It's willingly ignorant to assign blame for AAA games studios being shuttered at anything other than corporate mismanagement and incompetence from an avaricious executive class.
This is an industry where corporate suits saw monkey jpegs and thought "Yes, this is the future of gaming!"
This is an industry where corporate suits saw monkey jpegs and thought "Yes, this is the future of gaming!"
When they try to make something a thing, it will not be a thing
It's a valid model, but too little time to play them all.
And not like little offers, like half a million dollars or more. It's tempting but ultimately, fuck no it's gonna ruin the game. I can empathize a little w small studios that said yes
i'm sure you could put a whole bunch of executives on a desert island for a month and it'll be lord of the flies within the first two days.
Because executives are NEVER WRONG (i still believe they prefer to lose A LOT OF money that admit they are wrong).
This and my toaster pc are the reason i dont buy AAA anymore.
I'm never gonna get over that
Well, here's how these things work. A company like Team17 doesn't just make NFTs like that, they worked with a partner for that, in this case a Digital Asset Trading company called Reality Gaming Group.
These executives learn nothing, even from their own failures.
For every story of the corporate mismanagement, there's another of a studio internal power struggle that makes them unproductive for years on end.
It's in the blockchain.
I was told that means I own it.
As per usual, the only people that are suffering are the workers.
It's absolutely being killed by Corporate who don't understand how the medium works.
They're trying to sell something they see as an infinite product.
And it's not. And they can't understand that.
They chase the worst bandwagons and think it'll work...
It has ALWAYS BEEN the suits.
Wish more folks realized this
When they faced huge dev pushback, their first response was to just assume the devs were ignorant about how great NFTs were. It took so much to convince them that, no, this wasn't an infinite money faucet
For all I know, the C-suite still think they coulda gotten rich if the devs weren't so unreasonable.
A rare situation, really.
That doesn't mean he was wrong, or is to be punished, but he was in charge, and it's his fault.
That's what leadership /means/. Even if you did everything right, when something goes wrong it's on /you/. That's the price of being in charge.
As long as incoming was larger that outgoing, you're good.
I remember in my teens being baffled that the news would say "Tesco's share price dropped today after the company reported lower profits than expected"
But...they still made profit.
Embracer had been on a spending spree, buying up a bunch of companies with the intent of creating lots of games with a diverse portfolio of IPs. Noble on its face, since they salvaged a lot of THQ. But they spent too much.
And then the deal fell through at the last minue. Embracer spent the rest of that year cancelling, slashing, and burning to get back in the black.
It's a mess.