In the end, Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) did join the resolution. Initially, Fetterman did not join his colleagues in support of the move, but added his name after lead sponsor Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) announced the resolution publicly this morning.
Reposted from
Kyle Cheney
All D senators — except Fetterman — sponsor resolution condemning pardons for those who assault led Capitol Police on Jan. 6.
“A single senator can block the request.”
To be fair, they’re not wrong. If only the third parties weren’t currently back in hibernation and actually building an infrastructure…
He damn sure ain't no Democrat.
Democracy is doomed. Fools.
PA voters, mark this down in your mental register.
He needs to back the dems fully or get ready to be primaried
Having had a stroke can cause neurological/behavioral changes in a person. Couple that with depression & meds will affect certain thought processes, in which a person can be easily manipulated.
Let’s stay together and push back hard. Keep going!!
(But my motto is never piss off the book keepers or archivists..)
There is no bipartisanship with Nazis.
Fetterman is the new Sinema. Only, even less poorly attired.
We can do better
If he started panhandling I would believe him
What does condemning these pardons, at this stage of the game, accomplish?
that his name would not be on the resolution?Bc in light of his recent comments & actions,I think I assume right.Fetterman has turned out to be disappointment. His constituents need to make him pay the price at the ballot box.