Whyyyyyy are the people in the replies saying “If we’re going to have the death penalty, it should be _____” Why bother expressing these thoughts? The idea that someone would balk at doing it is absurd. There will always be a volunteer. That’s why we have to just not have it.
My bff was murdered. Do I want her killer murdered by our govt? Fuck No. He still has a mother alive, why would I want to bring more pain into the world by ripping her heart out too? This is one issue where them damn catholics & I agree.
“We keep a Halo-style rocket launcher in the town square and the idea is if you want to obliterate someone where they stand well you have to walk up a bunch of stairs to get the rocket launcher. Not so easy now, is it???”
1 in approx 8 executed prisoners are later exonerated. 12% of these tax payer funded murders aren't guilty of what we're killing them for. I say keep them locked up, feed them a vegan diet because bad guys don't deserve cheese, and make them work at a call center until they die. That's punishment.
“1 in 8 executed prisoners is exonerated. killing them would be unethical, so instead let’s cage, torture, and enslave these innocent people for the rest of their natural lives” ???
sure, but the lesson we should learn is that discretely separating innocent from guilty on the scale of billions is impossible! to inflict cruelties (whether death, slavery, or even lifelong boredom) on the guilty is *always* also to inflict them on the innocent. prison abolition is the only answer.
Did you want a constructive conversation or did you want to try to kneecap me by misquoting me with your interpretation of my words? Fuck right off on the donkey you rode in on.
And a huge number of people executed, innocent or guilty, have severe mental disabilities. The intersection of poverty, disability, and racism is where most death row inmates come from.
The real solution is a stronger social safety net, better public education along with more subsidized training and apprenticeship in trade, accessible Healthcare and mental health services. A healthy society leans towards less crime.
Oh, no. I believe in a living wage...that enables prisoners to still pay maintenance for their children, pay into their social security and Medicare, and help them set up in life after prison. In fact, empowering folks with practical job skills and education helps everyone.
I feel attacked. If you didn't like the manifesto I sent you with the rube-goldberg execution device triggered by stray dogs, you could have just said so.
not to do the thing you’re complaining about people doing but this reminds me of Roger Fisher’s proposal for nuclear launch codes, which apparently used to seem like something that might slow the president down
Given that most presidents have been war criminals, especially in recent history, I suspect the chance to take a life and pretend it was for the good of everyone would be seen as an incentive rather than a deterrent.
No, people like the sanitizing coldness of bombs. If they had to kill a child with their own hands (as bombs do) then the world would see them as cold-blooded killers. The bombs give people the option of pretending they are not the killer (but they are, of course).
I mean, it's one of the reasons why drones are as big a thing, isn't it? That there's more detachment from what you're doing, meaning that you don't have to have as many second thoughts about it.
I think for the average person that logic might follow, I'm just not sure that applies to any president we've had in recent memory. They all think they're war criminals for a noble cause. I doubt it would even slow them down.
It’s also something like ten times the cost to a sentence of life without parole. It makes zero sense for anything with the possible exception of war crimes.
Remember when Burgess Meredith chose the "put me in a locked room with a bomb and that guy who sentenced me" execution method? It was a pretty mid episode of the Twilight Zone.
she's like "the loooooons" and she chops him