I’m going to need all the folks who think guns suck and should be actively regulated to not gleefully celebrate the ambush shooting of a man with a wife and two children by an assassin using an illegal silencer
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So I’m guessing if he got an illegal silencer then probably got an illegal gun. I’m not anti good gun regulation but won’t stop an individual who is pre planning to do serious harm. It will stop many of your mass shootings events (proven in many countries).
Maybe we’d not react w jubilation if our politicians got this angry at the wealth hoarder class. On Main St., folks are suffering daily. Working 2 & 3 jobs. Eating shit food cuz it’s all we can afford. Becoming homeless. Getting executed by cops. Meanwhile, CEO’s live OBSCENELY well on our pain.
Let’s not forget that same man left hundreds if not thousands of families in grieve by actively denying critical cares that caused death to many fathers and mothers.
Thankfully I’m gleefully celebrating the death itself, not the manner in which it occurred. I’m not actually gleeful celebrating anything but I am able to make that distinction for the people who aren’t sad this asshole is gone
For me it's more of a "leopards ate my face" Schadenfreude. This is the world people like this helped create--one of rampant gun violence, advocating murder of political enemies, the devaluing of human life. They brought down this darkness but didn't expect to be pulled into it themselves.
That’s a fair point to be made, which can be made without cheering the actual killing (and please, don’t suggest people are not actively cheering on the actual killing)
I'm 100% guilty of finding grim humor in this situation, but you're right. My convictions (pro-gun control, anti-death penalty) aren't worth much if they can't stand up to my darker impulses. The righteous fury is undeniable, but I see where this path could lead and it's not fun.
probably better to focus on condolences-as-needed and trying to find the perp, rather than attempting to karma-shame the crowd and discuss NY gun control statutes (which any reasonable person would have to admit had zero impact on the circumstances of this hit).
Well, I am not openly celebrating but that's all you are getting since our youth is never minded or creating change even though they die most over anything by guns.
Insurance companies are bloodsucking monsters, but the murder is a horrific crime. Today is the anniversary of the ambush death of John Lennon, a man with a wife and two children, at the hands of a gun wielding psychopath. My heart was broken forever, and I could never celebrate such an act.
But this ... this is not contradictory at all. Anti-gun folks have advocated for a world without gun violence. The American people at almost every decision point have chosen a world with more violence and guns. We don't inhabit a world where gun violence is not a option.
Also: "a man with a wife and two children." Please, please stop. There are much better uses of your time than scolding people, many of whom are victims of an incredibly unjust healthcare system, who are feeling schadenfreude and being a bit nasty online.
Merely having a spouse and children is not even REMOTELY a moral defence for anything, least of all killing a few people per day for profit from a board room. The celebration of the death of moral monsters should inspire curiosity and empathy for their victims, not pearl clutching over catharsis.
How many people do you think deserve to die based on the standard of ethics you’re proposing man? Because it’s easily in the hundreds of thousands and then you step down your ethics one level and start killing millions. And then you have to wonder who the moral monster really is.
This is just learning to walk and chew gum at the same time comes into place. I think there are easily 1000s of people I would be happy to see die as a result of their evil to humanity. I don’t love that I feel that, but I do.
I’m not a hitman though, so I apply that to the work I AM willing to do.
That said, you also work with the society you have, not the one you wish was real. And to get to one where we don’t have to cheer for the death of tyrants, it will require labour in the philosophical AND material realms, bc capitalist imperialism was not formed by ethics, it was formed by force.
We can debate what kind of force is needed for revolution when revolution is needed, but I think this particular gun murder was unlikely to be the first strike in a workers uprising that will upend the establishment, even for those who are fans of such things.
Besides, my post was specifically about gun reform. I wouldn’t have posted if the guy was run over by a car. Still be gross to celebrate his death but as I’ve said, that’s the poster’s burden to bear. What I think is problematic is reducing gun reform’s moral standard to “shoot only who we want.”
I don’t love guns but, like I said, you play in the sandbox you’ve built. USA built one where the state won’t protect your right to healthcare, but they WILL keep the guns flowing. 1%ers did not see a link between these things til yesterday, but there are cemeteries full of poor people who did.
Wild to think he won’t be just replaced by some other suit. Investors basically stepped over his body to attend the shareholder meeting he was going to.
V FOR VENDETTA is fiction. This act of murder won’t change UHC’s policies one bit.
I’m not saying anyone has to mourn him. But if we don’t want our society to be ruled by who has the biggest guns or the most willingness to use them, that ethic should apply across the board.
There are no fucking left-wing versions of The Punisher.
Because my point was about well-regulated gun ownership and silencers being illegal in New York and other states is one of the few resilient regulatory wins for gun reform. Meanwhile we haven’t been able to hold the lines on assault weapons, bulk sales of ammo by mail, bump stocks….
The Republicans are actively working to make it impossible for states and municipalities to regulate guns, with respect to the relative peace and safety New Yorkers enjoy. They may succeed. Letting them have an example of the impact on their personal safety of letting that happen is important!
"Do you really want to love someone
Who does not love you?
Do you really want to stab your
Enemy in the back?
Stab him in front?"
You're absolutely right that one dead CEO will be replaced by another who will do the same thing. But if this happens again (insert obligatory "and we all hope it doesn't") I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they may adjust their business models a bit
There's no world where it happens with regularity, unless certain things happen to the overall social order which absolutely fuck over the poorest and most vulnerable more than anyone else.
Counterpoint: This is precisely why we need guns. These people will not willingly do the right thing. Not CEOs, not politicians, not millionaires and billionaires. They would rather we die than take a pay cut. In this guy’s case he even gets a pay raise when people die.
I’m going to need the Tone Police finger wagging at people happy that a man whose job was to get wealthy running a killing machine died, to grow the fuck up.
To be clear: I’m in favor of making pistols very hard to get, if not illegal. Look at gun laws in, say, Japan. That seems to me to be a healthy societal benchmark.
As the other commenter pointed out, Japan is the country where a citizen built a gun to assassinate a former PM to bring about social change, and IT WORKED!
So yes, let's be more like Japan when it comes to assassinating the powerful
Japan is a great example of a healthy societal benchmark. Their popular ex-pm was assassinated, they jailed the killer and then had a big political reckoning around the motives of the assassination, which resulted in actual change. There were also a ton of jokes made about it at the time.
Oh… buddy. This isn’t about left or right. The left and the right reg citizens have more in common with each other than we do with these 1%er SOB’s. It’s not a culture thing or a political thing… it’s a class thing.
Nyc Sullivan act
1934 federal NFA
New York State firearm transportation laws
Nyc firearm transportation laws
Nyc illegal firearm discharge laws
& likely
New York pistol permit law
Nyc Sullivan act
1934 federal NFA
New York State firearm transportation laws
Nyc firearm transportation laws
Nyc illegal firearm discharge laws
& likely
New York pistol permit law
CEO should be too scared to fuck us over to do it
Be serious.
I’m not a hitman though, so I apply that to the work I AM willing to do.
V FOR VENDETTA is fiction. This act of murder won’t change UHC’s policies one bit.
There are no fucking left-wing versions of The Punisher.
Like I’m not defending the dead guy, I’m just saying that posting about how cool it is he got shot is not it.
But say what you want, I’ll unfollow and mute, no problem
You name it
However, I’m also firmly against the death penalty so this also is not my bag, baby
"Do you really want to love someone
Who does not love you?
Do you really want to stab your
Enemy in the back?
Stab him in front?"
Very good messaging here!
I want the Democrats to hire you!
So yes, let's be more like Japan when it comes to assassinating the powerful
(Deleted and reposted to fix a typo)