Meet Glenn Massacre , nationally appointed Crime Reduction Czar for the driven grouse shooting industry .
He thinks it's ok that 134 hen harriers are 'missing' or have been illegally killed since 2018 , most on or close to grouse moors .
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He thinks it's ok that 134 hen harriers are 'missing' or have been illegally killed since 2018 , most on or close to grouse moors .
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Truly shocking. I just can’t believe so many birds of prey are killed. What is the RSPB doing or even saying about it?
The RSPB should become just the SPB.
When we moved into saddleworth we had a pair that were over us most days at 3pm. Brought so much joy.
Then one day they didn't come and we can only assume what happened.
The upsetting thing too, is when they occasionally find who is responsible for poisoning birds of prey, the penalties are paltry
Going full capitalistic twat for a second.
Even if you take the argument that eg grouse are worth X because toffs want to shoot. Well, nature tourism is hugely valuable.
I'm far from unique in travelling to see eagles on Skye and ospreys in Wales or waxwings in the peaks.
Please leave the grouse alone.
It's confusing for most people who aren't in the know about all this.
It's all a bit too 'clever' for most of us. It's a bit annoying to be honest.
I haven't got time to spend hours on social media working out what's going on 😬👀
Thank you, Chris, I had no idea of the scale of this. It’s horrifying.