not at all. only 1.49% margin in popular vote finally, and coud have won with 115K (230k/2) more in 3 blue wall states. it was a simple tactical error, or possibly musk's magic. don't forget they tried to cheat 4 years ago.
That the Democrats didn't walk away with the election against someone who stated an interest in being a dictator, who is a convicted criminal, who had been impeached twice, who has been found guilty of sexual assault, etc. is pretty damning and a clear sign of the need for a new message on the left.
The whole Democratic Party 'hand-wringing' is utter nonsense: MILLIONS of women were complicit in their own abuse when they voted for an adjudicated rapist, public misogynist, and serial abuser. What strategy can stop ANYONE from choosing the stupidity of victimhood over empowerment & freedom? Peace
IMO it's not the policy, it's the comms. So you get voters voting against their interests. Starts with Murdoch, amplified via socials algorithms, people are disinformed at an alarming rate. That's the challenge. Trump is a convicted felon, not because of "lawfare", but because he's a criminal.
“compared with 4 yrs ago, the presidential vote swung to the right by about 10 pts in some of the most populous blue states… But down-ballot races…appeared to be far less of an albatross for Dem congressional candidates than it was in strong Republican yrs such as 2010 and 2014”
Dems committed genocide, lied to Americans about it, robbed America to fund it, brutalized & dispossessed Americans who objected to it, built fascist infrastructure, maligned their base, and facilitated a fascist confederate take-over.
When they say they "Didn’t Do So Badly," THAT is a CONFESSION.
And I addressed the deranged claim that they "Didn’t Do So Badly" in that election.
If you don't get the connection — between Democrats intentionally giving up every branch of government to fascist confederates, and "election results" — then that's really none of my business.
Dems are right. Dems are right for our country, we are the democracy party. The issue is not coming out in FORCE. When the maga losers want to destroy every aspect of our lives, we must come out in force. Talk about the things that matter to the average american- forcefully
We are on the right side
What are u talking about reinventing themselves. Please. This is the democrats, you know the conservatives. The status quo business as usual party. The guys that ran into the right of Ronald Reagan? That lied to everyone for over a year? Ran a geriatric senile old fuck into the ground
Please stop with this.
I lived through the 70s.
My father was a lawyer and mom a stay at home.
Money was tight. It was not this utopia you all make it out to be.
Mom HAD to go back to work as we were drowning in debt and facing inflation. We only had one car for the family of six.
But your house was smaller and less elaborate. You had one car or a small second car-not a $75K pickup and an SUV. People ignore how much expectations have changed.
Idk who you’re referring to, but I’m fairly certain most in my generation would be happy to have a home and a car regardless of size on one income so that both people aren’t tied to their work and unable to prioritize much else. Expectations may have changed for those who can afford it, but not all.
I am lucky to have inherited a small not elaborate home and it’s wonderful. I’m grateful every day. Most people my age would KILL to have even a tiny 3 bedroom 1 bath row home without both parties having to work themselves to death to afford it.
Because times have changed. Many of the people pushing for these outdated strategies don't know what Tik Tok is or how it works. They don't know that podcasts are more trusted by a great deal of voters than traditional news.
The US is facing different challenges now than during the Civil Rights movement.
Equality is still a long way off, but we need to apply different tactics to overcome the bigotry and oppression.
Correct. Bedrooms were shared. Only two or three electrical outlets in each room. One bathroom for the whole house. No garage. The car or cars were often second hand.
I live in an inherited house like this and I feel, and am, extremely lucky. I don’t think millennials and Gen Z are as picky as it’s being presented here.
I don’t think it is about being finicky, it’s the result of lots of things. Marketing, etc. Just look around any community. A 50s ranchstyle looks like a hovel in comparison to almost all new homes. I’m not talking fancy homes. I mean all of them.
Cars, dining out, clothing, etc., same story.
In the 1960s, our family of 6 lived in a small bungalow and all three girls shared one small bedroom.
Mom drove Dad to work or to the bus stop because we only had one car.
They lost to a convicted felon. It is that bad. And they've clearly learned nothing, when they chose another geriatric white man to head the oversight committee. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result
They lost to a senile dictator and blocked one of the few brave and intelligent people in the party from advancing her position, in favour of another geriatric nobody.
Disagree. The simple, unavoidable fact is that they lost to a convicted felon, who is consistently mentioned amongst the worst presidents in American history.
There are plenty of liberal podcasts and always have been. So why are none pop cultural centers of propaganda like theirs? Because we aren’t like them. We’d rapidly get bored with them. Joe Rogan is boring. Dumb guy who never gets smarter no matter how many guests. Not sure how we counter that.
Most people aren't looking to learn, they're looking to be entertained. This disconnect is why messaging fails.
The answer is to be entertaining. You might not like Rogan but he directly affected turnout among young people. Not sure why we would not counter that with our own equivalent 🤷🏼♂️
Yes. We're the cardinal sin of the modern age: we're boring. I loathe Fox News and think the Murdoch family has poisoned this country and ruined my relationship with my dad forever. It's because those creeps entertain the hell out of people. They tell a compelling story 24 hours a day.
Trump's "compelling stories", however, are complete falsehoods and hatemongering. That made-for-TV "raised fist" moment at the faux assassination attempt last summer is a good example of how Trump "entertained" his way back to the WH. Almost nobody called him out on it.
One million percent! Drives me nuts. And I don't get it at all because big personalities have been wildly successful for the party previously: Clinton, Obama. Be out there. Be shitposters.
The policy is garbage. People want healthcare, people want to be able to afford to live, people want to be able to have a roof over their heads. What have the Dems done about it? Nothing.
Lol people like you turning off potential converts with pearl clutching all-or-nothingisms are also a problem but not nearly as prevalent as the myriad other issues we're dealing with.
But rest assured; taking an attitude like this with someone on your side is one of the reasons we lost.
You don't know people like me. You're not on my side. Democrats have more in common with Republicans than they do with me.
You lost because you suck, and because you lack humility, because you lack decent policy. You're just a vapid liberal who doesn't actually get what he's not fed.
Example: Democrats raised the income level at which a family qualifies for subsidies under the Affordable Care Act. Many millions became insured as a result. Republicans want to let that enhanced eligibility expire.
Get a basic standard of human decency. Stop excusing abusive for-profit healthcare. Democrats are just palpable Republicans and your defense of their bare minimum is pathetic.
Do the Democrats have one single lever of power? Just one? No. House. Senate. President. Courts. The Republicans have them all. It was a blood bath. It’s over.
If this is an article suggesting the dems don’t need to be massively reformed, I’m gonna scream. We just barely lost to the insurrectionists, felon spending over a billion dollars ain’t gonna cut it.
The question is reformed in what way? I remember Sean Hannity pleading on FOX News after 2012 that Republicans had to moderate on the border to win back Hispanics. Instead they radicalized on the border and handed the reins to Trump. Which worked!
"Murphy believes that Democrats should respond by embracing economic populism and welcoming people who have conservative views on cultural issues such as guns, immigration, and the environment. Some of the party’s successes from last month agree with him."
I love these quotes that wave away the challenges of holding a diverse coalition together. National politicians should be more savvy than this trite analysis.
So, Dems basically lost a coin toss and are now ripping themselves a new one. Sounds about right for Democrats. We beat ourselves up, then beat ourselves some more until we're too beat up to beat Republicans.
I'm sorry, this is copium huffing bullshit at best.
If they want to do well, it'd be good to introspect, and address the issues I raised in this triade thread.
I'm under no illusion that I'm perfect or 100% correct, but there is so much deafness to the underlying problems in the democratic
And while the issues you've raised are absolutely problems, they're ones that won't be solved overnight. We have other issues that can be, while we work on these.
There are many issues to resolve, these included.
My point isn't any specific issue, it's the fucking volume of them, while the libs go "We ran a perfect campaign", "He didn't win the popular vote by THAT much", "how could America vote for fascism".
Liberal copium huffing needs to be called out.
(or maybe not, and maybe I should read before posting. I'm overly defensive because I'm sick and tired of the fucking copium huffing. Not deleting because I own my mistakes.)
Dems need a Fox News counterpart unabashedly fearless blasting the public with simple truths and “arguing” with each other about how great they are in a completely non intellectual manner.
It kinda looks like the establishment wing of the Democratic Party is trying to discredit the progressives with this catastrophic take on the election results. The catastrophe is that Trump won, but the congressional elections held steady. No need to be freaking out over this. Keep building.
Dems couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, let alone truly fight for Americans and grow a fucking spine! They keep bringing peace flowers to a gun fight! Fuck the moral high horse you keep saddling. The gloves must come off!
The DNC’s tired blame game not working this time? The Dem elites trying to spin this abysmal loss to a win? Maybe some dumb donors will keep the spigots opened.
How do you engage multiple demographics who embrace white supremacy and misogyny?
How do you embrace demographics who believe inflation is solely controlled by the government?
How do you embrace demographics who have little to no empathy for others?
Democrats lost the president, the house, the senate.
#racism #misogyny
When they say they "Didn’t Do So Badly," THAT is a CONFESSION.
If you don't get the connection — between Democrats intentionally giving up every branch of government to fascist confederates, and "election results" — then that's really none of my business.
We are on the right side
This is not the 1970s and we need to stop acting like it is.
I lived through the 70s.
My father was a lawyer and mom a stay at home.
Money was tight. It was not this utopia you all make it out to be.
Mom HAD to go back to work as we were drowning in debt and facing inflation. We only had one car for the family of six.
The US is facing different challenges now than during the Civil Rights movement.
Equality is still a long way off, but we need to apply different tactics to overcome the bigotry and oppression.
Cars, dining out, clothing, etc., same story.
In the 1960s, our family of 6 lived in a small bungalow and all three girls shared one small bedroom.
Mom drove Dad to work or to the bus stop because we only had one car.
I’m 62 but I WANT the younger generation to take over. We’ve done enough. Time to retire.
I wouldn't say they're doing OK..
Down ballot races were won by Dems in Republican areas.
The US just won’t face the #racism and #misogyny at work throughout politics.
And every aspect of life TBH.
Yes, something needs to change.
We need fresher voices.
We need new ideas.
The same tired old dogma from the 1970s is not going to cut it with Gen Z or with white males.
The policy is solid, the talent is there, let them play, don't hide up on this make believe moral high ground we like to pretend we own.
Oh and we need entertaining podcasts 🤷🏼♂️
The answer is to be entertaining. You might not like Rogan but he directly affected turnout among young people. Not sure why we would not counter that with our own equivalent 🤷🏼♂️
It's an incredibly easy problem to fix and it's baffling why we don't.
Are you that out of touch? Or do you not pay attention to all the suffering?
But rest assured; taking an attitude like this with someone on your side is one of the reasons we lost.
You lost because you suck, and because you lack humility, because you lack decent policy. You're just a vapid liberal who doesn't actually get what he's not fed.
Example: Democrats raised the income level at which a family qualifies for subsidies under the Affordable Care Act. Many millions became insured as a result. Republicans want to let that enhanced eligibility expire.
Get educated.
Also, our so called Arab “brothers“ voting for Trump didn’t help either.
Don't those folks already have a party?
Until either Ranked Choice Voting or Star voting is accepted locally, then statewide and finally nationally, it's not going to change.
Because it sure ain't this one.
Good luck with your purity tests over reality. Working out great so far, isn't it?
As we hit this generational shift, questioning the corporate centrism of the Dems is absolutely a good thing.
If they want to do well, it'd be good to introspect, and address the issues I raised in this triade thread.
I'm under no illusion that I'm perfect or 100% correct, but there is so much deafness to the underlying problems in the democratic
Face your #racism and #misogyny. Inside and outside the Democratic Party.
My point isn't any specific issue, it's the fucking volume of them, while the libs go "We ran a perfect campaign", "He didn't win the popular vote by THAT much", "how could America vote for fascism".
Liberal copium huffing needs to be called out.
Appealing to centrism leads to an inevitable move right. Move far enough right, and there's no reason to choose you over conservatives.
Look how that worked out for Tanya Harding.