Warner: And the idea somehow, well, none of this was classified, but we can't talk about it here. You can't have it both ways.


we need Chris Hansen to interrogate these people!
if only he would add a little Horatio Caine from CSI: Miami!
maybe this summer he will wear some shades!
The picture of incompetence.
Warner is perfect.
Reminds me of Katie Porter.
Witkoff joining in from Moscow using a commercial app is practically giving #Putler direct insights into US-attack planning, personnel, assets and packages. #stopTheMadness and #saveTheUS from the #lunaticInChief and his incompetent gang.
Spot. On.
Enter the MAGA spin doctors. Unfortunately all they are going to do is get dizzy. There isn't anything to spin here. Gross incompetence is too kind.
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Ok but they *are* having it both ways
If these senior members of the government have testified under oath that there was no classified information, the journalist should be free to publish the part of the chat that he assumed would be too sensitive to reveal.
That isn't how classified information gets declassified.
Yes. Ask them all on record to sign an affidavit that there will be no repercussions to that effect!
Wouldn’t these officials be in contempt once the highly sensitive information Goldberg left out of his article is revealed behind closed door hearings to those with the proper clearance?
The danger in that is potentially revealing sources and/or putting troops at risk. The journalist made the right call in not printing the info. But he can provide it directly to Congress, I'd think.
Do we have any Republican ( or zealots as I like to refer to them) speaking out about this major fuck up ? What about the current occupant of the big white dwelling, “duh I don’t know anything about this “ or project 2025 , or….. # clueless in DC
Ossoff just skewered the lying snakes. Presidential material for sure!!! 👍
And if they don't want the journalist publicizing all the texts because it's 'classified', then they're lying when they said that none of this stuff in the text was classified. It either is or it isn't.
If it’s not classified then it is ok for the Atlantic to publish it verbatim
I'm going to assume due to the integrity of The Atlantic and their unwillingness to publish, that this is in fact classified information.
Totally agree.
Be fun to see what the threat of that will do to the republicans who keep claiming it wasn't classified.
Goldberg has said that a CIA operative's name, one who is in deep cover, was shared in the chat. Classified information was in the chat.
Talk to the cabinet people. They are the ones saying nothing classified...
But it can't be shared, but they might not have been on the thread at all, but even if they were, the problem was that a journalist was on there, not that they were on their personal phones on an unsecured app. The "but her emails" and "intelligence leaks lead to firings" crowd are sure quiet.
You know that, and I know that. I'm not disagreeing. Merely pointing out the untenable position they have put themselves in. If it's classified, they all should be in deep doo doo. If it's not classified, as they have all said, then no harm in publishing. 👇
And Tulsi Gabbard stated under oath that no classified information was transmitted.
She wouldn't admit to being on the chat, yet knew what was in it, yet can't talk about it because it is being looked at, but it wasn't classified. She also claimed she didn't know DoD policy. The Pentagon had just said don't use Signal, it was not a sanctioned app, these people make us less safe!
What was her lie count for that session?
Yup. Our intelligence agencies may not know it, but journalists know loose lips kill agents
“An extraordinary breach of U.S. security is stunning security and intelligence veterans, after a journalist was added to a Trump administration group chat on Signal, where senior leaders discussed plans for a military strike on Houthi rebels in Yemen…”
Cue surprise witness Jeffrey Goldberg
These idiots think they can lie to people that actually can reason through things ….. just because this tactic works with their base doesn’t mean it will work with critical thinkers.
let’s see if someone hold them accountable.
Shave their heads and lock them up!
Damn. Being sent to thee principal's office so soon ?
The Republican Party has been denying reality for more than a decade now. Such that MAGAs online will blame this on Biden.
And the media won't counter it.
Lily Munster, 4 generations back, was more convincing.
Donald the wannabe dictator can’t even say it was a blunder. He is a weak pathetic excuse for a man.

A third grader could answer that question.

Imagine if our Republicans weren’t fu-KKK-ing traitors!!!
🛑 Stop this horrendous trump regime!!


It’s time to remove him and these idiots.
Tulsi Flabbard looks a little...high.
The old Washington two-step. It's a way of talking out of both sides of your mouth at once.
Moronfest 2025
Incompetent boobs.
Walk them all off the plank.
@ 2:08 minutes in....PANTS ON FIRE
😂 we have new sad face emojis. So that’s something.
Oh yes they can!
"Character matters" when it came to Clinton, but "he's chosen of God!" when it came to Trump.
"Deficits matter!" when we are out of power, but "no they don't!" when we are in power.
I could go on.
Two clowns sitting there lying to the American people with straight faces.


MAGAs are incredibly stupid to support pathological liars.
I am sure that Goldberg would be happy to forward a copy of the entire chat to these people to show them they DID discuss details.
And then he gets to be the only one whisked off to El Salvador….
Tell Jeffery to release it all if it’s not classified.
Those leaks have the potential to affect the security of all Americans. Was someone in setting up that call half in the bag! America deserves an answer to that question.
Oh dear. Someone wasn't prepared for Houthi and the Blowback.
Of course they can. The gop have a true monopoly on hypocrisy.
Just like the Musk China war plans leak. If it isn't true how is it a leak?
Just arrest them now. They screwed up royally and are sitting here in front of a congressionsl panel lying their asses off. They should have been arrested yesterday.
By whom?
The only arresting authority is DOJ. An organization wholly controlled by Putin.
I mean, Trump.
I mean, Musk.
I mean, ...
Do we even know?
And Trump should have been arrested before the election even happened, but America does not know what Justice looks like.
How DO they keep track of all of these lies?!?
Is it a Musk software program, set up for sheer volume? Does AI churn them out for them?
It’s a torrent of lawless gaslighting…😡
Referring to the journalist he invited into a secured military chat as a LOSER, Mike Walz, in typical Trump fashion, GASLIGHTS Jeff Goldberg.
This isn’t Burger King, Tulsi!
Next from MAGA:

“It was part of full transparency and cleaning up the swamp.

PS: But her emails…”
Politicians Really do talk out of both sides of their mouths. They are manipulative liars all of them. I don't even trust the "good" ones.
Don't let yourself get suckered into the false equivalency game

It's a mass manipulation tactic.

'false equivalency' is what made Trump president.
Publish everything since not classified…….
This may be a silly question, but why was Goldberg on Waltz’ contact list?
Not a silly question. It should be answered.
Having it both ways is their whole schtick!
Gabbard's such a s💩 bag too, and a #witch.
Evil American texting each how to kill others
A confederacy of dunces.
#LaughingStockOfTheWorld #IneptMorons
It's very hot in China now. Could this prompt them to take action that effects our national security? Did DNI watch project 2025 training film to eliminate all references to climate from all government reports
That is MAGA.

Lie, lie, lie
The Trump administration taking responsibility for anything. 🤣
Warner you are a pussy...You need to meet them at their level and call them liars and incompetent morons straight to their faces...I mean look at Gabbard, she's laughing in your face, couldn't even be bothered...c'mon grow a spine!
Wasn't it also the hypocrites of this MAGA clan who wanted to lock up Hillary Clinton because she used a private email account? OK, in that case, everyone very loudly: "Look them up! Lock them up! Lock them up!..." 📣
#leak #signal #hegseth #war #musk #ssa #socialsecurity #trump
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Do you think the reporter was in on it & released the story *now* intentionally?
Every battle is worth fighting.

The distraction is not seeing battles through.

Keep up the fight on every front.

Give NO ground.
Pardons will follow soon along with a memo from NSA saying Signal is ok to use as long as OPSEC isn't breached.
There's several steps in that plan. You sure they'll get ALL of that? 😁

Their competence is limited. And their plans are not particularly adaptable.
Trump like using his pardon pen to give criminals a free ride. And not only will NSA reissue a bulletin I would bet Pete will declassify the information with a predated letter.
Yes, they can have it both and all ways apparently
🙏Senator Warner
This clown show of an administration will be the first in history needing to issue pardons for their top level cabinet officials within the first 100 days and every 100 days thereafter, because of the sheer audacity and level of their corruption, criminality, and inept idiocy.

Expect more circus.
The look on their faces says it all.
"Willfully" using a non-government platform for Classified Information IS a Crime.

"Inadvertently" disclosing Classified Information on a non-government platform IS NOT necessarily a Crime.

One Guess as to what This Administration WILL claim?

And If This Works...
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He's dealing with absolute children that are severely under qualified for any position, much less national security. A fucking embarrassment.
Biggest national security crisis of the modern era and Fox News was doing this today....
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“I ain’t paying for your pop”
not classified?...good, then Goldberg should publish the entire conversation/thread.
It mentions Europe too
It trashes them
That's exactly why he hasn't though, because he's not a traitor and he knows the truth of what happened. And also because he knows the brownshirts will come for him if he does.
"But you have to understand that that's the way Fox would let us tell it."
You HYPOCRITES!! It was definitely classified information.

STOP GASLIGHTING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. We can see what you’re doing. We are smart and know exactly what is happening. Start owning up to your messes and get rid of the Republican that is not up to their responsibilities of protecting USA.
If it's NOT a secret, does that mean The Atlantic can print the full transcript without repercussions?
I assume that is a 'yes'.
What a world-class shit-show
Is a CIA director fit for the job if they can't remember things?
Uummmmmm... no.

I got it right. I get a cookie.
It's the internet, we all get cookies! And free invites to Pentagon group chats!
American hubris with our allies isn't a good look. Evidently, they are all on board with a general move away from the NATO alliance.
Not sure anyone with such a bad memory should be in charge of anything!
You go, Mark! Using common sense and intelligence, novel idea. We need these bums to all be jailed!!!
Such lying sacks of shit! Gabbard looked like a deer in the headlights and Radcliffe is just a smarmy, self serving, lying piece of garbage! How is anybody in the world supposed to trust these people, and by extension, the US.
Ah but they can and will until somebody jails them.
Now that Gabbard and Ratcliffe have denied to Congress that any of the info shared on the Signal chat was classified, can Goldberg release the info he received to prove them liars? Or would Goldberg open himself to criminal charges?
Maybe the case of the Pentagon Papers is a good comparison here. Daniel Ellsberg, who took the documents and showed them to reporter Neil Sheehan, was charged under the Espionage Act. Sheehan, who copied the documents, which were published in the NY Times, was not.
Donny says he wasn’t there (golfing?) so didn’t know about it. Ratcliff says the Atlantic magazine has been against trump. Gabbard claims the type of phone she used is under audit. “It was a mistake,” said republicans.
Roy Cohn's rules: 1) attack, attack, attack; 2) admit nothing, deny everything; 3) no matter what, claim victory and never admit defeat. Trump certainly picked underlings who learn the rules fast.
The Suck and Blow administration.
That cat is definitely out of the bag! 🧌
CIA - Central Idiots Agency.
All these clips need to go on truth social. All of them
He was hot today. Also, How is it that you don't remember what was said on the Signal Chat, yet none provided a copy of the transcript. Was that a Republican decision? A lot of time was wasted with "I don't know" & "I can't recall". I thought I was back at an impeachment hearing for a few minutes!
If their memories are so poor, they’re not fit for their jobs.
Not classified?
The Atlantic then has a go to print it all?
A Ping pong coverup
Exactly, if it's no big deal then publish the whole thread.
Expose this and don’t let up. We deserve due diligence. Our military deserves the dirty details and assurances that it won’t happen again. There HAS to be consequences. People must be fired. Do not let them sidestep this. History will show these times and how we reacted. Get tough. Do not cave.
Mass impeachment.
Democrats should have one message and NEVER stop harping on it. Hold pressers at least twice a day. Send all the best at media to do interviews relentlessly. Please call your members of Congress, write letters to the press demanding action. We can’t let this go.
All day every day
So basically, signal is similar to slack or teams. They are so fing stupid! Espionage!
At a certain point, Gabbard and Ratcliffe appeared to shift to throwing Hegseth under the bus regarding the status of what was discussed on the chat. 🙂
The only answer that has it both ways is "It wasn't classified, but legally it should have been." He basically admitted that out loud, because there are no consequences.
Hire a Fox News weekend host and you get Fox News weekend host performance. Secretary of Defense is not a place for cartoony alpha males to learn a new skill.
I think this shot of Discount Cruella pretty much sums up the entire morass of this episode...
Gabard is tap dancing. Ratcliffe is twisting words.
Our intelligence leaders' intelligence officials integrity is now completely questionable.
Ratcliffe, when asked by Ossoff if this Signal chat was a mistake said “No.” Unbelievable.
But they are! Nobody is doing anything about it!
Just a thought... MAGA is adamant that MERIT be the measure by which a person is qualified for their role. With this collosal, disgraceful, embarrassment, and traitoress act, do those on this chat line MERIT the need to continue their jobs? Does this MERIT the idea that they could keep America SAFE!
But they did get away with it, didn’t they?
Spies WTF
Believe me 🤪
Put idiots into office and you will have idiots in office.
Warner has really taken a step up for my state of Virginia lately @markwarner.bsky.social keep it up, we count on you.
God they are so fucking pathetic. What did we, as normal fucking Americans, ever do to deserve this clown car of shitbags and dog turds!?!
We voted them in.
Well "we" didn't. But a small chunk of idiots in red states did with the help of Elon and voter suppression.
Well, we haven't prioritized (and in fact demonized) good education for the masses, our voter turn out is abysmal and we haven't fought The Citizens' United ruling in worthwhile ways. We've been too busy with Kardashia and Sportball and yeah, social media. We've lackadaised ourselves into shit.
Sadly you are 100% and then some!
I hate it 😭
We have taken a lot of shit for granted.
All of them
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Stop saying anyone is stunned. We’re not. We’re done. Get them out of here.
They just can't say "I don't recall" - the thing is still on their bloody phones. No defense at all.
Gabbster sucking Oysters - Priceless
That moment you realize you’re not qualified for the job….🤣🤣🤣
Call your representatives and demand they demand resignations!

very soon it will be swept under the rug and the print out of the chat will be in a box in felon's shitter room.
"Butthead and Beavis" moment 🤣🍸👍
Jail is too good for them.
@markwarner.bsky.social Thank you Senator Warner! Keep up the pressure.
They need to be charged and sentenced.


11-16 years for a newbie so for their level... short drop quick stop?
No point in keeping him in prison now so do release him. Trumpie does not believe in national security.
Trump brought back the firing squad in 2020. Just saying...
Now I'm wondering how capitalism can make the firing squad even less humane the way it has prisons and lethan injection 🤔
Like watching the squad try to unjam their rifles while you slowly bleed from your stomach from the one that did hit.
Truly awesome
Gabbard should resign for this bs performance. At LEAST be good at lying if you’re not good at anything else.
After listening to all these republicans on this Hegseth security breach, these top security officials will continue to use SIGNAL discussing classified material. IRAN , RUSSIA, and CHINA are definitely listening.

These stupid ass Republican idiots are going to get us all killed.

If Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea weren't already looking at Signal, they sure are now.
That is literally the point. They can't just start killing us in the streets. Not right away, at least. They want a population of starving, stupid, slaves and soldiers. So what if we can't buy their shit. The world will, after some rebranding or outright extortion. It is a feature not a bug.
Exactly. Both sides of the mouth constantly speaking. Please keep attacking all they are doing, because all of it is wrong, incompetent and corrupt.
Put up the chat group that they were in. See the deer in the headlights look come to pass. The, "Oh SHIT" they got me look. 🗽🇪🇺🇺🇦🌻
It's clear Trump has directed them to deny and deflect onto issues they're 'winning' on..

Talk about the border, fentanyl and illegal immigrants... all the puppets are currently on Fox and CNN parrotting the same spiel when asked to speak on the national security breach
The problem is that most of them are used to attention, ratings, fans and cannot keep anything a secret. Why Gabbard is
On social media is beyond me.
She doesn't care about the US, she's a traitor 😤. They all are.
Kind of tells you the way they will be keeping secrets.
We are watching this with absolute incredulity here in the UK. Absolute 🤡 show
Of course it is.
Other questions: How many times have you met this way? Who in the cabinet communicates this way? On which phones? Where were you when texting? Where are they stored? How was Hegseth’s data uploaded? They WANT to talk about if it’s classified. So talk about anything but that. DRILL
I would doubt that was the first time they were on Signal discussing secure things.
His face says it all….
This administration is a joke
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What were the good people of Hawaii thinking to have ever elected someone like Gabbard to the US Senate? We all need to demand that Russian influence is removed from our government.
FFS...She is in a cult. Who did you think she was? Someone not easily influenced?
Remember that she was once a Dem. She lost that somewhere along with her marbles.
She was a dem because R’s don’t elected to congress in Hawaii.
Yep. She's always been a tool. Literally and figuratively.
Oof. I wanted to believe she at least started as a Dem and then just got bought by Russia. But you might be right. Might have been an asset the whole time.
Stone cold Russian asset. And so, perfect for the Krasnov administration.
She has been a member of the Science of Identity Foundation cult for decades. Some say she never had any marbles.
And it just keeps getting weirder, right?
House, not Senate. Specifically, HI-02, which is everything in Hawai'i except Honolulu.
I think she enlisted in the army specifically to build a resume for politics. She fooled the people of Hawaii when she ran for congress but they figured it out before the rest of us did. The bigger question is why did the Army reserve keep her when it became clear what she was?
Gabbard is the DNI and appointed by the president. Prior to that she was in office January 3, 2013 – January 3, 2021 as a congressional representive for Hawaii's 2nd District.
I stand corrected. A former congresswoman, not a senator. But still a Russian asset in the Krasnov administration. Working to betray America every day.
Hard Agree!
That’s contempt of Congress and possibly Perjury.
This type of sensitive information is protected for good reasons. The military has to trust that our security isn't compromised. It can cost missions and lives. For the GOP to say it's no big deal tells me they are either incompetent or don't care. Someone needs to ask them which one it is.
Seems like they did. With GOPer groveling all over them.
The are having it both ways because they know it is impossible to hold them accountable if they hold steadfast to opposing and shifting excuses. How do you attack that in court?
Spin and LIE...
If these people can’t recall what they talked about in a war plan meeting they had just a couple days ago, then they are not the right people to be planning wars.
The gaslighting was beyond belief…
This is known as "sassified" information

It's a bit sassy about who it communciates with
I knew this would be their response and still they don’t get how ridiculous their defense is.
Great screen shot; captures just how miserable these soulless hacks both are.
If it's not classified then the texts can be released.
watch them have it both ways
My question is, who in the chat group had Goldberg as a contact. Someone's been talking to the press...
LOL, sure they will...good example of fascist minds at work...
Yes! Call it out. I am loving the energy that is growing
The character of Maggots include being two-faced, talk out of both sides of their mouths, never big enough to admin when they're wrong, and are a scourge on American soil. Call in the exterminators, we have a major pest problem that is sinking our NATIONAL SECURITY!
The biggest scandal of Trump 2.0 is no scandal at all on MAGA media
If this incident had happened in Russia... big fall. Da?
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It's happening again and again; when will we stop this regime???
We have questions.
Irony just collided with Hypocrisy. They are on the way to Karmas.
Republicans can always have it both ways. It's their God given birthright.
Great job Sen. Warner!
Credulity, not credibility
Tulsi Gabbard said none of that was classified in the hearing today, he should go ahead and publish it.
Dumb and Dumber those stupid treasonous nazi faces are so punchable.
"It is, but it isn't - it simultaneously exists in 2 states of Reality!"
😆”I can’t recall”
This is exactly why she shouldn’t be in a position of leadership
it's a classic f'up, therefore classified
Glorious Leader declassified everything with his mind... although, of course, he also knew nothing about it and has never met Hegseth or Gabbard.
All they have to do is subpoena Jeffery Goldberg and his records.
I'm sure Mr Goldberg will be getting his phone confiscated by the FBI soonish.
Repubs would have to cooperate to do that. Dems can’t subpoena alone since not in majority
If they actually cared about national security, even Republicans could do the right thing for once.

But they just care about staying in power.
She used the “it’s under audit, can’t share now” excuse.
Lock them up for Treason.
It’s beyond embarrassing. They act like five year olds who can lie their way out of getting caught raiding a cookie jar.
Bc they can. Most media are Right Wing & will keep telling pretty lies re: the T admin & ugly lies re: Dems.
This happens if a nation is immersed in lies that lead voters to elect ppl like T. Inevitable, not shocking. Pp don't want to believe propaganda works, that

it affects elections & controls our gov.
Our elections were rigged they planned it and they succeeded. They don't want democracy and even gloated about their successful theft of an administration.
Agreed. No way T won all the swing states. Docile dems didn't demand recounts. Pathetic. Have you seen this clip?
@nickabbot.bsky.social These quotes would be good to use 🙃
No but I've been smelling the rott and following from day one. It's why I got banned from tiktok before going down. People had their hypothesis each getting deleted by the platform. There is a lot of evidence just in the results F students don't just Ace.
It's worked for republicans for the last 60 years.
They act like people who know that so long as they don't say anything Trump will keep them. They don't care about the people, or what is proper.....its all about keeping on with Trump.
German media called them "teenager party" for a reason.
Disgruntled teenagers playing at being adults and really really important and messing that up as their room.
When there’s a photo of their hand in the jar.
Blaming it on the journalist who did not put himself in the chat?!?!
They will get the full transcript. Then they will be held accountable...or should be...these days you never really know in the US.
Pretty sure the members of that Committee have clearances they should subpoena the chat transcript from the Atlantic.
"Dir. Gabbard, had Mr. Goldberg tweeted this information to the Houthis prior to the attack, would he be in prison right now?"
Is a CIA Operative's identity classified?
I sure would hope so. Especially if stationed overseas.
They would all fail Logic 101 class
Trump's regime all over, they want it both ways all the time.

Under Biden the economy is everything, under Trump 'it doesn't matter'

With Clinton it's 'her emails' under Trump it's a mere nothing
If they set in a congressional hearing it is not classified, publish them so we can see what Russia saw.
So. Bidens fault, but they got security in place, there was no classified information provided, but cannot provide any info on it (because none of it was saved of course, that is the reason they're using it)
Did anyone ask whether they would object to Goldberg publishing the entire chat?
Oh, wow, is this new footage? They finally hauled Gabbard in? Are they going to haul Stephen Miller in too? Hegseth?
The epitome of ignorance and how stupid they think of the American people are.
With all due respect, there are a lot of stupid people in America.
Agree, unfortunately. That is why we have a felon in the White House
If it wasn't classified, why not use regular text messages?
That's easily countered -- most of the departments on my ship use Signal for departmental coordination. But a) on personal devices, and b) our traffic mainly consists of teeing up which bars people are at to in foreign ports, not attack plans on Yemen.
The witness should have been given a copy of the reporter’s transcript and a SECRET stamp. “Either read it to the room or stamp it, you are under oath.”
When Wikileaks went public military members were advised not to comment or posses copies because it was still classified.
Same dilemma for this moron sitting under oath.
Lots of bluster from the left, too bad nothing will come of it and the rapist will deflect to some other idiotic takeover that the media will eat up like the sheep they are
Read their faces. Sheepish doesn't do it justice.
Warner should have told her to open her Signal app to refresh her memory every time she could t recall what was in the Signal text thread. 🤔
Credulity not credibility, but the point stands
"It's a secret. You wouldn't understand."
Conservative Bedrock Principle:

“As a matter of fact, we *can* have it both ways!”

Are there any adults in some room somewhere who will say “That’s enough” and put a stop to this? Because it’s going to keep getting worse until someone does.
I assume The Atlantic may now publish the entire, unredacted unclassified group text. Bring it on.
Luckily Mr. Goldberg has stated he recognizes releasing more specific data could put assets in the field in danger, so he isn't. Congress needs to get on this. This can't be the only instance of trying an end run around records requirements.
Goldberg is a good guy, I think they have everything they need. Was hoping they could press them to tell the truth or see how far & long they'd lie. Since they're digging, let them dig their own holes. They've threatened & intimated enough people. The game needs to be done. Lock them all up,
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Anyone else notice that the POTUS wasn’t on the Signal chat? But the VP was? Was Trump aware, or could he not be bothered with details? Is Trump in charge?
Playing golf!
Oh, he already said he had no clue what they were talking about when pressed about this Signal chat.
These aren't serious people & when they are in power it means America is not a serious country. Keep electing Republicans, continue the downfall in credibility & influence of the United States of America.
they always have it whatever way they want
When he came off the plane last night his guard had to catch him keeping him from falling down. She asks him an important question his first response was to laugh? Then blame the reporter, then a babbling word salad. Hmmm hammered perhaps?
Clue- he doesn’t drink.
Clue- should I keep going?
So sorry. I thought it was TFG stumbling off the plane, mocking press and being an ass. I should have realized it was Hegseth. My bad. 🦋
Who does not drink?
Every major principle natl security on that call. Two in foreign countries on either personal or private phones, not communicating on skiffs. Our airmen were in the air. It is incomprehensible incompetence. Breathtakingly ignorant & likely not the 1st time. Americans demand accountability. Fire him.
How do you “mistakenly “ add a reporters address bringing them in to the chat? “National Security Advisor Mike Waltz had mistakenly added Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg”
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That’s the thing I don’t think of at first, they were actually in the air ready to let loose. In the time this went out they could have easily moved and perhaps had the weapons made to take down jets. It’s nuts. But not one thing will happen, you
On camera.
Tulsi just testified that there was no classified info exchanged in the Signal text group. So . . . @theathletic.bsky.social go ahead and publish it (with the CIA agent’s name redacted)