They're right you know...
He's a criminal
He's a sex offender
He's a grifter.
He's a failed businessman - who bankrupts casinos?
He's a cheater. On all of his wives.
He's a liar.
He's a national security risk.
He's an insurrectionist.
He is not normal.
A charitable reading is that Trump is a cockroach who survives again and again through a combination of dumb luck and corrupt dealings. But yeah this doesn’t read well.
It's a strategy.. keep saying it... it will soon be used in an argument to justify ______________________ that has NO PLACE in our Democracy.... (that will erode more of our Democracy).
There is nothing shocking about it. He gets away with everything. He has gotten away with everything. He will get away with everything.
The sooner we accept it the better. There have been no less than 20 points at which I believed Trump's goose to be cooked. And now he's president. Again.
Sounds like whoever wrote that thinks it alright to crash the pillar "no man is above the law"! Could just as easily said Trump is not bound by law or the Constitution! That would make him a dictator, I guess?
If I asked a fifth grader to rephrase that in a different way while keeping the meaning, the correct answer would be: “No man is above the law except for Donald Trump.”
I don’t have any more energy for this. I used to think if I just pointed to the danger sign people wouldn’t touch the stove but there’s only 2 kinds of people: those who can read the sign and avoid it or people who think they’re fireproof and it’s their right to touch the stove.
I will never understand why so many refused to apply the laws that the rest of us have to follow to him. For the past 10 years we've watched so many get away with some of the worst crimes. I'm tired of it. I have zero hope of accountability.
funny how that works.. undefeated until.. well.. Buster Douglas shows up. Mitch.. Kevin.. they have had Caesar in range but did not act during J6. Who up next.. who will have their "righteous hand" forced and fight through the inventible RINO label to oppose? Bueller. Bueller????
Don’t know the context of this statement “But Mr. Trump is no ordinary man” has proven to be true. Despite being a convicted felon, an adjudicated sexual abuser, pathological liar, racist, misogynist, adulterer and fucking stupid - is elected as President and stays out of jail. Unbelievable 😡😢
He’s below 50% now. 49.94% to 48.26 She is only behind by 1.68% of the vote and when all other candidates are considered, more people voted AGAINST him than for him. There is no “mandate” and the damned media needs to cut that 💩 out yesterday.
I originally wrote "under 50%" and then deleted the 'under' because I didn't want to seem like I'm coping even though its literally the truth so I sincerely appreciate you pointing out that he didn't even actually get 50%
We have a two tiered justice system. One for the one percenters and another one for the rest of us. If I had done what Trump did on January 6, I would already be serving a 20 year sentence. So I guess we are just a lawless society. ich bleibe dabei. Das Posten von Zitaten als Screenshot ohne Angaben von Quellen ist eine Unsitte, die nicht durch reposten unterstützt werden sollte.
If you are following with a “but” it’s got to be “but I don’t care about any of that” or you’re prevaricating. Just say it. We know what you really think.
A New York Times opionion essay titled "End the Criminal Cases Against Trump" from 15th November 2024 by Thomas Che Goldstein, SCOTUSblog publisher and lawyer. I have not read it as I have no antiemetic pharmaceuticals to hand.
What I learned after reading Goldstein's OP-ED is that one shouldn't analyze the evidence but investigate the partisan vote ratio from where the case was filed.
I'm so tired of these mfs twisting words, principles, morality and anything that portrays the🍊mf for the pos he is.
trvmp is indeed not ordnary man, he's a fvck!ng con man who surrounds himself with bootlickers to get his way every damn fvck!ng time😡😡😡
The USA will likely become a militarized police state. Read “Damascus House” (David McClosky) for an idea of what things may devolve to. Resist and prepare accordingly.
Not surprising. I can't even recognize the NYT any longer. They sane washed Trump's racist attacks and laughable lies like the eating of cats and dogs. Very late, they finally addressed his age and his threat to democracy. Also, they wrote hundreds of above the fold pieces re: Biden's age.
Re the 'no ordinary man' idea - both Penn Gillette and Ezra Klein have said he's one of those very rare people who is completely disinhibited and without a filter. Like him or not, he's a very singular species of shitbird.
Either they were promised a lot of access or threatened with it cut off or Kahn and Sulzberger aren't done taking revenge on those who questioned or criticized their coverage
Yep. Without the inherited wealth he would have been nothing but a bigoted sociopath rapist spending his adulthood behind bars. He has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
The author is right. Even with the legal deck stacked in their favor, many uber-wealthy white men would be in prison at this point with everything we know.
It was SCOTUSblog publisher and lawyer Thomas Goldstein in an opinion piece for the New York Times titled "End the Criminal Cases Against Donald Trump" from 15th November 2024.
I just looked at the piece, briefly, and I wanted to correct myself - there is no 'Donald' in the title, just Trump. I don't want your search to be frustrated, just as frustrated as I was by that guest essay. The comments are good, however.
I hope I live to read, several decades from now, a thorough examination of this phenomenon: sleepwalking into American's version of modern fascism and blithely ignoring/tripping over the hard-won lessons of history.
To be fair, he is going to need 24/7 guards around his burial site wherever that is to keep people from shitting on his final resting space. Of course with this grifter, he’ll probably have a turn into a pay toilet.
Even if true, which it’s not, You cannot replace the central pillar of democracy with a person and still call it democracy. Once you break the social contract between the government and the people who are governed, you completely end that which made the United States preeminent.
I remember when we use to debate how people living in North Korea must be just miserable having to praise dear leader day and night, but I think some Trump supporters would enjoy it.
Well, to be fair, in the literal sense he ISN'T an ordinary man.
He's a pathological liar, fits the criteria for malignant narcissism as George Conway reminds us, is below average in reading comprehension and these are all unusual traits. So, yes, not ordinary but probably not in the way they meant…
He's a criminal
He's a sex offender
He's a grifter.
He's a failed businessman - who bankrupts casinos?
He's a cheater. On all of his wives.
He's a liar.
He's a national security risk.
He's an insurrectionist.
He is not normal.
That’ll get me off the hook right?
The NYT I am guessing?
If only.
The sooner we accept it the better. There have been no less than 20 points at which I believed Trump's goose to be cooked. And now he's president. Again.
a.) a fucking fascist
b.) a supreme grifter
c.) a pathological narcissist
d.) a perpetual liar
e.) a rapist
f.) a felon
g.) a misogynist
Should I go on? How many men can claim all of the above?
"What the actual fuck", is right.
SCOTUS said so.
So it must be so.
Now it makes all the sense in the world why people would vote in a dictator.
Humans are just incessantly, fucking, stupid.
If you are following with a “but” it’s got to be “but I don’t care about any of that” or you’re prevaricating. Just say it. We know what you really think.
Federalist Society Contributor.
Not only the headline but from Mr. Nichols.
trvmp is indeed not ordnary man, he's a fvck!ng con man who surrounds himself with bootlickers to get his way every damn fvck!ng time😡😡😡
Has Anyone called Al Gore?
I'm so sick of everything
I've lost faith in this country.
So we got that going for us. Which is nice.
The notion is irretrievably repugnant.
He's an extraordinarily shitty man.
Far from ordinary.
Thank youi for bringing this to our attention.
He's a pathological liar, fits the criteria for malignant narcissism as George Conway reminds us, is below average in reading comprehension and these are all unusual traits. So, yes, not ordinary but probably not in the way they meant…