Once upon a time a soulless billionaire destroyed what was once a beacon of hardnose journalism. And so the people moved on in search of truth. The End.
I remember when news stories had to be confirmed with two different sources before it could be run or printed. Maybe we need to go back to that to get rid of things like Fox.
I offer a challenge to anyone under the age of 55.
Search for a full broadcast of Walter Cronkite on the CBS Evening News between 1962 to 1981 for a real world ex of what News reporting is supposed to be. It's not abt analyzing or spin, they didn't placate folks, they reported the facts.
Just end your subscriptions people - send these Oliguards the big finger -
Delete your FB and X accounts - They are fairly useless now with the no-fact-checking.
I CXL my Washington Post subscription last year when the stories started leaving out facts. The Philadelphia Inquirer is owned by a non-profit and is filled with facts!
It used to be newspapers strived to the best in order to expand readership/subscriptions, now they are lowering their standards to lowest common denominator.
If you listen to the latest Tim Snyder explanation of who Trump is and why he lies constantly, it will give you the answer to how we handle Trump lies…….Trump is living in a TV world, a world of fiction…..telling a story will lies….his followers are following the story…..NOT the truth.
Canceled my account when Bozos became a MGAG lover. Mass cancellations have hurt the WP. Let MAGA have it.
Now if people would delete their Facebook account by the millions it would have an incredible impact to Fuckerberg.
My God. The dumbing of America continues, only that slippery slope just gets steeper and steeper downward, so no one will ever question any part of the impending plutocracy.
Bezos is replacing the critical thinkers how are leaving WaPo with the accept-all-right-wing lies crowd.
The idea that the WaPo is suddenly going to be the paper of record for some high-school-educated dude working in a rural auto repair shop in Missouri is fantastical thinking and, what are the words I'm looking for...oh yeah...some grade A bullshit from a billionaire elitist w/no fucking clue.
The only thing that will change the vote of the “high school educated dude,” is starvation brought on by a collapsing economy at the hands of the Republicans. The down side is, Democrats will starve as well. Sad circumstance. Our children deserve so much better.
Ugh. It's the *Washington* Post. I want my local news. Tell me about my sports teams. Really great journalists will end up losing their jobs. I really don't want to cancel, but they're just trying so very hard.
The mission WaPo, that you chose to undertake, is to produce news that everyone believes. You must report news that both seekers of truth and believers of fiction accept.
You are attempting Mission Impossible. In so doing, you have destroyed a highly regarded newspaper that sheds darkness not light
Does CNN airport still exist? It looked & sounded like CNN but with no actual news. That’s news in a dictatorship.
Our democracy will look like a democracy but with no ability to actually effect change.
I hate it already. Facts are facts, objectively. Stories are wonderful, powerful, meaningful in ways facts can't be, but always subjective. There's a place for that in journalism, but in no way should it be an overriding mission of an entire newspaper.
And what? The WAPO is going to pick up a bunch of new readers in Enterprise, AL? Maybe those in Waco, TX will notice that WAPO is all sides-ing it now and will want to subscribe. Are they dropping their paywall for those that will have to choose between eggs and DC insider storytelling?? GMAFB🙄🙄😒
With great power comes great responsibility. Be part of the solution!
It’s never too late to know the truth!
When Americans turn on the morning news they can choose hate, anger, and misinformation or national news all about the anchors, their kids, their books, and a quick skim of the headlines. Is it any wonder people in the US are uninformed?
I have not read an actual newspaper in nearly 20 years. At first, it was because the news shared was 3 days older than what we saw on cnn. Of course they have been feeding us false stories for a while now. USA today sucked. I miss my Citizen Journal.
Well, at least they are admitting they are just a “storytelling” organization rather than a news organization. Now I know to take everything they print, if I read it at all, as simple fictitious entertainment.
After subscribing for 50 years, I canceled. As a paper, they're now useless. They may still have some dedicated reporters and editors, but the paper as a whole has no credibility.
It's all about "the clicks" (aka $$$$$$$$$$). RIP the once reliable press. Capitalism rules must inevitabilty lead to dissolution and disaster. Hail independent media.
Does ANYONE really trust or read this rag now?
I actually read right-leaning papers (Chicago Trib) and left-leaning (SunTimes) so i could come to my own decision. Not anymore. I don't trust reporters or anchors to report news. They decipher news and give opinions. No thanks.
Also, instead of “Riveting Storytelling for All of America," may I please suggest as an alternative, "Blowing the incoming authoritarians and abetting fascism on the regular"?
Once upon a time a soulless billionaire destroyed what was once a beacon of hardnose journalism. And so the people moved on in search of truth. The End.
Search for a full broadcast of Walter Cronkite on the CBS Evening News between 1962 to 1981 for a real world ex of what News reporting is supposed to be. It's not abt analyzing or spin, they didn't placate folks, they reported the facts.
Maybe just most of the people, most of the time? Like Facebook?
Delete your FB and X accounts - They are fairly useless now with the no-fact-checking.
interpretation.. lots of them.. more will take in facts this way
Now if people would delete their Facebook account by the millions it would have an incredible impact to Fuckerberg.
- Reaching Everyone
Bezos is replacing the critical thinkers how are leaving WaPo with the accept-all-right-wing lies crowd.
Everything Trump Touches Dies.
It’s Time Magazine pretending to be a newspaper.
You are attempting Mission Impossible. In so doing, you have destroyed a highly regarded newspaper that sheds darkness not light
Our democracy will look like a democracy but with no ability to actually effect change.
It’s never too late to know the truth!
After subscribing for 50 years, I canceled. As a paper, they're now useless. They may still have some dedicated reporters and editors, but the paper as a whole has no credibility.
Badly. Go yachting Jeff, leave journalism to the Pros.
"We suck orange cock."
Is to rebrand to cheap toilet 🚽
Paper. It should be perfect.✌️
I actually read right-leaning papers (Chicago Trib) and left-leaning (SunTimes) so i could come to my own decision. Not anymore. I don't trust reporters or anchors to report news. They decipher news and give opinions. No thanks.
Delivered the post as a kid and maintained a subscription until last year. News, not "stories"
Will America be NEXT........? 🤔