Star Trek TNG, S2E9: Picard schools a bigot on bodily autonomy, fundamental rights, and respecting people's pronouns
10/10 this is the reason people like Star Trek
10/10 this is the reason people like Star Trek
Also I love how the scale with the Enterprise in front means those windows are like 80 stories tall.
Just kidding, my pedantry is that it’s not a reuse of Regula One, it’s a reuse of the upsidedown orbital office complex from TMP (just like Regula One).
In 1989, the writers correctly calculated that the fastest way to make folks intuitively grasp that this guy sucks is to have him misgender Data
Troi catches it and says something like "See? Even you can learn."
Absolutely SAVAGE! ❤️
That admiral's uniform is outrageous. Admirals weren't wearing that last season, so what changed? Is this guy still infected with one of those alien neck slugs?
This would have been an 11/10 episode without this outfit
This episode is about slavery. Maddox wants to vivisect Data to reverse engineer him, to make a slave race without rights
This episode mostly white people arguing with each other, so it was really important that *this scene* have a black person in it
Starfleet doesn't actually take this as precedent for anyone other than Data.
"And now, a man will shut it off."
That line hit like an abyss opening under my emotions; then he sits down, and the look on his face says it all.
(PLEASE tell me you talk about that end scene....)
Maddox says "Ugh, his so-called rights. What about my rights to not have my life's work made invalid because a machine says no?
He literally considers Data's right to exist as less important than his desire to further his academics.
Whilst the dress uniforms for everyone else stayed the same from basically season one of TNG until Insurrection, so they still wear brightly coloured tunics even when the grey and black uniforms come in.
Data is too much of a science nerd to cut this guy off
But at least we got Captain Seven.
This may be completely made up.
Great resource!
“Order a man to give up his child to the state? Not while I am his captain.”
Maddox shifts uncomfortably and says "This is all very difficult (philosophically)" and I always scream at him "Are you only just now realising that?!?"
Thank you for writing it.
I got to see “Measure of a Man” in a packed movie theater once. Highly recommended.
A great thing is, it works without applying fictional mind control like Asimov's Laws of Robotics. Data's *capacity* to decide is not at issue, what matters is his legal *right* to do so.
can't believe this is the same season that had the "riker's horny memories" clip show episode
for the borg I guess yeah I'd say worth it but still lol