failing to vote because you don't like the system is like refusing to tip waitstaff because you think minimum wage ought to be raised. it's a personal exercise, somewhere between ablution and masturbation, and the kid serving you lunch still goes home hungry.
Reposted from
Kaitlin Ruiz
abstention is not an option. refusing to make even the slightest concession toward keeping fascists out of power isn't a brave and lonely stand. it is the sin of scrupulosity, the overruling desire the keep oneself clean--and it has never yet delivered anyone from harm.
we get it, you think people should vote. the insane overreaching analogies just make you look ridiculous, you should probably knock it off
These people don't want to help; they just want to lord it over everyone how wonderful and pure they are.
It has been pretty bad in some ways, but a lot of good stuff has been done, and ignored, but it's massively better than the the alternative would have been.
Then vote for Harris and go find a job in the clean energy industry.
(I agree people need to vote, but that was a lame analogy since people are tired of being forced to tip, but aren't forced to vote.)
Nonetheless, my point stands unchallenged. :)
Voting is not the same as tipping. No one wants to tip, but most people who don't vote think it's pointless.
they spilled soup on him on purpose
Plus: Europe has a tipping culture. It's just usually a nice add-on and not a "if you don't pay this people will not be able to pay rent" situation.
(Personally, I could do without the existential terror of knowing I'm responsible for that decision.)
Also, learn about who you’re angry with. People don’t give up on the system for no reason.
“non-voters are less educated, poorer, and more likely to be minorities, single and women.”
what flavor profile have they chosen to represent all hallow's eve
I knew a guy once who calculated his tips on the before-tax total as a "point of principle" ... only to find out later he had no principles at all.
i hope defending the idf makes you feel smart and strong.
if you don’t vote - electoralism doesn’t disappear
(but also the ecumenopolis part. It's hard to know where or what "away" would even be)
Also with more bots.
The majority of Muslims in Palestine have said they prefer a Harris win if possible. Israelis have said they prefer a Trump victory. If your sole calculus in the election is Palestine, well…
This is simply not true.
That’s a nice way to say I don’t want the kill or be killed alternative to self governance.
We’d be better off if the best of us were participating in democracy not condemning us for doing so. That’s tautological.