Most Americans have no idea that anything unusual is happening.
This is probably the weirdest I’ve ever felt as an observer of politics, aware that the whole world is locked into a new order and equally aware that I can’t talk to the average person about it.
This is probably the weirdest I’ve ever felt as an observer of politics, aware that the whole world is locked into a new order and equally aware that I can’t talk to the average person about it.
Reposted from
Brandon Friedman
Most Americans have no idea that there is no way back to pre-inauguration governance via online posts, TV hits, lawsuits and voting in maybe-free, maybe not-so-free elections.
That ship has sailed.
That ship has sailed.
We know they know how to push a story like it’s a scandal.
It feels strange knowing this while so many are oblivious to the new reality.
Until the people feel pain nothing going to change
So, I feel ya.
I feel like I am living in a dystopian movie and the people around me are talking about their next vacation to Aruba.
Sometimes I can hardly breathe …
now global wealth will want assurances that America really is stable again
I realize on one hand I’m burning credibility. On the other hand? I’m NOT FUCKING WRONG.
"We just have to wait around like a bunch of assholes until something happens."
“What the hell do you mean Trump’s going to ban Wellbutrin?”
Looking forward to being in an SSRI re-education camp.
1. We're not sure of the future.
2. It's not going to be good, even if we eventually stop it.
3. People stop humouring discussions of it pretty fast.
4. It's hard getting people to work together, but that's what we most need.
Basically, if/when they fuck with the money in a big, noticeable, and immediate way
It’s the only way to get them on side and it sucks.
My friends quickly realized I wasn’t bullshitting and this radicalized them into YIMBYs.
How else will they find out? (too late)
like, the dollar will be abandoned as the world's reserve currency, we will have an antagonistic relationship with europe, and we are looking at, at LEAST, a lost generation.
I bet lots of conversations are now taking place right across europe!
The entire globe is caught up but the overwhelming majority of Americans are not.
They mostly settle for something in the middle, I guess.
In the meantime, Vance is threatening Germans to vote our Nazi party (elections are in 2 weeks), otherwise Germany would be
Interesting times to be alive, again. Yes, feels like feb 2020 with covid. Cant wait for birdflu to hit on top (/irony)
We're waiting to see if the local economy crashes
Many people are hoping that lawsuits will put it back together
So far they are living in delulu-land