Similarly The Mueller Report was like a hyped-up burger: big promises of sizzling revelations & accountability. But when it arrived, it was underseasoned and dry, with legal jargon overshadowing clarity. The sides of speculation stole the show, leaving many underwhelmed and craving the "wow" factor.
The Apprentice was a fiction, in which a talentless and incompetent failed businessman named Donald Trump played the role of an imaginary successful businessman named Donald Trump. The guy on the show was invented by the show's producers.
We know what happened. It was a crime televised live to the world. I read the Mueller report. It's obvious the 2016 campaign was a KGB operation. They obstructed, lied , destroyed evidence , destroyed burner phones , used back channels to the Kremlin. Russians on every other page.
Nothing great about this report. Because he got away with it. Reading this report is only going to piss you off. He is going to face no consequences for it. So to me it's a shitty movie that you are forced to watch.
There's really not much new in his report. There's lots more detail in the indictments. Add it all together, and it's clear that Trump would have been convicted, but for the corrupt Roberts SCOTUS.
Probably. But it's also gonna somehow seem like a remake, because we know all the stuff in it. It's gonna make us all super nostalgic for the summer of 2022. Remember how that felt? The J6 committee? And we thought finally the powers that be are getting their shit together? *sigh*.
Eh. The thing with that is in BB the main char at least started from a place of moral understanding as he just wanted to provide for his family before he died. Trump has no such redeeming quality.
I downloaded it to my tablet and read a bit of it, but I hate reading a document that long on it. Tomorrow I'll download it to the computer and print it. At least our worries about it being released are over. Too heartbreaking that he's not in prison.
no - its like reading a move script that got rejected because it required the studio to invest in a thousand dollar stage and a hundred dollars of props.. so instead the studio was like, nah, let's focus on our energies elsewhere
so they made an infomercial about cutting your own hair.
I feel like it’s going to be like ever other document released about trump, it’s going to read like a lazy script that would feel forced or unimaginative if someone tried to make it a movie.
I doubt we'll see anything we haven't been screaming about for 10 years.
It's like having to listen to that one friend that tries to convince us that Justice League was good when it's just a ham fisted rip of what we've watched the MCU do for 10 years
Movies that don't exist don't crash the economy and start wars with Canada. A madman once again controls the US nuclear codes. We're stuck in a bad movie with real-world consequences.
It is so unfortunate. My hope is that it wakes up the sleepy people that voted for Trump to commit to never repeating the lack of judgement they displayed in this election
For me it is like I watched a movie, but the ending left me so mad that I will never watch it again. I wanted to change the ending but knew so it was written so it was done.
I'm gonna read it, but, and it' a big butt, I'm sure it will reinforce the depressing realization that this all is ok with some people. That they purposefully did it, hid it and lied about it. Premeditated, treason and an act against our country and govt and we did NOTHING about it.
No, it will be like reading the design of a coup written by imbeciles and implemented by idiots.
The only thing that saved our country was the people who tried to commit this coup were dumber than stumps.
I can't believe the lack of coverage it is getting "but for Mr. Trump's election and imminent return to the Presidency, the Office assessed that the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial." Why could Trump even be allowed to run, let alone win!
Moore has some time to look at…
I would love a big Short kind movie about it.
There’s no Jack Ryan coming to save us. We’re all fucked.
C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America
Birth of a Nation
They should be in prison for life!
It’s fantasy.
so they made an infomercial about cutting your own hair.
It's like having to listen to that one friend that tries to convince us that Justice League was good when it's just a ham fisted rip of what we've watched the MCU do for 10 years
Arthur Miller would have a field day.
The resolution and end, not so much
The only thing that saved our country was the people who tried to commit this coup were dumber than stumps.