Canadian national anthem in English: gosh what a neat place to live. We’re so far north. I love you guys.
Canadian national anthem in French: I arise each morning with a sword in my hand and rage in my heart. I have traced the borders of Saskatchewan in blood.
Canadian national anthem in French: I arise each morning with a sword in my hand and rage in my heart. I have traced the borders of Saskatchewan in blood.
Recent favorite version is the French one. #RedTillImdead; no stupid merge will change that even if I can't support that with a membership
How did I not know this? I mean, I don't speak French, but I am Canada adjacent.
O, Canada! Land of our ancestors,
You wear a garland of glorious flowers,
Because your arm knows how to carry the sword,
And it knows how to carry the cross.
Of the most brilliant adventures,
And your courage, strengthened by faith,
Will protect our homes and our rights!
Will protect our homes and our rights!
Mais plein de loyauté,
Il veut garder dans l'harmonie,
Sa fière liberté.
Et par l'effort de son génie,
Sur notre sol asseoir la vérité,
Sur notre sol asseoir la vérité.”
To me 'Hymn to Freedom' by Oscar Peterson is the true anthem to Canada.
O Canada!
[darlky]land of my great and dark ancestors…
Canada anthem is for french, not for english people.
God safe the queen was for english people.
Même le God save the Queen/King vient des français. C'est assez incroyable !
Les symboles tombent !!!
L'hymne du canada est un chant patriotique des canadiens français volé et le God save the Queen un chant patriotique français volé par les britannique.
Faut le faire...