Meghan McCain. Megyn Kelly. Ted Cruz. Marco Rubio.
The sheer number of people that Trump has publicly humiliated and insulted - either directly or by going after their family members - and who then bent the knee to him, and sucked up to him, is truly astonishing.
What is with conservatives??
The sheer number of people that Trump has publicly humiliated and insulted - either directly or by going after their family members - and who then bent the knee to him, and sucked up to him, is truly astonishing.
What is with conservatives??
Really? Her father would be so so so ashamed of her now,
So ashamed. "I like soldiers that don't get captured" well not a direct quote. . But the essence
I am a lefty left. John MaCain is true hero.
Good luck on that promise 💩
Like, what?
In 1933 the nazi party merged with the other major party. In 2025 the republican party and democratic party merged to become the forth reich. Quite horrifying but based on world history studies I've made over the last 8 years & observation of both parties not surprising
::he rambles on not realizing that no one gives a fuck & this isn’t the point at all::
Whatever you call it, it was grim
She sure as shit doesn't respect the people who might not get brain cancer or who could recover from brain cancer if there was funding for research.
I think her mother seems like a decent person.
She must be hurting.
Like in naZi ruZZia, if you start thinking, you'll end up being a Zuperman 🦸♂️flying through 🪟🪟🪟.
Susie Dent
She is nothing else if not an elitist piece of excrement.
At least her brother and mother stuck to their principles and didn't vote for Trump.
Make no mistake.
I think it is a sex thing, but I could be wrong.
Trump ran her father over the colds every chance he got.
I wonder if she thinks about upholding the Constitution anymore. Like she claimed to before.
And Meghan.. how she could ever forgive the insults to her father.. unbelievable.
While we did not agree with his policies, he fought for our country & we knew he loved America, during his campaign, he stood up for Obama against a racist, and he saved Obama care for millions.
So, for those reasons alone, he was a hero.
Interesting that Saddam surrounded himself with incompetent sycophant Generals, which made Iraq military so utterly weak when the US invaded.
She Simply DGAF
When Twitler gives a speech saying "[specific conservative] was so nasty, so disrespectful", it's the "will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?" of our times.