Still using an Aeron chair from a startup I worked for that collapsed in, I kid you not, the year two thousand and one. No back pain. No notes. The thing is a beast. Everyone should have one
new york was fun to visit this past christmas but by far my favorite part was finding an aeron for my girlfriend’s birthday present for a fraction of its usual price bc it lived in some weird thrift warehouse lmfao
I posted about this a while back, but yea law offices tax firms etc will pitch these things for the most minor issues, they are repairable, easily. such a great chair
One day I'm raiding your apartment in the middle of the night, probably at some point after after all the tape and pipe clamps holding this cheap china chair together fail
I once worked at a startup that had basically been ejected from the collapse of IdeaLab. For a while, more than half of our valuation was in the form of Aeron chairs and laptops that had escaped with us.
Stool, Remastered, interesting fabric, new lumbar. Needs a new canister and some casters but that’s like 20-40. Already dragged it to my friend Matt’s house.
I thought you were joking about chairs being on the streets of the city. So when I was walking down the street in Midtown and I saw a chair just sitting on the street? I was just thinking to myself... "I know a guy who would take this right freaking now."
I got a Steelcase Amia from 2016 a month ago for $150. Was in pretty damn good condition since it came from a Hospital. I love it. I've had almost no pain sitting in it so far once I adjusted it properly
Yeah, this one doesn't have arms, but it's so comfortable. Love how much adjustments it has and how I can adjust how much force it takes to lean back in the chair.
i wish it was possible to do this outside of london in the uk. i have a beautiful homemade mx-5 desk chair but i would love an aeron (mx-5 seats are not space efficient ironically)
If I want to track my boxster I have to install a bucket bolted to the frame and one of the big sticking points is I have nowhere to store the existing seat and the siren song of what you have done keeps getting louder
genuinely it’s very worth it. you’ll likely need to sort out brackets for welding to the frame to bolt the chair onto but i’ve never used a chair more comfortable (it helps if your da is a car trimmer with a hardware consumption problem)
Every time I've encountered these chairs, they've been abandoned in some corner of an office while everyone chooses to sit on the $75 staples brand chairs instead
my office just finished a reno and I was trying to get everyone with a kid to take a chair for them instead of blowing 75-200 bucks every two-four years .
Do you notice particular times of year that they’re more prevalent? A few weeks after a fiscal quarter ends/early or late in the month with leases ending/etc?
The issue I've run into (locally) is a lot of the free chairs are coming from places with office pets like cats and dogs that I'm really allergic to. No matter what I've tried I can never quite get the pet dander and such fully out of them and has to get of them at the end of it.
Mention it in the article! The Leap is a better fit for most people I just keep finding aerons. I prefer mesh because I run hot. Steelcase, Knoll, Haworth are all valid options.
mine cost me about $12 all in
“Nation done making chairs”
My current chair is 'really nice and fine' but it isn't that one :(