The thing about Joe Biden being an elderly man with a poor memory is that his likely opponent is an elderly man with a poor memory who has been indicted for 91 felonies and found liable for rape
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The whole "elderly man with poor memory" argument is trying to get voters to abstain. It likely is subversive influence: Trump is the best president for foreign actors as he is easy to manipulate due to current lawsuits and loss of assets. Biden is the better available option for US citizens.
Seriously, age should be a non-issue at this point. Same for immigration, since neither party is going to "fix it." I do find the amount of work, travel, task-juggling, etc. Biden does on a daily basis is quite remarkable for a man his age.
I would feel better to know that the Ds had a solid pick for VP, for when Biden succumbs to age or accident. I like the progressive stuff Biden does. I view Kamala Harris as “not as regressive as the (R)s”.
Also Biden exercises and probably eats food with some sort of nutrition (with the occasional ice cream), while the opponent of America exercises the Summon Diet Coke button, the Super Size option, …
Unfortunately popular slogans repeated often win elections as history has shown. Surely it must be easier to prevent dictatorships than to get rid of one. Let´s see if the USA can show us how to.
Yes. But it doesn't need to be that way. Biden can always do the right thing and drop out. The people around him could stop being cowardly and confront him. We need to stop pretending Trump v Biden is the only option.
That's a choice he and Dem leadership are making. It's why we're going to be stuck with a second Trump presidency. As arrogant and stupid Trump is, it's going to be the arrogance and stupidity of his opponents that puts him back in the White House.
Trump delivered for billionaires like Jamie Dimon, which is why they tolerate his kayfabe populism, oxygen-sucking chaos and disdain for women and rule of law. They think they will benefit no matter how many guardrails Trump breaks.
Biden should go on the offensive here, use it as an excuse to challenge Trump to a substantive debate on specific policy matters. He'll obviously say no, forcing the press and everyone else to move on but not before reminding people that Trump is not only old but also a moron
Me too. Trump would definitely say no, and it would never happen for 5 other reasons too. But simply issuing the challenge would flip the story and also make Trump look like a coward when he starts backing away
Biden could be a tree stump and I'd vote for that over trump. My take: a good leader has good people in the right positions to make good decisions with the right checks and balances; while a bad leader thinks they make all the decisions but takes "no responsibility at all."
Ah, what a vile comment! He is a stable genius! BTW: In 🇩🇪 we have a term for this kind of “slip up“: mausgerutscht - a portmanteau of Maus (the computer mouse) and ausgerutscht (having slipped up). It’s a common tease directed at conservatives when they try to justify posts after facing a back lash.
That is true, but is the bench so thin on the Dems side that they can't find one, single non-old person to run for President? It's hard to mock the Republicans for voting for guy with dementia when the Dems guy is 81.
Saying you are looking for the barest of minimums in relation to Biden's memory also is dismissive. My original point was that many people of all ages have memory lapses. I can't remember names well but I can remember lots of arcane facts. Assuming nothing else about me does it disqualify me?
You can cure or engineer around incompetence (if you consider Biden impaired or incompetent) - it's not great, but you can. You can't engineer around evil.
I’m very familiar with RCV, and while it’s gaining in popularity I really prefer STAR voting ( RCV will tend to maintain the two-party system, because of the “center-squeeze” effect.
I also think that the possibility of ballot exhaustion in RCV undermines its legitimacy. It’s better than plurality-winner, but it’s essentially the second-worst option, at least in single-winner elections. The fact that the counting process isn’t parallelizable is also annoying.
Not to mention, all of Joe's gaffes are just simple misstatements that he realizes as such after the fact. Trump's gaffes are wild, incoherent word salads that he'll always double down on afterwards because he has the ego of a five year old.
The thing about his likely opponent being an elderly man with a poor memory who has been indicted for 91 felonies and found liable for rape is that a very large number of voters actually like that about him and don't care who knows it.
But he never did the WORST thing, which is saying "I don't recall" in a deposition, except for that one time when he did it 59 times in a row.
The other thing about all the performative hand-wringing and bed-wetting about Joe Biden's age and memory impeding his Presidency are so often people who can't remember recent events like hospitals being shelled in Gaza and the domestic terror attack on the Capitol on January 6th 2021.
Good lord some people are losing their minds about this post. I didn't say Biden is perfect; I didn't say he's the best possible president; I did admit he's old and has a bad memory. I'm just comparing him to the alternative, not the Almighty, as he might say.
The thing about Joe Biden being an elderly man with a poor memory is that his likely opponent is an elderly man with a poor memory who says he would "encourage Russia to do whatever the hell they want" to our NATO allies
The thing about Joe Biden being an elderly man with a poor memory is that his likely opponent is an elderly man with a poor memory who is threatening the security&stability of our allies (while Joe Biden brought additional countries like Finland into the NATO alliance that Trump threatens to wreck)
Damn…you really kicked the hornets nest with that one…I’m sorry. It’s difficult for some to have a more nuanced convo on social media rather than fire breathing vitriol at someone
Tbh my memory is probably worse than his-although my take on Israel is that someone needs to stop their murder spree and if it isn’t us then we should at least cut ties with them
Right? Plus his cabinet is young, diverse, and dynamic. You can’t ignore the cabinet. I would be a whole lot more concerned if they were also old enablers.
Just imagine if the Democratic Party got the good parts of that same team, plus some great people who refuse to work for him, working for a candidate who's young enough that climate change is personal to them and has a good position on Palestine and doesn't have decades of racist baggage.
The last time there was a successful primary challenge of a national party leadership incumbent, Pelosi threatened to blackball anyone who worked on a primary challenge campaign. The party leadership has made it clear that they view punishing those challengers as more important than winning. 1/
Thus, challenging Biden in the primary makes the odds in the general election worse, no matter how good the candidate is. So instead of challenging Biden, the people who could have done that are preparing for 2028, when the party insiders are much less likely to sabotage them. 2/
If the party insiders cared more about winning than their own power in the institution, they'd encourage a competitive primary. But they don't. This phenomenon occurs in pretty much all institutions, so it's a structural problem. 3/3
Democrats win when they run inspiring candidates. Their record running on "not as bad as the other guy" isn't very good. But the party insiders care more about donations than votes, because they still get the donations when they've been losing.
Yup. Both Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama won with inspiring campaigns promising HOPE. Not sure Dems can fool people again, but people turned out to vote for that message.
Right, the problem is that right wing voters will show up for any racist shitbag with a pulse, while left wing ones will sit on the couch and pout unless they get inspired.
Yes, there are entire game theory papers explaining why if you don't from time to time say "fuck you" and walk away from a deal you keep getting offered worse and worse deals. This happens with Republicans too, but Republicans are much less likely to be targets of voter suppression.
(Of course this isn’t true in reality: Warren and Sanders were inspiring and lost in the primary while Biden isn’t and won in the general; ditto with Jerry Brown and Bill Clinton)
Neither of them are good options. That’s the point. Trump will be re-elected because Biden can’t hold the job and Kamala will tank the country. Everyone needs to vote to find a better option.
We actually don’t know the status of Biden’s memory. He hasn’t been evaluated by a psychologist or neuropsychologist. A DOJ investigator is not a memory expert, so I take the guy’s opinions with a grain of salt. Like asking a mechanic to talk about whether someone might have a brain tumor or not.
Elected once, impeached twice. Cheated on 3 wives, may have murdered one. Bankrupted six casinos. Three of 5 children convicted of fraud. Spent 307 days of term golfing at public expense...
Oh, and is a drug addled, narcissistic, fascist monkey.
Biden's mummified corpse would be better qualified.
So you're saying that the husk of American democracy has all but completed the process of rotting from the inside, and that we can now see this reflected on the outward face, as it becomes less and less necessary to maintain the illusion?
I’ll take a U.S. President with a crap memory over an U.S. king/dictator with a crap memory and black soul any day if—unfortunately—those are my only choices.
I already lost all confidence in the intelligence of my fellow Americans when Trump was elected last time-I’m just depressed now and getting more depressed 😔
I’m 74. I write R code. I do Duolingo everyday. I read books. Often I’m not able to retrieve someone’s name on the first try even though I remember their whole biography. Biden is fine. Meanwhile Trump seems like he’s going to collapse into utter gibberish at any moment.
Trump is totally incompetent and unstable, like his MAGA supporters!!! Their time of extinction is quickly drawing near!!! Many people are fed up with not only them but also with far left extremists who hate Biden also!! Their refusing to vote for Biden in 2020 almost cost democrats the election!!!!
Imma go with the old dude who’s kind, and has one of the most dynamic VPs in more than 100 years, over the nutjob racist rapey traitor who steals nuclear secrets after blowing Putin and cuddling with MbS and his creepy “orb.”
What great voter outreach!
Trump is a mean spirited shitwad.
When it comes down to policy, which should matter, the choice is so obvious.
Didn't think so.
That you frame it this way is dismissive and incorrect.
Trump may be elderly and have a failing mind, but he has...can I openly use such terminology without getting the Adult Content tag?
Oh, and is a drug addled, narcissistic, fascist monkey.
Biden's mummified corpse would be better qualified.
Biden may have the occasional senior moment, but he's running a professional administration in which competent people want to work.
Trump, apart from being a criminal, has chased off all but the dregs.
These are not hard choices.