At this point, even if it isn't her I feel like they're going to nominate some equally bland centrist campaigning on making the concentration camps more environmentally friendly or some other diet Republican bullshit
I'm so jealous of countries where party leadership resigns after they lose an election. Almost like they believe in their party and its ideas enough to listen to an electorate.
If she wants to run for President in 2028 it would be through a Dem primary and not have it thrust upon her with just a few months to actually setup a campaign. She wouldn’t win that nomination for 2028 by default.
Then why have any concern about her considering a run for 2028? Seems like she wouldn’t win given she lost in 2024 and due to that I don’t see her getting much, if any, endorsements to help her win any state primary.
It’s obvious you have no clue how much doubt and distrust of fact Trump has sewed in this country. Even sensible, middle of the road folks believe the economy was horrible. With you using quote marks around strong economy shows you sort have bought it, too.
Bernie Sanders has lost the Democratic presidential primary twice. Are his supporters addicted to elevating losers? Or is it possible there is something to be said for not giving up at every loss?
Parker, she didn’t have enough time. Let her cook and she’ll probably come up with a few more ways to throw immigrants under the bus. That might just flip enough of those essential centrists
No one outside of CA really knew her in 2020. They know her now. She was up against a turd who had been campaigning nonstop for 4 years and who has a cult following. How do you compete with that? It could have been reanimated FDR or Lincoln on that ballot and they would have still lost.
It is mind-boggling to me that anyone believes there will simply be a regular degular campaign-election situation happening in 2028. I once again invite the Dems to come inhabit this plane of existence with the rest of us.
Betcha if she does she picks a Cheney as a running mate. We're going to be under Republican rule until the end, not because they're strong but because our team is hellbent on losing every single election
There are so many things I want to say that everyone else will say better so Imma leave it at jesus fecking christ and log off for the weekend. Go bills.
Trump got millions of votes less this time than last - even his voters hate him. Y'all got whipped by the weakest candidate in history and still haven't figured out that YOU ARE THE PROBLEM
How can you type, let alone think, with all of that cognitive dissonance forcing your frontal cortext to melt out of your face and land in your lap as a pile of bloody rotten brains, once the champion of such grand delusions as this one?
Don't be results oriented. This was a very tight race and she ran a good campaign all things considered. She should run again if she is feels like has a good chance to win.
one of the high points of it was callling the right “weird”. it was getting results. it was getting a response. it got headlines. they immediately stopped it when an advisor wanted them to focus on making trump look “scary” and “dangerous”
It was a tight race despite her shit campaign. Not because of it. She ran on a platform of clinging to the status quo when millions of American are desperate for major change.
She ran an absolute shit campaign that was based on trying to convince Liz Cheney fans (all 5 of them in the country) to vote for her. She was a terrible candidate who stood for absolutely nothing. She should retire.
She was a fine candidate. She campaigned with Liz Cheney a couple of times. She spent a lot more time with AOC. She had very little time to get her campaign going, given the circumstances, but her proposals were pretty standard and an improvement over the status quo.
While people like me were getting absolutely hammered by right-wing ads taking aim at our humanity, genius political mind Harris thought the best response was to sit quietly and just say "I will follow the law."
I personally canvassed a guy who was a fan of Liz Cheney (this guy wanted “boots on the ground” in Ukraine) and was on the fence about voting for Harris vs. voting Libertarian. Those people were out there. There were a lot of potential ways to lose this election.
"Don't be results-oriented"?!?! Um... are elections about something other than results? Please educate me. Is there something to be gained from losing elections over and over again?
My friend, I'm afraid this is the type of wrong that only comes from organic source. If a post seems to be inventing a new type of wrong, it's probably written by a human
"Don't be resultes oriented... what the shit are you talking about? At this point, politics is about winning. Ya know, that whole goal thing. While you pat yourself on the back for a "fine" campaign, nazis are running the country.
Again, nazis are running the country. These lib platitudes of "we'll get them next time" are meaningless to the millions at risk now. The democrats failed because they gaslight everyone on the economy, backed a genocide, and turned their back on their base. They failed again
Trump isn't running in 2028. Dems will have a different task, and we don't yet know who will be best suited for it.
However, Dems absolutely need to win back Latino voters and Gen Z men they lost in 2024. Both groups are centrist, so I suspect whoever Dems choose will not be to the left of Harris.
At least for the next few elections If they are smart. It’s no coincidence that Trump was elected over two women and lost to a man. I voted for both women as they were more qualified and not felons, but I have come to accept my views are not the same as most voters, unfortunately.
Exactly. In my view Harris had three major issues. First she is a woman, second she is black. Lastly, she is from a state seen as the epitome of liberal. None of those are disqualifying to me in the least. But I am far from being in the majority as I thought she would make a very good President.
I had hope she would win. The fact that the down ballot votes were Democrat but the president was Trump says it all. I felt horrible the next day because I thought we were past that.
But as a nation, we obviously aren't. We have to win to make changes. To do that we have to be populist. It sucks
I agree. I thought she was a much better candidate than Clinton as she was much more personable. I thought people would be more enthusiastic about her, but based on the turnout they obviously were not. That really surprised me.
She shut out new and up coming strategists to listen to centrist war monger hilary campaign advisors, she has bad instincts, and she should have showed backbone and said told the hilary people to choke and go listen to progressives, but she wanted to lose instead
It's never the terrible (Gaza) and/or vague (trans people mumblety mumble I'll follow the law) policies, or the incompetent campaign (vote for us, we've got Dick Cheney). It's always, always the voters' fault.
It can be both of these things, unfortunately.
It's both the terrible policies of the Biden Administration and the fact that many voters don't want more of the same or Republican-lite.
The logic from here is always the same, and always absolutely insane.
You would think they would then think "well, we should try a candidate that's left enough to win our base too". But no. It's am implied call for *you* to change. Not the candidate or strategy.
Of course in 2028 Harris needs to go through the primary process. But there was not time for primaries in 2024 after Pres. Biden dropped out. She did an amazing job running. After this week, can anyone say we are better off because trump won?
Sorry you hate Harris. She was a fine candidate and lost in a very tight race. Unfortunately half the country wants to deport all illegal immigrants and Harris doesn't.
It's disingenuous to point the loss at just Harris, as though voters just inexplicably hated her.
Dems spent 4 years being feckless and sclerotic, then actively spurned their base repeatedly during the election. The fact that they thought they could do that *and win* is the problem, not voters.
Again, I hate to break it to you but half the country literally wants to deport all illegal immigrants right now. This is why Trump won. Harris has a fairly mainstream Democratic position on this issue.
Motherfucker, more than half the country wanted to keep schools and public spaces segregated. Do you know what Kennedy and LBJ did about that? What "Half the country" wants is rarely the right thing.
From "she doesn't want to deport people" to "well okay she does but so do half the country and anyway it's a mainstream dem position" in the mere blink of an eye
Half the country was encouraged to want mass deportations precisely because of Biden and Harris completely adopting the fascist Trump 2016 stance.
Harris lost because she was too much like Trump, too much like Biden, too right wing, &the voters they were going after already had a Trump to vote for.
She was a total non-entity in primary, got a free pass to a general election, and got her ass kicked by terrible competition there too. Nobody wants her
Yes, that's because the population of the country keeps getting bigger. Jesus. You sound just like Trump after he lost in 2020 going "I got the most votes that a sitting president ever got!"
I don't even think that statement is true! And if it is, "the environment" only became this way extremely recently because the dems offered no pushback when the the right made trans people a huge media issue!
Democrats had 50 years post Roe v Wade to make abortion legal by law, not court. Same sex marriage, gender equality, etc. had years of opportunity but they never once ran in saying “we’re making this law”. so many of executive orders being ended by executive order. A party of do nothing
Trumpery doesn’t believe in anything. He’s a vessel for the hatred of others. The Lincoln Project dudes are correct…we talk way too much. Slogans that don’t mean anything win elections.
republican haters are needed in the party. i think in future elections it will matter less whether a dem is left or centrist and more whether they hate republicans.
What country are you thinking of? When the people elected Obama, they thought he would be superman. Invariably, they turned away, disappointed because he was only Clark Kent.
"Yes, half the people in this country hate trans people, and trans people are an acceptable sacrifice in order to still not gain points with those people."
Definitely not a specialist in contemporary US politics, but it seems that the GOP has morphed into MAGA and that if the Dems survive “his” second term, they’ll need to rebuild almost from scratch. AOC (et al) are the future for whatever progressive party evolves from the ashes.
Assuming there’s another election in 4 years, I would obvs vote for her again if she’s the candidate.
That being said, I don’t think she should run again & if I had a choice for the next Dem president, it would be either Gretchen Whitmer or JB Pritzker.
How can she be so delusional to think she can run again? She was given the gift of being the party's pick and skipping the primary, which she would have lost if she had run on her own. I'm shocked she can show her face in public after losing so badly.
DNC staffers: “I think we ran a great campaign” no you didn’t. You fucking didn’t. Look at him. Look at the man who beat you. You ran a shit campaign and you should feel bad.
one of the more glaring strategic disparities between Dems and the GOP is the GOP is willing to toss its losers aside while Dems get married to any familiar name in the party.
So I agree harris needs to rule out running again asap, but "the GOP is willing to toss its losers aside" makes no sense considering who they just ran for president. Trump's loss to Biden was much worse than Harris's loss to Trump
Not to get terribly in the weeds of context but he did win in 2016 after stomping the primary so there was a greater precedent of his success. But point taken
Very fun that the lib assessment of the election was "she lost exclusively because racism and misogyny, so that means we have to run her again"
Such loser brain they can't even escape losing in their own mind palace
I don't want to run Kamala again, but I am also deeply worried that the message we're going to take is that America isn't ready for a woman president, and that achievement slips out of the realm of possibility again. What a disaster.
This would be awesome for the real left. A centrist who can’t credibly argue that only she can win, will do a meh job in the primaries but won’t leave until past Super Tuesday?
I'm hoping that's just a thing politicians say bc "not ruling it out" means whatever she chooses isn't a flip flop and she's not seriously considering losing another Democratic Party primary.
We will have a range of options which will be roundly ignored and the candidate that least represents the interests of an actual liberal party will be shoved down our throats.
What if I told you that I think it will likely be that horrible glass and steel neoliberal edifice Newsom?
Jesus christ you people are pathetic.
You and all of your kind.
Me: By the time this is done I expect him to LITERALLY wipe his ass with the constitution.
It’s sad.
So silly. Godspeed to you if the Democrats still can’t find a better candidate by 2028.
She spent the week before the election saying she's gonna have Republicans in her cabinet and solicited endorsement from Dick "Iraq War" Cheney.
Harris was fine. I agree. But clearly fine isn’t good enough. Let’s aim higher than “fine”
It's possible for Harris to win in 2028, but I think Democrats have better options (eg Beshear, Pritzker, or Shapiro).
However, Dems absolutely need to win back Latino voters and Gen Z men they lost in 2024. Both groups are centrist, so I suspect whoever Dems choose will not be to the left of Harris.
Nobody has blown it as bad as she did in 44 years.
Please, D's, let's go with someone else in 2028.
Yes, we should elevate equality across the board
But, the hard reality is that people say, I'm voting for her, but in the booth, vote the way their fear dictate
It sucks, but if you want to change it, you have to do it from inside
And you have to win first
But as a nation, we obviously aren't. We have to win to make changes. To do that we have to be populist. It sucks
Pray tell, who?
For profit
It's both the terrible policies of the Biden Administration and the fact that many voters don't want more of the same or Republican-lite.
You would think they would then think "well, we should try a candidate that's left enough to win our base too". But no. It's am implied call for *you* to change. Not the candidate or strategy.
She lost. I also wish she had not lost. But she did.
And we need more than fine.
If the Democratic base was excited then she would have won. Instead they abandoned her.
Dems spent 4 years being feckless and sclerotic, then actively spurned their base repeatedly during the election. The fact that they thought they could do that *and win* is the problem, not voters.
Harris was a bad candidate, and we should try running a good candidate instead.
The GOP president and candidate told people we need to deport everyone.
The Dem president and candidate told people we need to deport everyone.
The followers followed.
B) it's not half, most eligible voters didn't vote and it's because you're obsessed with excuses and not electoral realities
Harris lost because she was too much like Trump, too much like Biden, too right wing, &the voters they were going after already had a Trump to vote for.
Also Liberals: "Dems can't persuade voters to be trans affirming"
I migth take a Warren over her, but she's still be so much better than what we've got going.
That goes for Hillary, that goes for Biden
This bullshit mediocrity run has got to stop
At least maine figured this out
It’s winner take all for one state‘s electors
If there were 10 candidates it would be possible to win the election with 11% of the vote
If you don’t know what you’re talking about just don’t take part in the conversation
Line seriously
Assuming there’s another election in 4 years, I would obvs vote for her again if she’s the candidate.
That being said, I don’t think she should run again & if I had a choice for the next Dem president, it would be either Gretchen Whitmer or JB Pritzker.
Such loser brain they can't even escape losing in their own mind palace
The country is fucking starving for a populist. It’s turning toward cannibalism it’s so hungry for one
Dream scenario for a real progressive.
What if I told you that I think it will likely be that horrible glass and steel neoliberal edifice Newsom?