So the good guy is a guy who killed a mentally ill man and the bad guy is the guy who killed the guy who laid of thousands of people and denied a safer version of a pediatric cancer drug to children because it cost slightly more than the side effect ridden drug they we already covering?
It’s simple: killing rich people is bad, killing poor people is good. Jennings could say that verbatim & cnn would give him a raise & an afternoon tv slot.
Why is anyone watching CNN anymore? How much more does anyone need to see before they understand it's a corporation, giving you the illusion of a left leaning network.
He just really said that... In front of her... With no shame... Boo that man! Shame on him. I hope someone he personally disparaged decides to settle a score with him
Daniel Choked To Death A Homeless Man On A Subway—Who Had Already Succumbed To His Overwhelming Strength—Found Not Guilty- But Video Shows Otherwise! Luigi Murdered A Man On Video-I Expect He’ll Be Found Guilty And Should Be. Does The Value Of A Persons Life Depend On Their Wealth/Status…Obviously.
What a smug d bag Scott is. Pick and choose your vigilante long as they are killing mentally ill people, struggling or protestors (you don’t agree with).
Seriously… will never start to regain credibility until they (among other things) axe Scott Jennings, who is a propagandist at his core but tries to present as a “legitimate contributor”
Luigi Mangione comes from a prominent Republican Baltimore family who’s grandfather owned country clubs, owned assisted living facilities, real estate compsnies, and left generational wealth to 37 grandchildren.
His cousin a R-Delegate for Baltimore County.
Your country is literally falling apart - why are people like this allowed to broadcast their opinions on television? He deserves to be a day 3 early morning speaker at TPUSA or some other shitty such gathering
It is so exhausting dealing with the inability of people to recognize who the bad guy is. Is literally everyone so wildly incoherent in their beliefs that they can’t tell the difference between a $2 crime and a man who is directly responsible for hundreds of deaths just so he could turn a profit?
CNN was my white noise for decades. Always playing in the background until I couldn’t abide Scott Jennings and his ilk spewing their foolishness. #GTHCNN
And Jennings now hired at the LA Times so that Soon-Shiong can have ‘ bias-meter’ for more right leaning editorial writers. Another oligarch who owns media bending the knee.
Seriously? He knows chokeholds are deadly. He’s a trained veteran! He had the guy under control but refused to let go. Nah! He knew exactly what he was doing and got away with killing that guy. The reality is that no jury was gonna convict a veteran. Kind of like cops usually get acquitted.
These people are so blatantly racist and we Black people are just supposed to accept that. Where the hell can Black people sit around gloating about a Black man murdering a White man, in the presence of other White people and get away with that Bullshit?
Exactly. White people are allowed to use their discomfort around Black people, poor people, mentally ill, homeless, etc — as a get out of consequences free card because all they have to say is they were afraid or fearful or felt threatened. Unbelievable.
CNN used to platform Glenn Beck. This was nearly 20 years ago so I suspect many here won't recall. They've been terrible and right wing for years and years.
This is why I stopped watching CNN. Had it on 24/7 before and now not at all. This guy is a complete jerk and they give him a platform to spew this nonsense and hate. No way not anymore!
Didn't see it. Must be one of those stooges I blocked.🤷🏼♀️
I'd love to be on Luigi's jury. #JuryNullification would be the way. I want insurance company CEOs as afraid of dying as every third-grader in America until the gun violence problem and for-profit "healthcare" are both a distant memory.
He really went full maga after the election. What a shameless fuck. How anybody can sit up there and not call him out is beyond me. That fuck pisses me off
I can’t understand why CNN continues to have this POS on.He offers no value;instead offers low ratings for CNN.He’s rude and disrespectful to other panelists dem or rep. he thinks Kyle Rittenhouse is also one of the good guys! Daniel Penny=black man and Luigi=white dude.Need I say more.
Of course they consider the "good guy" the one who murdered a black man.😐 These scumbags aren't even trying to hide it anymore how racist, vile, and absolutely evil they are
They think because they had a black friend on their high school football team they can't possibly be racist. I have a former friend that once said "I'm not racist but I hate these *insert black slur*" Four hours later tagging one of his black friends in a post. Bro, can you be any less self aware
Who watches CNN? Jennings’s premise is absurd. Most don’t condone murder. The conversation is about healthcare, and mental health and what a corrupt rotten system it is.
Piece of shit MAGA they support a liar thief and rapist. Can not stand their hypocrites
The bad guys are getting wealthy, denying people health care, the good guys, Luigi Mangione. The innocent those getting ripped off by health insurance companies.
So the American soldiers that took out Bin Laden were the bad guys? Nope - Daniel Penny had a lot more in common with Bin Laden than he did with the American soldiers that got him.
If you're making the argument that "murder" is a legal classification, then that's a dumb argument. Kowtowing to the law as a basis of your morality means you wouldn't have had a problem with the Jewish holocaust.
You're the one being a pendant here. A health insurance company denying lifesaving coverage is morally equivalent to murder, even if it's not written into law as such.
Please post the same volume on this platform, as you do on the other one.
I got a lot of info from you over there before I deactivated my account. Thanks for all you do, Acyn! ,✌🏼💜
This is the classic right-wing tactic. Screaming away the logical intricacies and nuances and making the other side's alleged hypocrisy the real crime. Meanwhile the right gleefully celebrates extrajudicial murder and, you know, is about ready to make Jan. 6 a national holiday.
CNN does this trash divisive sound bite BS for ratings. Unconscionable.
Scott Jennings pleading to be Luigi’d.
I’m not advocating, I’m pointing out that he is begging.
ALL of corporate parasite owned legacy media has taken the position that the guy heading the criminal organization responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of Americans was a "good, upstanding citizen who did nothing wrong" and I love to see them losing massive audiences as a result 🥰
Political ignoramus Scott Jennings is 1 reason I stopped watching CNN. The UHC killer is a bad guy - but also a more MAGA-oriented ideologue whose recent computer activity focused on anti-woke political writing, Joe Rogan & bro-culture heterodoxy. Not the leftist radical he wants you to believe.
I can’t believe this. It’s NOT about picking sides people. Focus on the bigger issues that led to this shit in the first place! A broken healthcare system and a mental health crisis the government refuses to address. Stop getting distracted by petty arguments and focus on the real problems.
Agreed 💯 ... I live in Canada and we are grappling with the same issues in the downtown core of my home city... shortage of affordable housing, a strained Healthcare system, shortage of drug rehab facilities and mental health programs... it has resulted in increased violence in the downtown core
Just like the right, everything is political to them their pieces of shit and everything that happens in our world is based off of politics because that’s what they wanted to be
Isn’t Daniel Penny the sick dude that choked a black man on a subway? That dude can fuck all the way off! Should be in prison! Luigi Manglone is, well we shall see
He’s such an extreme far right racist, Christian fascist F.
I don’t condone the murder of the CEO, also don’t condone the murder of a vulnerable person, by a person in a position of power.
His cousin a R-Delegate for Baltimore County.
The Haves vs the Have Nots
I'd love to be on Luigi's jury. #JuryNullification would be the way. I want insurance company CEOs as afraid of dying as every third-grader in America until the gun violence problem and for-profit "healthcare" are both a distant memory.
they are either lying to everyone or lying to themselves
If you're in the American left tonight, here's my chart. The goods guys: OJ Simpson.
Give it a month and we'll have Fareed Zakaria doing editorials on how Billionaires Are Good Actually.
The bad guys are getting wealthy, denying people health care, the good guys, Luigi Mangione. The innocent those getting ripped off by health insurance companies.
Murder poor person = good guy
Murder rich person = bad guy
According to reality:
Murder anyone = bad guy
This type of obtuse pedantry is why the other site sucks.
Leave that bullshit over there.
I got a lot of info from you over there before I deactivated my account. Thanks for all you do, Acyn! ,✌🏼💜
Scott Jennings pleading to be Luigi’d.
I’m not advocating, I’m pointing out that he is begging.
I mean, actually, I do, because I just watched 40 seconds of him exposing himself.