That is the difference to be between patriotic and nationalism.
To me nationalism starts when you start denigrating other countries. "2nd to none" is for me way too similar to "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt!" which was part of the hymn of Germany during the 3rd Reich.
TO me, patriotism is a slippery slope towards nationalsm.
Because we still haven't come up with a better option and at least there's no fear of what he might do if released. Fiscally expensive but definitely not barbaric. Why do people believe that it's supposed to be a deterrent?
A) Wikipedia is not a reputable source. B) It only says that 2 SCJs used that as why they were against it and it was successfully argued down later. C) We don't make laws to prevent crimes, that's childishly naïve.
Where does it say that? I read the entire thing and I saw the opposite. More to the point, when in the history of anything has something being illegal acted as a deterrent? We have laws so that we know what is socially agreed upon and what the consequences will be if we act outside those parameters.
i barely made it through one so far. My brain constantly wanted to leave through my ears..
I guess you could either call this cruel and unusual punishment or a yet to be announced host for an OAN show..
Come on, you are smarter than this. Instead of doubling down, take a couple of days off, do some introspection, read what other people say about the barbarity of the death penalty and then recant this crap.
Yep. There have been numerous death house staff from different states speak out about how their jobs have irrevocably damaged their mental health. And they could not quit without losing a huge amount of benefits etc. Some quit anyway. None have been given adequate support.
So that means some innocent man is tasked with beating someone to death with a bat? That's bound to cause psychological damage, that is unless you're a psychopath to begin with. There is a difference between vengeance and justice.
Ugh, no. Every time there's an execution the folks who carry it out and witness it will bear that trauma forever. That's one reason I don't support capital punishment. This guy may deserve it, but our system gets it wrong too often. Too much bias and bloodlust in our justice system.
I waver with the death penalty. Is there ANY situation that warrants it? For example, a Nazi at the Nuremburg trial who oversaw murder of a few thousand people? Are there anti death penalty advocates who might agree with execution in that case? The other option is to let the guilty rot in jail.
They are renaming parks after women/girl murder by an immigrant BUT MOST WOMEN ARE KILLED BY THEIR WHITE MALE HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND….
stop fucking killing women! Or start re-naming every road they die on in the USA
EVERY. SINGLE. ROAD. Imagine feeling okay, or even good about politicizing a woman’s death to further a white supremacist agenda. They’re absolute pigs
I haven't lost any sleep over this sadistic sob, fried, fricasseed, shived in his cell or hung woulda worked.
More worried about the Rape and dismantling of America by the SOB at the Whitehouse.
Bent on handing US to PUTIN...
Guess I'm callus.
They're linked, though. Bringing back cruel punishments (even on someone who might deserve it) is a reflection of how far that dismantling has already gone.
Agree Dictator donny only took him out
it's part of
getting EVEN with US agenda.
I've read enough
Stephen King
books to know...
I believe in the death penalty for sure. I just fear that firing squads are a thing the far right would be way too excited about. It's a bit too North Korea.
Shit happens. I'm not denying the fucker deserved to die if guilty. But I don't trust the government or courts to get it right all the time. Innocent people get executed, so we shouldn't have the death penalty
Agreed. I’ve seen cases where DNA evidence comes out. Everyone is jumping up and down screaming, “Wait! Stop! He’s innocent!” and the courts shrug their shoulders and the execution rolls on regardless. I’ll never understand it or be ok with it.
Nah bruh, you don't get to post your way out of this. Address this! How does the author of the fucking Green mile support the death penalty. Address it!
"I thought I didn't want a relationship with you anymore, but now that you've BRUTALLY MURDERED MY PARENTS BY BEATING THEM TO DEATH, I'm willing to give it another try," said no one ever.
I don't know if it's true, but an 80-year-old South African I met here in Germany told me that he worked in diamond mining for Musk's father. He said that he fucked young Elon's ass because he threatened to fire him.
No it. Doesn't. It takes to long. If it was immediately it might deter crime. I know for a fact that some lifers would prefer death because of the toll it takes on them mentally and physically. Life behind. Bars is extremely taxing on the inmates as they waste away in prison.
Violence begets violence. There's a reason the death penalty is banned in almost every civilised society. The US is aligned, yet again, with dictatorships (red).
Not saying murderers deserve to be kept alive on our dime, but given the state of our grotesquely corrupt & incompetent selective-justice system that routinely kills and imprisons the innocent while letting the real criminals destroy the whole country, the state should have no power to kill anyone.
Given the high costs (emotional and financial) of going through a long appeals process to get final approval to put someone to death, it’s better to make them live in prison, isolated from society.
Avoids all the uncertainty and repeated replays of the horrors.
The opinion of a guy whose whole personality is anime pin up girls and is unable to do basic research and obviously gets off on trolling serious discourse, is irrelevant.
Big talk for someone again defending murderers, and and I don't get off on anything unlike these people who clearly get off on murderers getting off Scott free.
It's also a much harder sentice. If you consider every night that you go to sleep is like dying peacefully. If lethal injection feels the same it doesn't seem to be much of a punishment especially to those who don't value life and are much more interested in physical power.
Hey Steven, how does it feel to be in the same club as China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and Belarus? When will the US join the civilized world and abolish the death penalty??
Why don’t you ask that question to *any* woman who’s ever been on the receiving end of that kind of violence. You’re damn right that would make us feel justice was served 😡
Horrible way for parents to die. I’m not a proponent of the death penalty, except for sociopathic individuals like this POS who cannot be rehabilitated. I say bye bye.
Coming from you, Mr. King, respectfully, the word "it" holds a lot of possibilities. Too numerous to speculate. But I'm sure that she had her reasons for breaking up with him. I'm more curious to find out what music you'll reference to start this chapter. "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do" by Neil Sedaka?
Obviously there are bad people and obviously bad cops who would cause people to be executed by the state for crimes they did not commit. Until there former does cannot exist (i.e., never) there must not be state sanctioned murder. It's not a challenging concept.
There are a lot of nasty men in the world who hate women so much—& can’t handle rejection—they wish them harm. Been thinking I may write my first horror & from the POV of a rejected male predator.
The USA has a 'need to kill'. It's a country rich enough to incarcerate murderers for the rest of their life, why lower yourselves to the same moral standard as a common murderer?
I believe many US prisoners work whilst inside jail. Make them pay their way ie no cost to the tax payer, in fact the country gains by the products made.
Nope again better to just hang them. They don't deserve it they didn't let their victims to live why should we. It also takes jobs from law abiding citizens.
I broke up with someone who had previously ended our relationship before reconnecting (yes I know). He broke in to my house, put gifts around in cupboards, my jewelry box, left one on the counter, and then opened my gate to allow my dogs outside. I had to relocate and go into hiding to get away.
He must've been inspired by one of your books......You, King, share responsibility for every school shooting because one of your novellas glamorized it.
The problem with giving the state the power to kill is they use that power to kill a lot of people who were proven to be wrongfully convicted later.The death penalty is always wrong if we want to be a civil society. In this case the man was guilty and should be in jail for the rest of his life.
Sapolsky is often an expert witness in these types of trials - horrible murders - in a deterministic universe, the kind we live in, every action a person takes us predetermined. So murderers can’t choose to do otherwise due to prior causes beyond their control.
Even without the death penalty in the picture, though, any crime could be just as ludicrously defended by the claim “Your honor, my client simply could not help committing his crime, our deterministic universe left him without choice or agency.” Most folks subscribe to personal responsibility.
I am against the death penalty. Why? If a person is wrongfully convicted, death cannot be undone. If a person is guilty, then putting them in jail for the rest of their life, punishes them more than cutting their punishment short by killing them. It costs taxpayers more to have a death penalty.
American, do your job as citizens! Where are your bands of "inglorious bastards" who must do the job? Musk must not survive another year. Trump must be stopped! You have firearms everywhere. You are not going to make me believe that none of you have the courage to do what you have to do.
The actual problem is that in the current US society, violence, especially for man is seen as normal, necessary or even preferable.
To end this, you need to start in pre-school, teaching methods of none-violent communication and problem solving.
That would require that parents stop all forms of corporal punishment at home, which most don’t seem capable of. Most adults don’t seem to know how to discipline a child without violence. They’re either too permissive or they’re violent.
Hm, we in Europe had a different approach.
We signed the children Rights act.
Corporal punishment, even from parents is absolutely off the table.
We enable children to stand up for themselves and others.
Exactly. Corporal punishment is antiquated, lazy, and brutal. I have 2 kids that I’ve raised to question authority, even my own. We discuss, we think, we ask why something might be a certain way, we use historic examples as lessons. I’ve never said, “Because I said so”.
When my kids started school I was shocked at how heavy handed and obtuse other parents were. And, I am no rocket scientist!! I’m a former hair stylist and my husband is a vocal coach. Just crack a book!
That's why it had been necessary to get Donald Trump off the ballots and inside a prison cell.
Same is true for Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanjahu.
Accountability is a keystone of a peaceful society.
Yes, accountability now!
And no, I'm not a comedian.
But if you just want to remain in the status quo, because "that's how the world works", the joke is on you.
Didn't realize you changed your perspective on The Death Penalty, Mr. King from the perspective you held in my youth. But I do understand the point you are making.
Beating people to death = bad. Strapping people to chairs & shooting them to death in front of a group of witnesses you invited for the occasion = good. Seems legit.
I'm surprised about Mr. King agreeing with the death penalty, even for a savage killer. I can't reconcile the death penalty with a first world nation, of course I'm not sure we're still a first world nation.
There’s no way to really tell, I could just as easily change or create an account under Elon musk and use that platform to address personal political and economic opinions and many people would be none the wiser.
A perfect example of how social media can breakdown trust and has been instrumental in the disruption of community. I'm going with no, this is a false account. A prolific, respected writer putting out two-bit click bait? Gotta go with my heart and move on.
I agree 100%. If he had a life sentence without parole, he would have never come to the public eye. (And it would have saved taxpayers a hell of a lot of money in the long run — because it costs so much more to deal with a death penalty case than it ever does to house a prisoner for life.)
This is why it’s terrifying to even go on a date. People are wringing their hands about how the murderer was killed. She’s f***ed for a lifetime when it comes to having close relationships and her parents are dead.
American governments accept the death penalty b/c they accept & in some cases glorify violence. That despite all the evidence of its failures & the moral quandary it poses.
Just like they accept profound inequality even tho democracy is currently dying b/c of it.
Maybe time for America to grow up.
If that’s your stance, then you have to be okay with the state murdering innocent people too. Because the justice system has a 4% error rate.
Is murdering innocent people a worthwhile tradeoff for satisfying your sense of vengeance? Because locking them up in prison for life will keep us safe, too.
That is the most twisted thing to say. Removing a demented person from society and the plane of the living shouldn't be something to be argued against. This dude literally voted his own ass off the Island when he did what he did.
Nope , there are 3 human beings willing to take another's life for pay. That is not justice, it is revenge. The state has no right to kill in my name. especially since so often has been proven wrong.
I don’t think he’s grieving for the murderer. I think he saying killing is wrong, no matter who does it? I myself have mixed emotions about it. But i respect his opinion and again, i don’t think he’s grieving for this guy. As you implied yourself, a life sentence to prison would be punishment too.
Having served on a jury in Oklahoma for a serial killer, I came to the realization that some people are beyond repair, have ZERO remorse and do not deserve to continue to draw breath. Seeing the evidence that is horrific and the devastated families in the gallery changed me deep in my soul.
I want my government to be better than that guy. If you want a peaceful community, you can't have a violent government. Also, it is not a deterrent and certainly doesn't lessen violence against women. My feelings haven't changed since the day I wrote this in 2011. https://laurenbdavis.com/2011/09/21/why-i-am-against-the-death-penalty/
Why are you obsessing about this??? He’s dead. What about the 13 year old Native American girl whose entire body hasn’t been found yet? Just pieces in trash bags along the highway! Do you think police are trying to find her killer??
I’m not generally in favor of the death penalty, because so many people have been convicted of capital crimes they did not commit, but if this guy is indeed guilty, then I will make an exception.
The worst part is that if he’d beaten her to death, instead of her parents, he’d probably be a free man today. We need to do a lot more to protect abused partners.
What rate of executing innocent people is acceptable to you? Since 1976, there has been roughly one person released from death row after being PROVEN INNOCENT for every ten executed. And those are just the ones we know about. That's a very high error rate for the ultimate punishment....
At first, I found much of your writing to be quite childish and far-fetched.
I then listened to you and followed in solidarity, with your anti-trump sentiment.
Now, I've realized that you truly are a mollycoddling mumpsimus, with whom I happen to agree on one thing only.
Wow, you are not smart, are you? That's not how punishment works, right? Punishment doesn't prevent a crime from happening. It happens *after* the crime. Also, being against the death penalty is not being against punishment.
As someone with severely bipolar relatives, it's shocking the difference the correct meds make. When someone is manic, the evil, violent shit they are capable of.. we've learned nothing in 25 years. When we defund programs for mental illness, we're endangering all of our lives.
100 percent, why they keep taking away help, why they target people already suffering, there is always enough money to help the vulnerable, those in need, they just choose who deserves help and who doesn't, ironically they have people believing these billionaires care to help them, while they don't
Oh, dear God of wits and sarcasm, how could he shy away from your wisdom and melt like a drop of frozen water when confronted by your singular uniqueness?
P.S. May be it was the unwarranted transphobia? Or the lame comparison?
I agree. I have had mentally ill relatives. One of them, sold drugs , and torched his “shrimp” ( cocaine ) boat, and either committed suicide or was murdered.
My relative is one of my favorite people when they are in their right mind. They also took a 2x4 to my chest when I stopped them from killing our mom/younger brother. It is what it is.
I presume you’ve seen the equally horrific case of Kyle Clifford in the UK? One of Andrew Tate’s acolytes. In these cases I can see the allure of extreme forms of punishment but that is why we delegate judgment to cooler heads. An eye for an eye satisfies the rage we feel, but is it really justice?
Trump wants to finish as a North Korean State with judicial immunity, grateful to his Federalist, majority supreme court, House & Senate approved appropriation. Decrees in book 📖 tablets stack, a burning 🔥 of we the people; as 👑 the sacrificial lambs behold a new Genesis 1%, gilded Plutocracy
There was a state execution in South Carolina. The prisoner requested death by firing squad. The person was convicted of murdering his girlfriend's parents by beating them with a baseball bat.
A couple of posters here picked up on the post and started in with lyrics to a song by the Beastie Boys.
While I agree he was a monster, there is also the fact that three guards volunteered for the firing squad. This was not their first act of violence, nor will it be their last. Like alcoholism, one is never enough. #weneverstopatone
Again, I’m against it 100% but at least they have the courage of their convictions I suppose. Others who claim to be pro death penalty wouldn’t even watch, let alone carry it out.
My student’s dad was ex-military and an LEO. Scary dude with a huge scar on his face. I asked him if he would ever do an execution. He said yes, but his reason was sorta unique. Said he would do it so no one else would have too. Said he’d seen things that he didn’t want the young guys to see.
This case isn’t the problem. It’s the thousands of death penalty cases where it’s nowhere near as clear cut.
Hell, in some states just being involved with a crime where some died is enough for the death penalty even if you weren’t in the room or had any intention of violence.
Schools, community centers and workplaces should teach boys and men how to control their emotions and solve their personal problems. Entertainment such as video games, tv series and movies should stop using violence as their #1 seller instead of using their brain.
Meanwhile, The Guardian described in some detail how another guy stabbed his ex-gf's mother to death and then raped and killed his ex-gf with a crossbow (and killed her sister the same way). Maybe ten years down the road we'll hear his sob story?
What in the HELL are you talking about?! Beating two elderly, helpless people to their death is a “mistake”? I’ve had bad days but Jesus Christ, I’ve never beat elderly people to death. 😳
My two cents: the issue isn’t whether we think people deserve to die for heinous crimes. The issue is that we can’t trust the government to get it right. And you can’t undo an execution.
Get rid of executions altogether. Punitive justice systems aren’t effective. A focus on rehabilitation and keeping society safe by quarantining dangerous people is the way.
You can use exclusively extreme examples if you like but the fact is that miscarriages of justice due to lack of information, human error and subjective bias/prejudice are far too common for this to be the right way forward.
No, he deserved a lifetime of suffering in a prison. He will never suffer again, either. I envy his fate. Well, back I go to hard work and grinding poverty.
This isn't unheard of, either. There is a similar case in Missouri, the man is on death row as well with a man killing the woman's father and using their toddler as a shield to prevent officers from firing. Some people truly are sick, something isn't firing right in their brains.
I saw "Thinner" and "Pet Sematary" and was horrified! I stopped watching your films after that. I had such a bad reaction. Maybe that was the reaction you where looking for only I never watch a movie of yours again after that.
Obviously severely mentally ill. No rational, sensible, mentally healthy human being thinks murder is the answer even though we may have our fantasies... I would be concerned about him being released early and reoffending with the next girl friend's family.
The issue of firing squad vs something less theatrical, notwithstanding ones position on capital punishment, is the essence of the American social make-up. This killer will be remembered as the guy who was shot - not the savage that beat two innocent people to death.
There’s almost no death penalty case you will ever read and not feel strongly that the guy deserves to be killed. Brutally. I just don’t think the government should be the one to do it. Someone’s death should not be decided by politics.
I don’t support the death penalty, primarily because it is no deterrent to crime. But I agree that the victims of death row inmates are largely forgotten by the time the execution comes around, and we should be cognizant of the evil these people did.
At some point, we're going to have to realize neither incarceration nor the death penalty works.
Recitivism rates prove this over and over. People aren't given the tools to correct behavior and are let right back into the same situations that likely caused their incarceration.
How many people would not be in jail if more learning support, social aid programs and adequate mental healthcare were available. How much money would the country save?
Of course this would not benefit the corporations that own and manage jails.
In Australia we canceled a contract with an American company bc our public system can get better results for less money, so there has to be some profit?
Death penalty doesn't fix evil. It doesn't prevent it. And it is contradictory with the principles it is supposed to serve.
Has it crossed your slowly decaying mind that this method will eventually be used to murder innocent people?
There is no punishment in death as it seems not to be any deterrent at all. So why still going the same way as North Korea, Iran and other barbaric nations?
Thats why i call them barbaric - despite knwing about their past. But try to find anything that has not been deliberatly destroyed of the, for example, Urartu civilisation..
The Persian people are not in any way barbaric.
The current jerks in charge definitely are.
Would buddy have gone on to more violence?
Did he suffer from mental illness or was he just mean and sociopathic?
I said it deters one person (I should have added once arrested)
The USA are not bad. Just in a bad situation right now.
(And also all those millions of immigrants, legal or illegal)
But like with a $5 whore you might end up getting something really nasty like nationalism or even worse..
TO me, patriotism is a slippery slope towards nationalsm.
*to me between patriotic and ...
Not to be patriotic and..
I guess you could either call this cruel and unusual punishment or a yet to be announced host for an OAN show..
We all can't direct Maximum Overdrive.
How's Emilio doing?
We all have something to learn.
stop fucking killing women! Or start re-naming every road they die on in the USA
Killing is an easy out for people who don't deserve it.
Baseball bats are for sissies. Real men use red-hot pokers.
More worried about the Rape and dismantling of America by the SOB at the Whitehouse.
Bent on handing US to PUTIN...
Guess I'm callus.
it's part of
getting EVEN with US agenda.
I've read enough
Stephen King
books to know...
Need to be plucked one bunch at a time
ample rear and rehabilitated
of their fellow man,
will kill you if you try to stop them.
Women face serious consequences for daring to speak out.
Men… well, I guess men will too as we slide deeper into fascism.
For me, it also sends the message that staying single looks even better.
I'm against the death penalty and an ashamed American, but the death penalty is hardly a barometer of civilization or criminality.
Avoids all the uncertainty and repeated replays of the horrors.
Of Ted Bundy and brutally beaten with a tire iron, I was over joyed the day he died.
I wish the federal government would.
No hyperbole...just facts.
Strong work, King.
Side note: If you were the head of the British royal family, would you be King Stephen King?
End of line
I did it with the whiffle ball bat.
So I'm on the run, the cop's got my gun.”
This post made me think of the Beastie Boys.
Before written history?
To end this, you need to start in pre-school, teaching methods of none-violent communication and problem solving.
We signed the children Rights act.
Corporal punishment, even from parents is absolutely off the table.
We enable children to stand up for themselves and others.
That's why it had been necessary to get Donald Trump off the ballots and inside a prison cell.
Same is true for Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanjahu.
Accountability is a keystone of a peaceful society.
Only now?
Are you a comedian?
And no, I'm not a comedian.
But if you just want to remain in the status quo, because "that's how the world works", the joke is on you.
It's been a cancer on this planet.
Changing my profile to Taylor Swift…
Just like they accept profound inequality even tho democracy is currently dying b/c of it.
Maybe time for America to grow up.
Life without parole, fine. Of course he was a monster. Hence life without parole.
Is murdering innocent people a worthwhile tradeoff for satisfying your sense of vengeance? Because locking them up in prison for life will keep us safe, too.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Apr 28;111(20):7230–7235. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1306417111
He always takes the worst position.
That’s a given.
King is right wing.
I then listened to you and followed in solidarity, with your anti-trump sentiment.
Now, I've realized that you truly are a mollycoddling mumpsimus, with whom I happen to agree on one thing only.
Dozens of felonies, rapes, and sexual assaults.
And the only drag queen involved has a 2-ft comb over and a 3 ft tie.
And a 2-3 inch wee-wee.
Make it make sense...🤓
P.S. May be it was the unwarranted transphobia? Or the lame comparison?
i did it like this
i did it like that
i did it with a wiffle ball bat
That’s the way a civilized nation deals with these things,
A couple of posters here picked up on the post and started in with lyrics to a song by the Beastie Boys.
You should have a chat with Craig Baxley.
So no surprise.
Hell, in some states just being involved with a crime where some died is enough for the death penalty even if you weren’t in the room or had any intention of violence.
I’m all for cruel punishment for DV.
(Unusual in context means inconsistent, not creative - those without the capital getting the punishment is unusual.)
This is why we have to have women's day
Abolish the death penalty.
Mahmood Hussein Mattan, convicted in 1952, the last person to be hanged in Wales, had his conviction quashed in 1998.
George Kelly hanged at Liverpool in 1950, had his conviction quashed by the Court of Appeal in June 2003.
stop handing the death penalty out like candy for a single murder
make it a 5 body minimum
nobody is getting falsely accused of serial murder or spree shootings
source please
He got what he deserved.
Sounds like a horror story indeed.
Recitivism rates prove this over and over. People aren't given the tools to correct behavior and are let right back into the same situations that likely caused their incarceration.
No future to this.
Of course this would not benefit the corporations that own and manage jails.
Prisons serve profit but also provide a nice straw man. The patriarchy needs bad men to frighten women.
Peanut butter, jelly,
Peanut butter, jelly with a baseball bat