Kelly: When I was flying in combat over Iraq during the first Gulf War, I didn’t expect that there was a 10-year-old kid sitting in South Africa who would one day become the richest guy in the world and call me a traitor for doing my job. Now, he kind of acts like a 12-year-old kid
—Senator Kelly, we appreciate you, thank you for all you do for us here in AZ. You are a real statesman in a world where that is now a rare thing.
I haven't watched Luke.
#cowards blocked me for calling them out for accepting the rigged fucking election
Wake the fuck up and smell the treason
FUCK those over entitled MILLIONAIRES before their network, fyi
Notice ALL the white cis men haven't mentioned the fraudulent election, the russian/fascist steps/connection, actions or plans to fight
They're all about rage bait & getting the clicks.
No ideas, they're LAW BASED! could've sued for a new election, something to fight certification, ETC
Just can't be trusted (sponsored by reichtwing companies, too)
12 yr old
Not really convinced he's smarter than a 5th grader especially considering how much the world is rejecting him right now.
Somebody call a parent meeting.
This boy needs social counseling with a focus on reading-the-room/world and self-awareness for elitists.
Sapiosexual. 🤮
He certainly dresses like one. But Musk has the emotional maturity of a toddler. He peaked at age 5.
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He needs to smack the shit out of him.
Except in the U.S. it's spelled *SwastiKKKar*.
Seriously! He’s ruining our democracy! He’s working for Putin!
Don't know him or your politics, I do know that you become a traitor when you serve evil.
But they could just walk away.
Once you stayed and was apart of it you became a traitor.
Thank you for all you do!🤗
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Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.
He can't and won't build anything.
He's going to do what he's always done - get the hell out and let someone else take the fall.
💥✈️ #TruePatriot
Stop being so submissive and do the right thing for once and scream you are appalled at Musk calling Senator Kelly a Traitor and thank him for all he is/has done for OUR Country!
Elon is a bad joke helping Trump destroy America. No contest.
musk is a absolute menace to what he fought for
My 12 y.o. grandchild acts 100 times better than Musk.
He's going to have to keep that nose picking toddler wrapped around his neck forevaaaaa.
They are simply put, "Bad 'uns".
I don't accept the "damaged" descriptions when offered by some. I think it excuses their willful Ignorance.
Long live hope.
Kelly is a 🇺🇸 hero.
It is no contest.
Their family members show signs of senility as young kids but the parents ignore those very credible signs.
Americans need to remember that Elon only became wealthy from America helping him.
He’s so much like Trump whose Daddy helped him too.
They aren’t self-made millionaires-
They are self-made con men!
I should pay more attention to Peter’s as well. But he is smart enough not to be making speeches praising people like Regan.
Honestly next time they are on the ballot I’m just leaving it empty.
It’s okay though. They’ll lose again and blame progressives. Same shit, different people/year.
cutting the US Budget with a Chainsaw, yelling Chainsaw! As if that's the sound a chainsaw makes!
We live in the Downside up!
“Americā delenda est.” Trump and Musk
“Carthage must be destroyed.” Cato
“America must be destroyed.” Trump and Musk
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What a mothafaka tech billionaire he is!
Words that matter ..
Your rigth
Speak up !!!
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However I wish he had said the first 'Gulf of America war...'