@n1ghtmarica.bsky.social has phenomenal information regarding whom to contact with election grievances & details steps they have taken.
Includes letters you can sign/send to request recounts/investigation into the election results
I’d like to give a shout out to all of the guards in the prison system who turned a blind eye to staff being abused AND then made out to be the problem. F##K ALL OF YOU! Shame on who you are as people.
“Tolerance is essential, even when we disagree. Labeling opposing views as ‘evil’ risks shutting down dialogue and understanding. True progress comes from engagement, not exclusion.”
And people who constantly lie and smear people, and believe that accusations are proof, at first win a few battles, but in time the public and voters find them out and then they die politically. The Democrats are losers and still don’t know why they lost. Accusations are not proof..
Butter? Will there be plenty of butter? You know bread & potatoes are just places to put the butter so your hand doesn’t get greasy. Potatoes are good (with butter)
Tolerance is a virtue but must be applied thoughtfully. Blind tolerance can enable harm, so we must oppose what is truly destructive while upholding justice and compassion. The key is wisely defining ‘evil’ and ensuring our response aligns with fairness and empathy.
Who defines evil? Me. I fucking do. My timeline, my choice. I got no time for dingdongs like him who will only waste my time and try to convince me I should pal around with shitheads. He’s blocked.
It should be, but it's not always, in this world now. Obvious stuff- torture, homicide, rape, etc., I think most agree with (hopefully). But now, all sorts of things not falling into the old "obvious" categories are being labeled as "evil" by people addicted to tribalism.
Actually, the paradox disappears if we see tolerance as a social contract that has to be binding on all parties. If one party breaks the contract, they are no longer covered or protected by it.
I have never understood how is it a paradox, when nothing in the concept of tolerance implies it is an absolute or that it extends to people who are actively detrimental and opposed to tolerance. It is a perceived paradox that stems from the idea that there is no nuance and that it is absolute.
I like that video. It's rhythmically very pleasant. The guitar, in its simplicity, together with the beat,
creates an atmosphere of peace and freedom from assholery.
The Roman Empire, which was previously by all accounts, laissez faire on the subject of religion, tried to be intolerant of the intolerant religion of Christianity.
The problem is the definition of the term. What was evil 100 years ago can no longer be understood as such today (e.g. homosexuality). It would be better to be intolerant of cruelty, prejudice and violence instead of using a term by which everyone understands something different.
Sometimes cultural intelligence helps in a situation where what we term evil in our space, is actually acceptable in another clime....these are the reasons why our earth is so complicated - cultural differences.
True. I champion for each culture prioritizing its own best interests. Regrettably not everyone agrees that all cultures ought to be able to live amongst themselves & maintain their own distinct spaces. This divergence of views gives rise to conflicts. The solution remains elusive. Balkanization?
The hard truth is this, there may never truly be a universally agreed best practices when it comes to cultural issues..the only quasi standards are imposed by bigger nations for smaller nations to comply with...its more like hey, we are ya big brother, you just have to listen.
"I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise."
Beautiful post. Extrapolation: “religious tolerance/ acceptance of faith” has been waiting in the wings to provide cover for what’s happening right now.
Faith / politics have mutated into an “unholy (lol) alliance”. Because people voted for drump based on faith- “ belief in the absence of evidence”
If I tolerate intolerance I play the fool.
Silence will not protect me.
Accommodation will not spare me
Complicity will not shield me
Fight against the rising tide of intolerance
Picture of Thomas Mann in black and white with the brightness lowered to allow clarity of the overlaid white text of his attributed quote: "Tolerance is a crime when applied to evil"
In the abstract, it is simple to not tolerate evil. In practice, a person can believe in an evil idea because they have been mislead. They are not an evil person, and with careful de-programming can be shown how the idea they espouse is actually evil.
But the second you begin to try to..deprogram things/people. It becomes extremely easy. Sure, the catholic church defines homosexuality as evil. But we can ask...what don't they define as evil that others would? Oh i don't know. Covering up pedophilia for centuries?
Well when "you" can't even identify what a woman is, it's kinda hard to say "you" know what evil is. People all agree that communists and fascists are trash but the problem is you have one side claiming everything under the sun against someone because they don't like them. That isn't understanding.
And who defines what is evil? Who defines it? Hitler defined communists as evil, communists defined fascists as evil. The left defines the right as evil. That one sentence is a bunch of nonsense.
Then we're all criminals right? we're all sitting around tolerating trump and the republicans. This equates evil with breaking the law. There's plenty of evil that isn't against the law. I think there's plenty of laws that even protect behavior most of us would call "evil"
When people say to protect kids. In actual policy and actions to be taken people mean very different things. The far right would say conversion therapy for trans kids. While the left would allow for transition to some extent.
Who is the intolerant here?
i think a simple way to find what is good is simply to do what makes people happy and doesn't go against others' consent. unless what makes a person happy is another person's misery, which is of course unacceptable.
I will get on with anybody if they respect their neighbour. Increasingly , there are fewer centralist right-wingers and the far right do not love or respect anybody. Except, strangely the President-Elect.
True unmitigated evil. Most people however are a mixture of the dark and the light and if we are lucky and very persistent, we can bring out the light in them. There is a balance in all things.
If you’re still friendly with your MAGA friends and family, congratulations! It’s you too. Now you know how the Germans let it happen because you’re doing it too.
I remember someone once pointing out that tolerance is also part of a social contract. (I wish I'd captured the details.) For productive discourse, we maintain a modicum of inter-tolerance. If you can't maintain that little and "break the contract," then I'm no longer bound to it either.
"Tolerance becomes a crime when it is extended to evil." This sentiment emphasizes the importance of discernment, suggesting that tolerating harmful actions or unjust practices can perpetuate wrongdoing. It highlights the moral responsibility to stand against what is unethical or harmful.
“If we extend unlimited tolerance to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”
-Karl Popper
“The Open Society and Its Enemies.” (1945)
Includes letters you can sign/send to request recounts/investigation into the election results
Every generation gets the call to defend the Light from the Darkness.
The Darkness just showed everyone in America exactly who and what he is, and what he's going to do to America--unless we stop him.
I refuse to abandon the Light!
It's our turn.
Because I am confused here 😂💔
creates an atmosphere of peace and freedom from assholery.
The Roman Empire, which was previously by all accounts, laissez faire on the subject of religion, tried to be intolerant of the intolerant religion of Christianity.
“Bake the cake, or else,” they said.
Christianity took over the empire as a result.
Faith / politics have mutated into an “unholy (lol) alliance”. Because people voted for drump based on faith- “ belief in the absence of evidence”
Silence will not protect me.
Accommodation will not spare me
Complicity will not shield me
Fight against the rising tide of intolerance
In the abstract, it is simple to not tolerate evil. In practice, a person can believe in an evil idea because they have been mislead. They are not an evil person, and with careful de-programming can be shown how the idea they espouse is actually evil.
Indeed it is.
The majority of people who believe in harmful ideas believe they are just the opposite.
By attacking people instead of deconstructing harmful ideas we become the tools which reinforce those ideas within those same people.
His stories were filled to the brim with “good criminals”!
Who is the intolerant here?
I'm not a fan of Thomas Mann but he was certainly right about this one!
A negative multiplied by a negative equals a positive.
It's not perfect, I'm not the best writer.
Could it stop Trump?
- Edwin Hubbel Chapin
History has taught us this before.
It’s no time to abandon our partners.
That is why I cannot understand that some on the Left defend and some even support Fascist groups, as long as they are not Western.
Like the Muslim Brotherhood. There should really be a limit to tolerance. Being tolerant against Fascism, also religious fascism, is a no-go.
-Karl Popper
“The Open Society and Its Enemies.” (1945)