The knee bending to Trump from prominent media bosses continues.
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Justin Baragona
CNN head honcho Mark Thompson called up Jim Acosta -- who occasionally gets better ratings than the network's nightly hosts -- and asked him to move over to the midnight to 2 AM shift, which is the graveyard for cable. with the scoop! with the scoop!
That's what we call "prominent media", to get their money from advertisements...
Businesses, who are ready to pay money, have already bent their knees before...
This is just a response to the demands of the times that have come.
Seriously, how do these creeps live with themselves?
They def don’t need the $$ so what the fuck do these vile oligarchs want???
#MarkZuckerberg #ElonMusk #SamAltman etc etc
Singers etc
Dividing up the spoils in the plunder of America and American wealth.
Negotiating their share.
The gop are known quantity evil.
The Dems shanked us. Tried to sell us back our democracy that they endangered by validating insane gop threats in favor of their own fucking fundraising
Amazing how fast the fascism virus works
Maybe you two can hang out at the Substack conferences?!?
Get off Substack.
John Malone influence…more billionaires kissing the ring. › ... › Media
If you’re going to thrown anything throw hard and don’t miss.
Might as well suck the orange guys dick.