Modest proposal:
Nobody over 70 should be ever allowed to run for President.
All members of congress MUST retire by 70.
All SCOTUS justices MUST retire by 80.
Modest proposal:
Nobody over 70 should be ever allowed to run for President.
All members of congress MUST retire by 70.
All SCOTUS justices MUST retire by 80.
The ultimate solution is getting big doner money out of politics.
Anyway, yeah. Unfollowing.
When the account’s profile pic patron saint FDR died in 1945, he was 63 and life expectancy in the U.S. was 62.9.
Life expectancy in the U.S. today is about 79.
This evening David Hogg in an interview said we need age diversity. I TOTALLY agree with that. But ageism -- devaluing someone just for their age (young or old) is not the solution. Strategy and experience know no age.
They should be forced out after a certain amount of terms, there should be absolutely no "life appointment"
SCOTUS 10-20 yrs on bench- at most.
Senate retirement @ 65-70
Reps 60-65
That would make things interesting.
If it happens during your term, tough shit.
I'd also say that SCOTUS reform should never even get to that 80 issue. Justices should be cycled out on either an 18 or 36 year basis, 1-2 per election cycle.
I remind the younger generation that institutional wisdom exists.
If there are no subject matter experts in Congress, lobbyists will fill the vacuum.
Our schools suck.
That said, age limits are not necessarily a bad thing.
My blood boils watching these elected officials start, spend their entire lives "governing" & getting REALLY RICH.
They stay until no physical/mental attributes
exist & covered by their cohorts for the vote. 💙
Use your 1st amendment power to LOBBY CONGRESS to use its Article V power to enact a resolution to amend the relevant clauses of Articles I, II, and III.
THEN lobby all 50 state legislatures until you get 38 of them to ratify it.
20 years and $1 billion. Have fun.
More new strategies.
More change.
I think we need term limits and cognitive tests.
For Scrotus, I’d suggest 18 year terms; with them staggered so that one leaves every 2 years, and maybe so they’re staggered to come in a year after new presidents.
For congress- 6 years, max
Seriously, we've got people in office haven't learned a thing since kindergarten & I don't care what their age is I don't want them in office.
I don't trust a brain that is not fully developed as much as I don't trust one starting to decay.
Heck I'll split your numbers. Nobody over 75 can hold office. NOBODY!!
Not only that, I'd throw in term limits:
10 terms max for House
3 Terms max for Senate
18 years for SCOTUS
Plenty of time for institutional knowledge to take hold.