There were polls asking Finns who they would vote (before the election), one had Trump at 7% and another at 10%. The firsy poll even had our far-right party going for Harris majority.
There is absolutely no respect for the moron criminal (except some polite official faking). Or trust.
It started as laughing then disgust now alarm. Zero respect for Trump around the world (unless they’ve been infected with X talking points). Now that Americans have decided they like what they see, the sane world would rather the US goes & sits in the corner until the insanity is over.
I lived overseas for a time during his first term and laughing at trump and asking "why?? how??" was like the first thing everyone did after learning I was american
You guys remember when other world leaders bitched about Trump with hot mics behind his back at a NATO summit?
That was funny :D
Do u think he is self-aware he is thought so poorly of - or is he deluded? Sigh. U know who thinks the very least of him? Putin. Do u know whose —- he’d suck in a millisecond? Also Putin. God help us.
That’s the only thing. This man has control of a nuclear arsenal and it’s the one piece of tangible power he has otherwise he wouldn’t be taken seriously.
That’s because MAGA definition of “respect” is fear. They think he’s feared, which he is, but not how they think. He’s feared because he’s a nutcase, not because he’s strong.
You liberal and your precise use of language. It's clear that he means other countries fear us in the way a sensible person fears a rabies ridden raccoon coming your way.
Cmon. I am aware the entire Trump ideological project is undergirded by convincing as many Americans as possible that 1 plus 2 equals 8 actually, but that one is just on its face laughably untrue
He IS the reason the world laughs at us. His supporters are the reason others around the world hate American tourists. They are blind they can't fathom how much he and them are despised.
And when you ask for examples of who, they literally list the worst ones on the planet…
Like cool, no one in class will sit with us anymore except Putin the Bully and the weird North Korean kid that blows up toilets over lunch and passes us love notes in the hallway.
I remember learning a lot when he thought Scotland voted for Brexit, specifically that they reserve colorful expressions like "fucktrumpet", "cockwomble" and "degenerate corned beef face syrup wearing wankstain" for times when traditional wordcraft fails them.
I'll always remember when Trump spoke before the United Nations and they were quite literally laughing at him. Not with him. At him. Also, those photos of the NATO members gathered in circles talking shit about it.
Also, just doing things they were already doing before but Trump taking credit. Border crossings went down under Biden due to changes on Mexican policy. Trump will take credit for it and it will be reported as such
That’s true. However unfortunately, Trumps traits make it difficult to predict how he will react to anything. That’s the fearful part. I realize there are all levels of mental illness, placing certain groups at risk for harm or to be taken advantage of. Trump is in neither of these groups.
Character and personality disorders are very frequently the exception. Sociopathy - person lacking a conscience, incapable of telling the truth (look for someone refusing to testify under oath for fear of committing perjury), capable of pretending to have emotions but limited to anger. Malignant !
Plenty of peer-reviewed research has made that very clear, and it’s only get worse. Angela Merkel just reiterated what our allied heads-of-state have expressed. He has repeatedly told everyone here and among our allies that he heroes are the other, authoritarian bullies- this alone should be enough
My son is studying in Madrid this semester. His professor asked during lecture, the day after the election, who won. His reaction was “are you fucking kidding me?”
we respect you more in the way that you respect the guy off his tits on drugs wielding a gun at a party - he's clearly made some very choice decisions and is liable to do anything
Sadly, I'm not exaggerating.
There is absolutely no respect for the moron criminal (except some polite official faking). Or trust.
That was funny :D
(And I kinda think they do mean that.)
Like cool, no one in class will sit with us anymore except Putin the Bully and the weird North Korean kid that blows up toilets over lunch and passes us love notes in the hallway.
Neither our allies nor enemies respect him.
So their lack of respect is going to be even evident
Friendly reminder that those with mental handicap or diagnosed mental illness are far more likely to be harmed by others than do harm themselves.
No, not respected, laughed at.