You cannot born transgender, you can born female or male, or at maximum with a condition of ermafrofit, but you are still dependent from a % of male or female, nobody can born as transgender, com’on this sound like a flat earth theory.
Well, I tend to differ the evolutionary state of growth from genders, baby, children, adolescence, adult, old .. it follow up the evolution of the human body, the human it self cannot evolve into another
If I personally would feel that my sex in changing I would consult a doctor a psychologist
Stem far beyond just transgenderism. It's something we've always done. Additionally, anything other than specific bodily structures in association with gender really is just a social construct. Even some of those bodily features among cisgenfer individuals are debatable and may disqualify.
Many transgender people consult doctors and psychologists and arrive at the conclusion that they'd rather feel comfortable in their own skin. Additionally, I'd also like to point out that transgenderism isn't really an aspect of evolution. Altering ones body both chemically and surgically (1/2)
True. Except that wall and government is not to divde but to protect freedom of religion. Remember back in the day and even today state sponsored religions liked to wage war on others.
Maintaining a secular government and public education system is essential for maintaining a free and open society. However, I don't think this is one of their real goals. It's a red herring, a issue designed to be lost. Intended to deplete the will to resist.
Agreed. Specifically, public schools should not be allowed to force religious practices onto students. This includes subliminal or passive teachings of worship (e.g. collective “prayer,” or hanging the Ten Commandments in classrooms).
unironically yes. the pussy centrists had their chance and fucked it up. time to hand the reigns over to people with conviction in their beliefs and not celebrating endorsements from fucking Bush and Cheney.
What were the crusades about? What was the outlawing of paganism and the burning of temples about? What is the punitive angle taken at private schools about?
Historically speaking, one don't gain or keep hegemony without a fair deal of force.
Oh no, how extreme of people to demand that religion be practiced outside of schools and governments so said schools and government can be non biased and fair to people who don’t practice the religion.
So you think schools & governments aren’t biased & aren’t preaching a theology of sorts. Newsflash: many if not most are. It’s called woke intersectionality & cultural
The Primary People responsible for religious knowledge and activities by children are - THEIR PARENTS/GUARDIANS.
Most things humans do in life are not based on religion and public schools should focus on those things.
Go to Religious schools for religious education! told me that you might be able to suggest analytical apps for BlueSky that are effective and reasonably priced. Thanks, Rich! I am a follower because you do GREAT work! 💙
if a consequential decision is being made based on religious faith that is at odds with secular beliefs and customs then the line may have been crossed.
*I am not a philosopher. They probably have better arguments.
Nobody is arguing to separate religion from culture. First of all, it's impossible. Second, what's even the point? What religion does need to be separated from is politics and science. Religion must not dictate how either of these fields operates, period.
Both of these fields are grounded in real life and directly influence it, so we absolutely cannot allow them to be swayed by superstitions or beliefs in the supernatural. On the other hand, there is neither a benefit nor a need to separate culture from religion.
I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily from a religion v. religion thing, I am not familiar w/ the Jehovah Witness religion, but i think this is more of a democracy v. religion thing your grandma might not want to be involved because of something within your religion
There are certainly some traditions that are more separatist than others. I can't speak to JWs, but the Anabaptist/Mennonite/Amish traditions have a very strong separatist streak.
When Western colonizers entered Asia /Africa, they had the Bible and the Asians/ Africans had land.
In a few years, the Asians / Africans had the Bible and the westerners had the land.
So that’s the role of the Church historically.
It is as if he is saying that Africa was Christian before Europe, so Europe cannot have forced Africa to convert to Christianity in an attempt to deny agreed upon historical facts.
Yes, I know, but there is a big difference between the two usages. In the first, the word Africa was used to refer to a large part of Africa or most of Africa, and this can be understood from the context. As for the second person, he generalized things that happened in some parts to all of Africa
That’s extremely reductive. I’m not defending colonization but that’s not what happened. Colonization in Africa started with coastal tribes establishing alliances with Westerns. Westerners got resources and valuable trade routes and the locals got advanced weapons and protection of their coast.
Well he said that Westerners entered Africa and Asia with a bible and they got the land while the Africans and Asians got the bible, it’s absolutely incorrect and it’s not how it happened. Yes I do know what colonization means, do you know how it started?
Sad. It really seems that you have no idea what colonization is and how it started. I’ve studied extensively the Age of Discovery and the scramble for Africa in the 19th Century.
Some people really assume Europeans just came into new lands blasting and enslaving everyone. Sad indeed.
Agreed! This is a primary reason Christian Nationalists want tax dollar funded school vouchers for private schools... so the public money can be stripped away from the public schools that they are unable to indoctrinate with.
When i attended school some years ago we were all taught the separation of church and state. I believe in it to this day. Religion does not belong in public schools.
Well neither does state then. Can't not learn about what makes the world tick just because Henry 8th wanted to chop his wives up. Half the world still conjoins religion and state. We ought to wake up to our own plight of being overwhelmed by lack of nuance. #education #religion #dogma
Opinion: Church, state, and science should remain distinct. Science seeks facts pragmatically, religion offers ethics and morality, and the state should remain neutral, drawing value from both when needed. With this, despite our differences, humanity remains kind of unified in an imperfect world.
“I never saw a difference of opinion in politics, religion, or philosophy as a reason to end friendship.” – Jefferson. Rejecting views weakens governance. Silencing others divides us as a nation. Unity grows by listening, not separation. They seek to divide us by ignoring & ruling with 1 view point.
Respectfully for context: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” – Lincoln. This speaks to governance: ignoring diverse voices leads to failure. Stability demands open minds. Diversity is what makes America Great. Anything less is fear and ignorance and why we find ourselves here.
In. Terms. Of. Governance. Not faith. Needing to be eye to eye on terms of Governance is how the parties work. They do not need mutual faith to figure out a budget, pass a bill or to deal in lawmaking. It's vital that human rights are not tied to how/if you pray. Period.
(UK here) Religion should be taught critically. Not accepted as fact or taught by clergymen, as was the case when I was at school. Questioning or disagreeing was met by detention or even corporal punishment. (I’m old) God or gods must be very insecure that children were assaulted for scepticism.
I believe this here. ⬆️ That being said, what is currently being shoved down our throats is Christian nationalism. THIS does not belong in our schools.
I agree with your sentiment but it's too big a hassle to bother with because no matter how you do it you are infringing on someone's rights and religion, and quite frankly we should not waste the time on it. People need more education in other areas and taking time away from those doesn't work.
There is a way to teach about religion in school. My high school geography & humanities went over a list of religions. We would discuss the central ideas of each religion and the cultures attached to them. We spoke to religious leaders of all kinds about their own religions. We learned to appreciate
Yes this is true! Christianity isnt going to be taught in a comprehensive religions class. Christianity is going to be forced onto students, despite their own familial religious background. Differently religious students will become targets and suffer. We already do suffer from targeting
The problem in UK is not about RE lessons, it's that religious factions run many state schools, managjng admissions based on what religion or denomination you are. This needs to be stamped out - we all pay the same taxes so all state-funded schools should be open to all
The best class I took freshman year in college was Religions of the World. It was fascinating and opened my eyes to the multi faceted culture of Religion and the meanings to different peoples through out the world. That Professor was one of the best teachers I've ever been lucky enough to have.
In my opinion, I think religion should be taught by people who believe it, but I don't think this should be exclusive to one religion. Teach as many religions as you can. Let the kids form their own beliefs from that.
What about choosing not to believe in any of them? Once I did research, I came to believe that man made religions had nothing to do with anything other than power creating a way to control people.
I don’t think it’s JUST Muslims. As you can see in the photo, ALL (Christian, Jewish, Islamic) places of religion is separated from the schools. They’re basically saying all religions
I don’t go anymore but I used to go to a mega church and I was personally involved with using money to help people. I went to a lot of places and personally helped a lot of people. I urge you to educate yourself before deciding that every mega church is the same. Just like people aren’t the same 🤦♂️
I guess I missed the part where I said any of that lol. I was replying to a post that said all mega churches take advantage of the poor. I guess I also missed the point where I forced anything on you and where I said where I stand politically. Do better and read carefully
Just to clarify I never said all churches Mega or otherwise take advantage of the poor. Many churches help the poor in many ways. One particular church in Texas refused to open up to house disaster victims. That’s not what Jesus taught us.
Just to clarify I never said all churches Mega or otherwise take advantage of the poor. Many churches help the poor in many ways. One particular church in Texas refused to open up to house disaster victims. That’s not what Jesus taught us.
Unfortunately I think most people do actually think and do things like that but the hateful youre all going to hell loud and obnoxious people seem like the majority because they try so hard to be hateful and force it down everyone. But I promise people like me are trying to silence them
Actually again this is the opposite. We should have a strong, regulating government that ensures everyone gets education, food, shelter, healthcare, and a basic living wage in a healthy job economy.
Leaders often use religion as a tool to legitimize their authority and maintain control over the people. By aligning themselves with a religious doctrine, they create a sense of divine approval for their rule. Legitimization, social control, suppression, unity. Democracies require a big wall.
Well, at least they're not using their tax-privileges to go private-jetting from one mega-asset, to their next, on the toil of gullible / vulnerable people. That'd be #evil
It’s criminal to see the Kenneth/Gloria Copeland, flying private jets to their plastic surgeons. Her diamond earrings are dime size! He confuses himself with God.
Yes, and as long it isnt, make use of the tax tricks and send money to good causes ( some churches truly send the monies to good causes, not the big ones for sure.
Churches are funded by donations and fundraisers, and they provide services to the community that wanted a church. Most of them can hardly afford to stay open even without taxes. Taxing churches essentially punishes religion; that’s how it would be interpreted. You’d have riots and more people hurt.
i think what we’re talking about here isn’t those types of churches, but the ones run by millionaires with private jets and who like to involve themselves in politics.
We can’t tax churches without taxing all churches, unless we’re specifically discouraging large churches and encouraging churches to remain small, which (while not a bad idea) would be more than overstepping the government’s own limitation of not mixing church and state. It’s a lose-lose situation.
the problem is the slope where by not taxing any, the big ones who exploit the masses are free to do as they please
i agree with this feeling in regards to smaller ones though, it's complicated.
I think religion could make a brief cameo in history class. As much as I hold to my Christian faith and want everyone to know Jesus, I disagree with discrimination of at least a mention of other beliefs.
Church belongs in church that's it. Not schools, not work, not pushing any religion on your friends, family or neighbors, and certainly not in government.
I disagree.
Much of the discrimination & prejudice we see in the world today comes from misinformation about religion. Kids should be taught about all religions & to be tolerant of others views. It is the only way to end such discrimination.
Religion influencing politics, now that has to stop.
What's needed is better oversight of ALL schools, & no tolerance for any kind of bigotry. Catholic school was a refuge for my step-kids from the unacknowledged racist & sectarian bullying at their village school, with great pastoral care, so better than mainstream school.
I agree with you 100% for no tolerance for bigotry. There are literally queues of parents trying to get into the local Catholic school where I live for the same reason that your step-kids went to one.
This is catty! Why getting on each others case? Chill out and have a discussion. So many are trigger happy in judgement and anger. That's the problem right there. #tolerance #notolerance
We should learn about religion and faith -- what they are, and their place in society, both in the past and present. But that's not the same as indoctrination, or forcing somebody to go through the motions. That needs to be a personal decision.
If anything it is abundantly clear in America that "private enterprise" "bootstraps", "self made man" etc are all code words for "only got to where they are at by suckling at the trough of public tax dollars"
They'll call us welfare queens if we get food stamps while getting mansions with tax $$$
Well, if trump decides to "cut spending" to them. I imagine that's exactly what they'll do.
And more power to them. If trump wants to lead through dictatorial means, then he can face the repercussions of trying to circumvent our checks and balances.
Want results to stop the crazy... change the narrative...
If changing the curriculum in schools is so important to a few wanting to teach kids about one specific religion they must be fair to all...the requirement should be to teach about ALL religions in ALL public schools!!!
They won't agree to teaching all religions because they are afraid the truth will be told... correct teaching leads to in depth study and examination which always exposes the origin of any disease.
I went to a Catholic school and we learned about world religions . I found that very interesting and eye opening . I dont belive there should be religion led schools. Teach a variety of different religions to educate not to indoctrinate.
Yes, choice not force. Some are working really hard to try to take away our freewill to choose. Something is seriously wrong with one who seeks to take away another person's freewill to choose. It's like a person seeking to force another to love won't work.
Religious scholars according to the Oxford Companion to the Bible defines religion..."actions especially cultic or ceremonial that express reverence for the gods"... the question they won't answer but will arise 'which god are they promoting?'
Again, what about the choice to question all religions or to reject them all? Will there be room for that? I thank the clergy who listened to my questions and criticism. I finally realized that I could live a life knowing the difference between right and wrong without having to believe.
I'm left wing and I agree and disagree I think teaching what religion is so like my school has a comparative religion class should be ok but if they want to teach Christianity than any other religion should be taught as well
I do agree that what the United States is/has been trying to implement is inherently wrong by pushing Christianity out there. This is my vision of a reform that will likely never happen unless we as humans can learn to respect others and treat everyone like humans.
I elaborated this in another thread on here, but basically the idea was an optional elective that explained different religions values (Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, etc) and also explored religious conflicts. Ideally a course built to understand others.
I think if we learn about others beliefs and the history behind them we can become more tolerant of everyone. Lots of bias and assumptions get made purely from a lack of education. Again, shouldn’t just be pushing one religion, and also shouldn’t be a “you must pick one”
Love this! And also bc I don’t think it would harm students to study philosophies way bigger than themselves. I worry that the loss of this perspective has lead to a lot of the “me first” mindset that seems to be afflicting our society, and not just in the U.S.
That’s another aspect which would be good to explore in a course. North America has a growing number of refugees and immigrants and understanding their cultures and beliefs would be really beneficial. Again, the school shouldn’t be telling you what to believe in, but I think should explain them.
We are not or ever have been a Christian nation but a country where Christian’s and all other get to believe what they want without government interference ( which the MAGA nut case want to override)
Whether or not that's true, public school is not the place to teach religion. That's what church is for.
Do you want the school board or the DoE to decide how to interpret scripture? Should public school teach Jesus as catholic, baptist, Mormon, Lutheran, Episcopalian, or Presbyterian?
You believe that because your parents took to church since you were a baby. What we need to teach is about all the religions of the world and how they work and how many problems they bring. The state of the world now is horrible because of religion.
We also need to treat others as we ourselves would be treated, and a non-Christian shoving their religion on our children in public school is something we wouldn't ever want. Keep religion out of schools unless neutrally educating on all religions.
And ? we all need to eat and poo, but we do not do it in classroom...
We also need Marx and Nietzsche or other great philosophical or spiritual figures, but we do not have to pray them to have a present (at Christmas, date, or worse, after life : in other words never)
I agree. Neither does LGBTQIABCDE+ propaganda, drag queens, any kind of porn, weapons, drugs, pedos, and more. School is for learning. We need to get back to basics. Leave the social issues to the streets.
I partially agree.
I’ll say
No Wall•
No State: to either support or hinder the free expression of religion•
No Theocracy•
Let us build a temple for gathering together, feasting and giving thanks. 🙏🏼
No state, but dont forget to pay for your private road service. private fire service, private parks and wildlife preserves, uhoh we got attacked by a foreign power, hope enough people paid for the private military service. live somewhere rural? not profitable enough to deliver mail there so no mail.
I would prefer to live in a Republic as initially proposed by Socrates in book 2 of that work by Plato. Of course, after that, Socrates weaves a fantastic tale to satisfy Glaucon desire for luxury and we inevitably end up as now with a rapidly degenerating society like we have now
Not necessarily. Like all subjects, religion should be part of a balanced curriculum and open to individual democratic choice. Censoring religious teachings is similar to censoring history, and there's already been enough of that done in the name of purported human progress.
There's a difference between religious history and actual history. That much is obvious. Forcing schools to display the ten commandments and teach the Bible is a blatant violation of the first amendment.
As a Christian: this. It’s a clear preference and catering to a specific religion, and even then it’s not even technically Christian. I think it’s a symptom of Zionism, because the 10 commandments (whole aligning with Christian morals) are specifically Judaism and not Christianity. It’s bizarre
American Christians, particularly of the modern puritanical strains have a vested interest in promoting Zionism. It helps provide justification for genocides we were complicit in when expanding westward.
I learned just fine about the effects religion had on history without prayer being in school, without reading the Bible. The only school religion belongs in, is Sunday school.
Curricular teaching of religious studies is different to the indoctrination of a single faith which, of course, is patently wrong. Religion reins history, philosophy, sociology, language and culture within its wide remit. I would contest that teaching this is of valuable, progressive importance.
Absolutely not. Learning about religion from an historical point of view is one thing, but under no circumstances should children be taught things in school that aren't scientifically back or require faith.
It's an opinion, I suppose. But if we build a curriculum that adheres explicitly to the scientifically provable, that's utterly devoid of faith, then we're at risk of marginalising creative thought; a populace devoid of invention.
And let's face it, we're already way down that particular path.
There is a substansial difference here. Creativity is based on something you make, faith is something someone else tells you to believe. Nobody is born religious, just raised religious.
On the subject of faith, I think we live in such a cruel, cynical world that we forget its value. And I don't think that it's something that can be taught. It can be spoken about, but you can't learn it - it's feeling, not form. But that doesn't subtract from its importance.
There is also creative thought, where nothing tangible in manufactured, but ideas are shared. Scientific thought is important too, because it's unyielding - set - the answers are already in place. I just feel that we should protect subjects that promote creative discussion.
Religion isn't being censored, it's just not useful as anything but one note of context in Lit, world history, and perhaps some high school level sociology.
There is nothing about religion that is important for human development any more than we need to discuss cannibalism.
I like the way it's done in my country. We have religion as a subject, where we´re taught about the cultural and historical aspects of all different kinds of religion (not just Christianity) we were taught about how they were formed and how they impact people who follow them today :)
Do you believe that it’s a good idea to lie to kids in schools? Which religion? Catholic, Muslim, Pastafarian? Any religion or just a selection? And why religion instead of philosophy? I don’t know, but I think it’s much better for religion to stay in churches and not in schools.
I'm not condoning the indoctrination of a single faith. The government, in their campaign-trail phraseology and the presidential alignment between 'God and Country', already have that covered. But structured curriculum teaching - covering all doctrines and rituals - would be culturally progressive.
Communists use their power to stop anyone from following a religious belief. This argument is about using power to make everyone follow one religion. Two very different things!
That’s why they ban all religions. Then, government is the only choice. This argument is not about banning religions, since anyone can practice any faith they choose in their home, sanctuary, or other spaces where they are not imposing them on others. Government as the only choice is just as bad.
I go to a pretty religious school, and although most of the staff are catholic, they never push it on us. I'm Jewish, we have a bunch of Islamic, Buddhist, and a couple of other religions throughout, and while I agree that it's awful to push belief onto students, it's definitely good to learn about.
Religion does not belong to the atheist. It belong to the those who wants to learn. Sex education is needed, but teach a teenager about it not a fricking 10 years old
I do agree that the Public schools should not be trying to indoctrinate any specific beliefs, although it permissible for a private school and/or home schooling.
No public schools should be indoctrinating students to believe in atheism either. Why are you not complaining about that?
It depends, there should be no problem if the schools are only teaching the history and basic beliefs of each religion. How can anyone teach the historical truth without discussing religion? IE the Catholic cult's influence in Europe, the Puritans, church of England, Muslims, Crusades, etc.
I don’t think this is the issue, it’s forcing religious indoctrination in schools. I think most people would agree with you, you need a basic understanding of religions to understand why history unfolded the way it did. Good point!!
Yes, most definitely, although some secular viewpoints have been imposed on people like religion and that is also problematic. Schools should be a place for critical thinking and exploring all the evidence rather than have beliefs imposed on them.
An understanding of various religions on a basic level is required to understand the society around you. Art, while a weak point for some, is the absolute strength for others and without the arts our society is a poorer place. Balance everything, use further education to excel in chosen areas.
We've got quite balanced religious education in our schools in the UK. Most religions are covered without instruction or preaching. It DOES help to understand and tolerate others and not make assumptions.
When religion starts to influence teaching, that's another matter.
I agree but what about our religious schools? We have many of them. Many that take bribes from parents desperately trying to get their kids in.
Yes, of course religion should be taught, but not practiced - churches, temples, mosques, gurdwaras, synagogues etc are for that.
I realize practices are different in different religions, but isn't an individual quietly praying (without disrupting class) OK? (If I weren't an atheist I would definitely have prayed before going to the front of the class to do oral reports, and as test papers were being passed out.)
Fully agree, and I think we're on the same page here - schools should not be preaching. My kids go to a voluntary controlled CofE school and they're great at being unbiased and tolerant of all.
If you want prayer in school, send kids to a Christian school. But I remember learning about religion just as a “general life knowledge” kind of thing and I’m grateful for that. Why do we need to learn the difference between socialism, capitalism etc and not know what Jews, Muslims etc believe in.
too a certain extent yes. I don think it's bad o teach children about religion. But it should not decide things like what a child is and isn't allowed to learn.
I think history of religion courses should be offered in high school to teach about the similarities and differences of various religions along with their positive and negative effects on society.
2/3 politics/government in order to modernize Turkey.
Turkey was the poster child for an open Islamic country with Western ideals. Erdogan is subduing and dismantling it. The US following his example.
Religion should be taught but in form of ethics or philosophy classes introducing all major ...
...religions and belief systems. It will allow the students to understand the variety of culture that makes up the US. It would prevent radicalization and disenfranchisement of religious groups. The curriculum would have to be the same nationwide. It would be worth a discussion.
In politics? No.
If it is, it's a part of history and you TEACH ALL OF IT! Every religion and every horrific thing that has come from it. Every horrible druidic sacrificing to the torture crusades to the Holocaust.
Well it was both religion and race! He ordered jewish people to be exterminated, banned them from practicing Judaism, not quite "race" that was the final nail in the coffin.
It was still a religion based cleansing, his target was jewish people, people that weren't blond with blue eyes, a very modern day Christian belief that anyone that isn't those things is a heathen that should burn.
If you want your child to receive religious instruction in school, pay the tuition! Otherwise, take care of this at home & take them to church. Other people should not have to pay for your desire to have your child pray at school & if that’s going to happen, all religions should be represented
As someone who was educated in Catholic schools from 5-18, I agree. I can’t complain about the education (much) but the religious indoctrination haunts me to this day (I will have to say 5 Hail Mary’s now).
I went to Catholic school K-12. I like the discipline, not physical, and educated our children there also. Lots good & bad, but the good outweighed the bad, a bit.
I also went to Catholic school in my elementary years. The nuns had long rulers they’d whack my knuckles with,if I didn’t recite a prayer correctly.
To this day, I remember the times when i was unable to hold a pencil afterwards.
I never had religious school, but Lutheran Missouri synod was enuf to drive me far away to #atheism 😂🤣. That's the worst denomination and sector ever. I prob had the worst minister ever. Had to pass catechism and do sermons for 2 yrs, fail that and tests, no confirmation 😆
Similar could be said the other way tbf,,, if you want to curate your child's education and restrict their knowledge base, keeping them away from stuff like different religions,, home school them and keep them with you instead trusting most of their life and knowledge in an educators hands 🤔
Agree but in your example, you are not forcing one religious belief / opinion on other people’s children in a publicly funded school. The premise of my statement is that they want to impose their religious beliefs on others
Fairs, over here it's less of an imposed thing and more a religious education that covers most of them and one particular one isn't pushed onto a kid (questionable ideologies still are tho)
I think that a great public school improves the community I live in and every child is entitled to an education. I don’t mind paying taxes. My children attended Catholic school, which was our choice. We paid tuition and taxes. That’s how it works.
Well since you don't mind, please feel free to contribute my portion, and we'll call it even. I should be able to choose is my point. As it stands I am forced to pay for public education.
This is exactly my opinion. I am actually a supporter of teaching religion in schools, but not in the way that is being pushed. I would love to see diverse religious education (even if it's just the big 4 of Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity) available to kids in school.
Kids can pray at school and learn about religions. Those are legal things to do. A teacher can't lead or pray publicly or tell you any given religion is true or whatever as a teacher.
America’s Constitution Doesn’t Pander To Any Single Religion And It’s Amendments Are Specific —Freedom Of Religious Beliefs Or No Religious Beliefs—Illegal For Government Discriminate Against Either. Church And State Are Separate —To Preserve Democratic Government/Institutions For Americans/America.
Teach all religions (at least that there are many major ones) but do not promote anti that’s the balance. If an educated adult chooses to pick up religion (not through indoctrination as a child) then fine. I doubt that many will somehow
Sadly, imho many of the churches have taken Christ out of the church. Perhaps churches need to put Christ back in the church and leave the schools along!
What would that accomplish? It's Santa-Claus-for-adults either way, it's a make-belief concept everybody knows isn't real that exists to simplify explanations for complex issues without easy answers (otherwise).
I am Catholic and I am NOT Baptist so NO indoctrination of my child into your religion, those teachings belong to me and MY CHURCH, now I have to repudiated your F'd up 💩 every night at dinner? No thx🤬
I say teach all religions in school and then tax the churches and evangilists so they can’t rake in the money! you want to be in our Public Schools pay the public school tax we all pay!
When Honesty, Openness, Integrity and justice tempered by mercy and compassion is practiced by all, religion takes a back seat and is personal.
All wise men are of the same religion, they just keep it to themselves.
Does that belief make you feel secure? It seems kind of elitest. Like only the wise can be redeemed/achieve salvation ??? What if Im a fool and still love GOD abd want to go to heaven? Honest question.
This thread needs a lot more definitional clarity. Depending on your definition of religion, some of the replies are arguing that materialistic nihilism should be taught as a state religion, and others are arguing for comparative religion class electives, which are status quo in much of the west.
I thought that's the way it was supposed to be. The religion to look after the "spiritual " well being of the population and the state to care for the physical well-being of the population with perhaps a bit of interaction on health and economic distribution. The rest, hands off both sides.
Research of the creation myth is what allowed us to discover Darwinian Evolution, as one of the biggest examples I know of. Some people actually believe in both the Creation Myth and evolution, strengthening their faith and still having learned more about our world.
i think it does under the religion section in the library but that’s it just books being books all books are allowed this priceline priceline privilege
We kind of do. I have faith that peer review in science is done correctly. I can’t repeat all the experiments myself so I have to trust others to do good quality work and scrutiny.
I feel like our history classes taught what the more popular religions were and their core beliefs. Or maybe I just read it in a book at the library myself 🤷🏽. Unfortunately, I know the folks who want religion in school are only talking about one religion 😮💨🤦🏽
Agreed! 🤬 Bunch of idiots, Take YOUR child TO church for their religious learning! But maybe parents won’t take them there because they don’t go there themselves! Religion is best learned from those who dedicated their life to teaching their faith!
I’m 27, I disagree. I enjoyed religion in class as it was a 30 minutes of nice singing, every words of the prayer being read was meaningful, and for some of us kids back then, it teaches us compassion,empathy, kindness, respect and honor. #mypersonalopinion 🫶
No. De- regulate all religions, and take their meeting places away. They have the options of turning them into places for the homeless, selling to private home owners, or in some cases-turn into a museum. You’re free to have a religion, just no public meeting places.
Churches and religions have been the issue for to many problems in the past and continue to be so. If there is no structure they will not gain power or control. Ever again.
Christian nationalists—regressive Catholic or Protestant—fail both church and country. They confuse power for patriotism, greed for grace, and graven idols for American ideals.
Disagree. Religion class us how I realized religion is made-up gobbledygook. You just have to teach religion as part of social studies. Comparative religion, that is. Introduce as many as possible, and show their similarities. Like how the bible ripped off bunch of ancient tales like Gilgamesh.
That I do agree with! I think the OP means that religion doesn't belong in schools if kids are being forced to pray or listen to their principal or teachers pray. Teaching about all religions and Atheism should be part of the curriculum.
religion does not give you authorization to rule my actions or my life. mind your own business pseudo-religious people. dont mind my skeletons when you have a cementery on yours.
Are you thinking they will force you to pray under force of arms or...? Cause forcing people to pray is DEFINITELY unconstitutional. I dont see how "offering" prayer is though.
I generally agree.... However I think Christianity should get the bulk of the concentration considering the history/makeup of American citizens. Buddhism, Judaism, and Hinduism can be minor add on. People should extra the best out of the religions and not concentrate on horrors and negativity.
Yeah, I think some obscure religion which has no influence should be taught the same as Christianity. Equality is not a good religion. Some things have more cultural relevance than others and should be emphasized as much.
Are we teaching them the old testament as well? Or we leave the "stone your neighbour if it wears robes with different materials" and "Sleep with your daughter" out?
Yea, and if you allow one religion, you have to allow ALL religions! Bloody Evangelicals demanding we change our lives for their god - fuck all the way off! The hypocrites don’t even practice their own religion.
Fascinating exchanges! But the bigger issue is: why do smart, thoughtful people, working with the same logic and evidence, come to radically different conclusions on the existence of a personal God?
REAL EDUCATION belongs in school. Not lies about how much better White Americans are than the rest of the world, not religion, and not the sociopolitical agendas of immature and narcissistic White Americans with no real culture, thinking they’re better than those who actually HAVE a culture.
It doesn't belong anywhere. People should not be brainwashed and indoctrinated by stone age fairytales made up to control people & be misogynistic towards women & girls.
Antitheism is too often/in general practiced as a fanatic religion-sect-alike ideology, but normal atheism without the anti can be normal cultural enriching like normal religions et similar if practiced without the ideoligical-religious fanatism of antitheism.
It really varies depending on the antitheist in my opinion some of them are okay people and others aren't people just need to understand that not all religions are just Christianity with a different coat of paint on it we're actually very different from Christians...
...and as you said Christianity has a lot of variety within itself too. Some people just commit a hasty generalization fallacy and we need to call their hand on it when they do but not all anti-theists do the Hasty generalization thing.
Sure nice paintings were commissioned in the past and pretty churches were built.
But I'm hard pushed to think of anything that religion has done in the past couple of centuries apart from being the excuse for atrocities.
If I personally would feel that my sex in changing I would consult a doctor a psychologist
Historically speaking, one don't gain or keep hegemony without a fair deal of force.
I already blocked it.
Most things humans do in life are not based on religion and public schools should focus on those things.
Go to Religious schools for religious education! told me that you might be able to suggest analytical apps for BlueSky that are effective and reasonably priced. Thanks, Rich! I am a follower because you do GREAT work! 💙
Some people seem to be confusing faith and knowledge.
It’s faith that should be separate from the state and our schools.
How to separate faith and culture? Xmas is part of both. If we flatten our culture we are diminished.
if a consequential decision is being made based on religious faith that is at odds with secular beliefs and customs then the line may have been crossed.
*I am not a philosopher. They probably have better arguments.
Search for “build this wall church and state tees”.
In a few years, the Asians / Africans had the Bible and the westerners had the land.
So that’s the role of the Church historically.
Some people really assume Europeans just came into new lands blasting and enslaving everyone. Sad indeed.
Give religious fanatics an inch, and they'll seize many miles.
James Talarico,
Texas State Rep(D) on the importance of upholding the separation of church & state
How to discern between what works and what doesn't work.
Problem solved.
So let’s just start with abolishing the public indoctrination centers.
i agree with this feeling in regards to smaller ones though, it's complicated.
Religious curriculum / indoctrination belongs ONLY in private religious schools; NOT in ANY public schools.
Much of the discrimination & prejudice we see in the world today comes from misinformation about religion. Kids should be taught about all religions & to be tolerant of others views. It is the only way to end such discrimination.
Religion influencing politics, now that has to stop.
Don't expect the taxpaying public to support your particular religion.
They'll call us welfare queens if we get food stamps while getting mansions with tax $$$
That is all~ womp womp.
And more power to them. If trump wants to lead through dictatorial means, then he can face the repercussions of trying to circumvent our checks and balances.
If changing the curriculum in schools is so important to a few wanting to teach kids about one specific religion they must be fair to all...the requirement should be to teach about ALL religions in ALL public schools!!!
Does not apply to everyone.
Do you want the school board or the DoE to decide how to interpret scripture? Should public school teach Jesus as catholic, baptist, Mormon, Lutheran, Episcopalian, or Presbyterian?
We also need Marx and Nietzsche or other great philosophical or spiritual figures, but we do not have to pray them to have a present (at Christmas, date, or worse, after life : in other words never)
I’ll say
No Wall•
No State: to either support or hinder the free expression of religion•
No Theocracy•
Let us build a temple for gathering together, feasting and giving thanks. 🙏🏼
And let's face it, we're already way down that particular path.
There is nothing about religion that is important for human development any more than we need to discuss cannibalism.
I do agree that the Public schools should not be trying to indoctrinate any specific beliefs, although it permissible for a private school and/or home schooling.
No public schools should be indoctrinating students to believe in atheism either. Why are you not complaining about that?
Education about religion / religions does belong into school as part of knowledge gaining, to make people able to compare and chose.
Uneducated people fall prey to rabble-rousers here as well.
You mean a subject that brings in billions of pounds a year, possibly more than any other subject, for many different industries, that art?
When religion starts to influence teaching, that's another matter.
Yes, of course religion should be taught, but not practiced - churches, temples, mosques, gurdwaras, synagogues etc are for that.
you know, the class specifically there to teach you about how people live their lives
the one everyone calls useless for some reason ._.
some people know so little that they confuse things like capitalism for commerce, some people don't know what the means of production even *is*
While I would suggest, people should be able to follow their faith in schools, just not a government imposed religion or faith.
A). Check European history from 1618-1648.
The 30 years war....
One of the reasons why Germans love to keep politics and religion separated.
B) Or check the history of Turkey Atatürk separated religion from ...
Turkey was the poster child for an open Islamic country with Western ideals. Erdogan is subduing and dismantling it. The US following his example.
Religion should be taught but in form of ethics or philosophy classes introducing all major ...
...religions and belief systems. It will allow the students to understand the variety of culture that makes up the US. It would prevent radicalization and disenfranchisement of religious groups. The curriculum would have to be the same nationwide. It would be worth a discussion.
In politics? No.'s often overlooked that millions exterminated included a myriad of ethic minorities
It was Aryan racial purity that was Hitlers driver .... definitely.... definitely not religion of any persuasion.
To this day, I remember the times when i was unable to hold a pencil afterwards.
Their religion and government is of one
All wise men are of the same religion, they just keep it to themselves.
Sorry, I mean yes! Yes I agree.
There are of course other religions and other interpretations....
It’s all nonsense to me.
However, I think the themes and attitudes from religion should be taught more than the literally bible. End of the world stories should not be taught
Why do Christians seem to think they are an exception?
Exploration of religions could be offered as elective in high school but not before.
Plenty of other opportunities for parents to indocrinate.
anti-theism is cultural genocide
i'm not going to sit here and advocate for the eradication of all cultural religious practices just because of evangelists and catholics
But I'm hard pushed to think of anything that religion has done in the past couple of centuries apart from being the excuse for atrocities.