I heard we’re posting our post popular art from The Bad Place
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Friend? Enemy? Watcher?
Maybe look at this guy's sky, I think you might appreciate him
I love your stuff!
Thanks for that.
But this one was just disturbing, somehow 😬
This is really great.
Can I dub your comic?
These short works are an order of magnitude above the average comic and display an insane amount of sequential art and litterary technical knowledge.
Damn. 🙏
I'd like to know whether it was intentional or not, although it's hard to see how it might've not been
I love this comic so much 🥰
आज संडे है सिस्टम हैंग तो बनता है🤟
फटाफट लाईक REPOST करो🙅
फिर अच्छा कमेंट आने दो🙌
फिर रिपोस्ट लिस्ट खोल कर एक दूसरे को
फॉलो करो 🔙 आएगा स्पीड से🏃
फिर सारे कमेंट को लाइक करो इंगेजमेंट बढ़ेगा❤️🔥
एक पोस्ट तीन फायदे🤗 #YODHHA_S
what do you even do about this if you're the doctor
Basically, the two styles have the same general structure, but then Comedy has to make you laugh at the end.