Apparently some folks (a lot of them?) do not "get it". Shortly after I showed up on this platform and replied to a post, I was labeled a "nerd" (and I am) and immediately blocked by that account. I must assume it was due to using proper grammar, punctuation and capitalization. That's a shame.
It's an optional writing style. I don't use it since I'm American not British. According to Prof. Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady we haven't spoken (nor by inference, written) English in years! I will throw in the occasional theatre, petrol or colour here and there just to create confusion... 😏
the only capitals i use are the ones auto put in i don’t use periods or apostrophes either so my were and were are the same same with hell and hell i think it’s funny sometimes
...just how often do you think horses come up in most people's daily lives? also, i make a purposeful choice to only capitalize for proper nouns, much more fun that way.
I rely more on Capital leters than punctuation. Those extra bits are counted as characters. If in a bind I do away with them. Then grammer is next. I wish there was an algorithm that took this into consideration.
context allows us to intuitively discern meaning. human brains are so wired to known patterns that we correct spelling errors without thought based solely on the expectation of what SHOULD be there. discerning horse hand jobs from capitalization could mean the perceiver was intimate with horses
Hi kindra,sorry to interrupt you like this,but I need your help,please.
I'm Ilham from Gaza🍉.We are suffering from a real famine. My family and I are hungry,
I hope you reply to my message, and if you want to check me out via video call,I'm ready for that.🥹
Donation link in my bio
Some people with visual impairment find it easier to type all in uppercase. They aren't shouting - it's their best way to communicate. I've learned not to complain about it.
Who cares? Apart from you, obviously . If you can't work out the correct meaning of the sentence almost immediately, you should have paid more attention in English class.
English and grammar and are dead in this country. Most people can’t even put together a simple sentence. I once received an email from HR that was 3 paragraphs long-I based that on the number of times she indented , and only 3 periods.
I saw your post before you deleted it. While I usually ignore things like this, I’m glad you took it down—it was a bit of an overreaction to my post. That said, I wanted to address your point on language evolution. Language evolves by adapting and refining, not neglecting grammar.
This made me laugh because I have people around me who do this. Sometimes, I have to remind myself they voted for Trump. I can't expect much from them.
In general, I wholeheartedly agree. However, certain words *trump* will NEVER earn the respect for me to capitalize them.
And btw, t/y Mrs. Hardesty for learnin me good in first grade.
The annoying thing is i turned on german keyboard, and even after deleting it, I either can get all nouns capitalised or none capitalised. So i occasionally miss capitals when in a hurry…😔
My hot take is that proper capitalization and all lowercase are both fine depending on the tone you’re going for (at least on the Internet lol). I guess it’s kinda a situation of knowing the rules well enough to break them. Lowercase brings a nice goblin energy to a sentence imo
I proctor admissions tests at a small rural college. I shrug off the bullshit about cursive and analog clocks and Roman numerals (life will go on), but starting about three years ago, the incoming freshmen are a coin-toss with capital/lower-case. Half of them are e. e. cummings and k. d. lang.
(Probably not at the same time, however.)
I'm sad, bereft and downhearted...
I see no difference in meaning.
I do say elevator over lift, gas over petrol, but love my “u” in neighbour and colour!
e e cummings
Anyone else have their own theories out there? I'd be interested to see if they're lining up with mine.
Not I.
A Swiftie
You see, were we to use proper comma placement, the first example would read, "...helping your uncle, Jack, off a horse."
You could also just throw the word 'get' in there for clarity 🤷♀️ js
Both posts are still funny :) in fact the comma one really got me cuz I haven't seen that before
There's a big difference between
Let's eat, grandma and Let's eat grandma.
I'm Ilham from Gaza🍉.We are suffering from a real famine. My family and I are hungry,
I hope you reply to my message, and if you want to check me out via video call,I'm ready for that.🥹
Donation link in my bio
But stupid
i am sorry you have none.
Yes, there's always one. Yes, it's always me.
I'm so tired.
And btw, t/y Mrs. Hardesty for learnin me good in first grade.
Punctuation and Capitalization defenders, unite!
(He’s not arrested cuz it’s the US.)
your preoccupation is so inconsequential, but kudos, you sucked me into your sinkhole by responding.
Helping Uncle Jack jack off a horse.
(The most irritating typing style of all. Sometimes I neglect my capitals, it's a very bad habit.)
Pardon, not hanged
Pardon not, hanged
Let’s eat grandma.
I just think we should celebrate the act. It is some extremely powerful masturbation if it succeeds in offing a horse.