Randomly thought about what a bummer it is that an update to FF7 Remake changed the final line of the game from image 1 to image 2
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chapter 8 was my favourite in the game because
I like Rebirth but for such a big and bloated and loud production, there's a strange timorous quality underneath.
Anyway here's a video of how SQ-E translators fucked with KH
In japanese, she really just comes off as being anxious about the road ahead. Which she obviously is, since she knows more or less what's about to happen.
If you interpret everything in the least cheritable way imaginable, any work can be shite.
I was really hoping that the remake would try to add more to the story than it took away. That’s such a shame.
Like it's clear that they were setting up something totally new with Rebirth but the opinions on the time ghosts scared them off of it.
It implies she can see/feel the rift in the sky that is then visible in the intermission ending and throughout rebirth.
she was always this person and FFX-2 lets her show it
fuck me FFX is good oh my god
But the truth is she was always this way, she just didn't know it.
Post-patch, people assume it is connected to Rebirth’s ending, but we have no way of knowing if that’s actually true- it’s just conjecture.