[A chorus of thousands of ecclesiastical monks chanting with utmost reverence as their song echoes across the cathedral with vaulted arches ten stories tall]:
🎶 My name is Vermin 🎶
🎶 My name is Vermin 🎶
🎶 Ver-min Su-preme 🎶
I met him a few times at the rainbow gatherings. Totally should be president. He’s the president we deserve. Time travel to defeat Isis, everyone gets a pony and a gun.
We could recite the entirety of the Odyssey from memory, but instead we know all of the players in the Horus Heresy and draw the map of the Old World blindfolded. 😕
Robert, as someone who knows more about warhammer than I do, I have a question for you. Elon Musk has a kid named Technomechanicus, and they call him Tau. It’s my understanding those are two stupidly different things. Am I correct thinking that he can’t even WH4K properly?
To give more context: the T'au are a new empire that is developing/absorbing new technology into their war effort to their success. The technomechanicus literally ban innovation and only get technology to work because following the repair manual is a religious ritual.
JFC, the Adeptus Mechanicus are zealots of the Empire who praise the machine god. Replacing their flesh until they are all but machine. The Tau are alien space commies who's tag line is For the Greater Good. Elon is a D tier nerd. 🤦
🎶 My name is Vermin 🎶
🎶 My name is Vermin 🎶
🎶 Ver-min Su-preme 🎶
Grimgor and the Black Orcs are on a campaign of emancipation after being bred as slaves and tortured
Notice all the sourpuss cops up there trying very hard to pretend they aren't human. 😆
Check this out
They're polar opposites.
But noooooo