Absolutely everybody…
Liberals: I will throw you under the bus to win elections.
Also liberals: You’re why we never win elections.
Liberals: I will throw you under the bus to win elections.
Also liberals: You’re why we never win elections.
Also liberals: Trump deported less people than Biden Harris. What a loser!
Calm down.
Wake up.
Quite the assumption there.
Namely they're going to assume you're an entitled prick that doesn't know the meaning of hardship.
Why didn't she say that? Liberals are very much against concentration camps and the mass deportations. Harris campaigned on fixing the U.S. Immigration System, which is horribly broken.
F the libs
Also Dems:
Just find any reason to dismiss them, like who they follow
Last thing we can do is actually engage with an original though
N D P baby, all the way!
The NDP is... Well. They are also very good at losing, but they do at least make an effort to not throw their voting blocks to the wolves.
Fuck em.
Silly lib bots.
We have Democrats, Republicans, & Trump supporters...oh, we can't forget the Libertarians!
What we call "RIN0s" are the "republicans" that folks think of when they hear the word.
Y'all have thrown EVERYTHING left with your extremist bs.
UnAmerican is being wrestled for a vote that goes against your own interests.
So many things have slid so far Right that the middle ground looks liberal to a lot of people.
Shouldn't they be the normal, and therefore Moderate?
It is because of how I view America is supposed to be as a country that I say I am a Political Moderate.
The original colonies that because America worked together to build something, despite the many differences they had.
In general, I believe that there is a way forward for most, of not all parties involved to get what they want, the bigger issue comes from misunderstandings or opinions formed from an incomplete understanding
The biggest issue that I see right now is reaching those who are unaware of the full scale of what is going on right now, without sounding like I'm overreacting.
Moderation is what happens when they gracefully accept defeat.
I also recognize that some people don't want to be reasoned with, and actions have consequences.
How many of us change their opinion based on an incomplete or inaccurate picture?
We will accomplish amazing things together.
Gee, why aren't they courting the terminally online base
Basically unicorns.
You have no idea how much “just do something people will want to vote for damn it” is extremely far from what I actually want. That is the compromise.
Purity test is "you offered me everything but denied 1% of my demands so I won't vote for you!"
Purity test is *not* "You're not even meeting our most basic needs, so we're going to pressure you to do better."
Libs. 🙄😒 same old bs
Or not. You're fucking worthless anyway.
I want you to answer with material consequences.
They're playing "good cop, bad cop" with us.
As true in 1963 as 2025
I keep getting told I'm not needed, that they don't want my vote and don't need it to win, yet folks like me are blamed when they lose.
Dude. If you really aren't like all the other libs, then hold them accountable for their shifty attitudes. And do so for your party too who have been throwing various marginalized people under the bus.
I was on a tele town hall with my Senator Wyden during the SOTU Maga rally, btw. I missed the Dems not joining Al Green.
My senator is a 'be who you are, love who you want' guy.
Because it applies to all of us.
A centrist has no morals, just a desire to maintain a status quo where they are comfortable.
But it’s because of a number of things already in place. Electoral college that make only a few states what matter and votes more crucial. Senate seat distribution to states with next to no people. Gerrymandering. So apathy goes a long way.
In the UK I sure as shit wasn't going to vote for the mass of slime that is the current labour party because they aren't Conservative