By hijacking them the people will come to realise hey we do have representatives who will work for us and be on our side.
So what they are the other colour at least they are willing to talk to us, listen to us.
Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell represents his congressional constituents well in CA District 14 👍🏻👏🏻👍🏻💙🇺🇸💙 and is taking the good fight to districts that need to hear some fighting words!
This event was organized by Flordia democrats and was host by Eric Swalwell. This is part of an ongoing campaign by Democrats claiming Republicans aren't talking to constituents. But in reality is just Democratic events.
Y'all need to back that talk up with some action. Put forth no nonsense legislation, single bills if necessary for simple issues that the GOP can't refuse to pass. If they do refuse folks will turn on them quickly enough. You must act on our behalf though. We did elect you.
This current house GOP will refuse to pass any bill put forth by Dems, just so you know. They were told explicitly by Trump not to work with democrats AT ALL!
Much like all the stupid bills the GOP has put out that they knew wouldn’t go anywhere, because it allowed them to go back to their constituents and say, “see, we TRIED, but the evil Dems blocked us!!”
They do and it does not come out of committee so you do not hear much about it.
You might want to ask your favs what they have written, if they are Ao n bern, I'll let ya know there has been none, but they are barely Dem.
Focus on GOP otherwise we write oppo for them.
I live in her "district".The FL legislature, with encouragement from DeSantis, carved our solidly blue district up to give this idiot the seat. We have been disenfrachised su h that a Dem can never hold that seat again. To insist that this parasite is our fault does us a disservice.
I spend half the day pissed off and the other half pissed on. I keep hoping that MAGA toady will come to my door asking for my vote so she can finally respond to my complaints. But, ALAS, I live in the bluest part of her district and she is a coward and will never set foot here....
We have no voice. She does not give one shit about our calls or emails because she knows the district is rigged to dilute our vote so we cannot be rid of her. No surprise that she didnt show up. She doesn't have to....She does not represent us, she represents DeSantis and Trump.
We really need to bang the drum that any representative who is too chickensh*t to meet the constituents they're supposed to be representing might as well wear a big sticky note on their back that says "primary me into the dirt. I deserve it."
None of that would be new, what would be new is folk like you voting for the only party that would consider it.
Consistently w zero shit posting about Dems.
Respect the effort, but I fail to see what we gain by giving them a shoulder to cry on. Let them be mad at the people they SHOULD be mad at, because you know as well as I do that they will turn right around at Midterms and vote Republican all over again.
People need to hear that our lawmakers see these times as dangerous, like we do. We need to see that they take our fears deadly seriously, and share the same fears.
Events like this may not flip a seat but they can inspire folks to get involved in direct action… people need hope in order to act.
I’m not talking about the republicans. I don’t think they’re even reachable at this point - if you’re still behind Trump, you WANT a dictator and nothing will change that. 🤷🏻♀️
We need more of this. Every Dem rep and senator should be road tripping and speaking out in red, blue, and purple districts. Take the authoritarian vacuum and fill it with Democracy.
More voter support for any party&movement than ANY 3rd party since 1936 More votes than Bernie sanders or AOC will. People much more patient than I am needs plant seeds in potential MLS. Between decades of lib BS for decades. Bernie made sure I became an intolerant leftist
Anna Paulina Luna is a white Karen who found political advantage in masquerading as a Latina. She's as big a POS as all the rest of her godforsaken party!
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
Keep it up! Show them what moral courage looks like! Make the Republican reps understand that this isn't January. Things have turned. And if he comes for one of you, we will come for him!
There needs t/b more of this. Centrist Dems & Ind going to Red States to factsplain & inform. Don't jam far-left ideologies, just expose the lies & liars. Converts will sprout on own.
As a Retired Chief Pety officer I feel that what they have done with their DEI Crap is to erase and try to re"White" history. An Order that brings disgrace upon the Service is Illegal and the removal of our Heroic Navy Shipmates is just that.
At some point, you have to tell people that the only reason we are where we are is because people voted for Republicans! Republicans have offered lies, false promises, played to racists all for power, not for the people they represent. Tell them to stop voting Republicsn. It has, to be said.
I think those voters need to ask themselves if they can point to any of their Republican representatives who have stood up to Musk on all the important issues.
Can they point to any Republican rep who have consistently stood up for them? If not, do they think any new Republican would?
Yes... there's that. There was an Adam Mockler(?) video I saw where a man was going on about how Musk should sue CNN in a waiting room. His wife who had the advanced cancer told him she couldn't believe he was going on about it, when medicine cost $3k and she didn't know how they could afford it.
So some people don't get it. But there are a number of Trump voters who will: workers who lost their jobs, people who didn't understand tariffs, food bank recipients, (especially poor) Social Security recipients, etc. When it directly affects their lives and business, they get it.
People talked a lot about how Trump was "me, me, me." And after watching videos of Trump voters, I realized a number of them were also "me first." They didn't care about issues like immigrantion as long as it wasn't their friends or family. So those people... they have to experience it first.
ha! I'm not at all worried about their feelings. just bummed that so many of my fellow citizens seem to not care one whit that our country is being stripped for parts
We are where we are because a majority of people in this country didn't vote. They're very apathetic. Politics is secondary in their lives. Wouldn't put it past me this was some sort of strategy. Make people's lives so burdensome they won't care.
But also: rather than go shout at or threaten representatives who may believe public service is their vocation albeit need to learn how to be more effective; become more directly involved in being the change rather than expecting someone else to fix everything? As clearly just voting isn't enough.
we can do stuff on the ground, for sure. But unlike our elected representatives, we do not have any voting power in Congress - which is where a lot of this fuckery is happening and which is where our elected representaives are NOT looking out for their constituents.
Your democrat federal congressmen have zero power until the numbers move; aside from maybe filibustering. The republican ones are towing the line that was voted for. A lot of people seem not to have understood what they were voting for? Not like Trump wasn't openly calling voters scum and suckers..
Elected D.C. Dems must show up at all protests and rallies around the country to gvie people the protection to come out. 50 protests 50 states; at least 2 elected D.C dems at each. Protesting with our wallets is working. Companies that support the republican agenda or are silent are getting worried
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
Dude. I appreciate what you are doing but seriously…run that speech through ChatGPT and tell it to cut those metaphors by at least half. That got messy.
Eric please come to Dayton Ohio Mike Turner’s district. He hasn’t had a town hall in 21 yrs and only shows up at televised events that we can’t go to!! Please come!! Wright Patterson AF base is I his district and it is gerrymandered!! Please
I suspect we'll still be dealing with corporate Dems who will play at progressive policy during elections but when it's time to turn up will still side with billionaires and donors for a long time.
We need to make it the ethos of the people to, rather than get disillusioned with politics and give up, use that as fuel to get fired up with righteous fury to throw out the politicians who side with business over people. Let's use our power to make every one of them pariahs.
Right. My point is that's not always easy and we should prepare to be disappointed by Dems in the future. Look at how Fetterman billed himself as a humble working class progressive, and look how he turned out.
Sorry, I didn't mean for my post to come off as implying you disagreed, I was more adding more thoughts to the post, as is often needed on bsky with the character limit.
Good message. Not the "Trump is a felon/disaster. Everyone knows that; those who care, do. Those who don't, won't. The msg needs to be we hear you, you want a streamlined gvt that serves you. We can do that with hard work and love of country. A positive msg that might appeal to the felon's voters.
We don’t have 4 years…we may not have 4 MONTHS. People need to understand the fire emergency is NOW. It is burning down now - people need to be protesting peacefully but with vigor and in massive numbers. It is THAT urgent.
Well done Congressman Swalwell! We need our Dem reps. holding town halls like this everywhere; there's a hunger for leaders powerfully voicing the truth, as AOC's and Bernie's rallies make so clear. Thank you.
YES! All butts off the bench! We want all the fighters in the party touring this entire country like flippin' Metallica!! All the small towns, all the rural areas, ALL THE RED ZONES, repeatedly. No more safe zone crap. The GOP has given us a great gift! From now until 2028 WE ARE EVERYWHERE!
Thank you! I was there today. You and David Jolly were very informative and fired up the crowd. Hopefully people will show up tomorrow for the rally for USPS. It’s ok that your son is a Yankees fan even if you aren’t. Thank you again for being a light to lead us out of this darkness
All Democrats in Congress need to do this. They need to be out, with the people, answering questions and making people feel like they matter. There should also be daily press conferences to highlight the dismantling of our democracy and the lies being told.
We are experiencing similar refusal to face constituents in Texas district 15. Our representative is having a Phone Town Hall instead of facing the people and addressing the issues.
Make sure that we are extremely exhausted; we do not deserve this suffering. Power and water cuts, living under constant bombardment, the fear of having our limbs torn apart, or witnessing our loved ones being killed before our eyes—we do not deserve this.
Such simple & civil, yet powerful words toward an audience that represent(s)/ed "the other side".
I just wish I were blessed with your public eloquence; would have certainly ran for some office just to elicit people's best neuronal connections to be used in their best interest
U, sir, R an example!
Thank you Tucson and the more than 23,000 people who came out to see me, AOC and Rep. Greg Casar.
In just 5 events, we had over 86,000 join us to stand up to authoritarianism & oligarchy and stop any bill that slashes Medicaid to give billionaires even more tax breaks.
I sure hope that your scheduler contacted you about our town hall in Brett Guthrie’s district tomorrow! We could really use some kind of leadership since our representatives are cowards.
I could not get there, and so far I'm seeing no coverage of this in the local news. (You get precious little news outside of sports junk in the Tampa Bay Times, formerly the esteemed St. Petersburg Times, now an expensive fish wrapper.) This is ALL I've found.
Were there any republicans there? These Dems need to start saying who they’re speaking to. If it’s only Dems there, and that’s what it sounded like, then it’s just a campaign rally. They need to make sure they are speaking to the people that voted for that republican.
I’m in this district. It was a historically Dem district until the GOP gerrymandered it literally across Tampa Bay to make sure Luna would win. So, no, I guarantee Tampa MAGA didn’t cross the bay to come to this because they, nor Luna, even fucking live here (which is why she’s never here).
I don’t understand how these states get away with doing this. It’s straight up cheating when you can draw your own map blocking Dems right out of their district.
This is exactly why local elections are so important. People think they don’t matter & only vote for potus, but it’s local elections that determine local & state positions, who gerrymander Dem districts out of existence. FL was ALWAYS maj Dem voters until DeSantis started purging the rolls in 2020.
It's possible because Governor Desantis had Leonard Leo sit 3 of our FL Supreme Court justices. The Judicial system is in Desantis' pocket.
Also, this past election we had 2 people run as Democrats only to switch parties one and two weeks into their term.
And DeSantis started purging Dems from the voter rolls in 2020, then cancelled our mail voting last minute so we had to vote in person (at changed and fewer locations) if we didn’t re-enroll in time. He’s always changing the rules to make voting harder, esp for Dem districts.
It is incumbent on the Republicans to show up. They sure would not be turned away. But if it is only Dems, for now, it is still a good thing because they are still voters.
I wrote the Tampa Bay Times today and asked why I saw no coverage regarding the Pinellas County Eric Swalwell/David Jolly town hall on March 22, 2025.
So infuriating.
You are exactly correct, but they would not be turned away at the door. It's my understanding these are open to everyone who wants to come. If you're asking if Maga is there I highly doubt it, but those who voted for Trump and regret it and those who didn't vote are who we want to reach.
When Bernie Sanders and AOC spoke in Greely Colorado (a very red town) they drew 11,000 people. The town has just over 100,000 residents. I think it’s safe to say that 10% of the population included more than a handful of Republicans.
I think what Sanders and AOC are doing (and hopefully more Democrats will follow) is genius. They have redrawn the battle lines. It’s no longer Republican vs Democrat or liberal vs MAGA it’s the 99% vs the 1%! Eat the rich!!! It’s genius because everyone of us knows that billionaires shouldn’t exist
We aren’t at 99% yet. We still have a lot of work to do. I don’t think we will ever get through to MAGA, but there are a lot other people that did vote for him that we can get to. It would be great if we could get through to the 36% of registers voters who didn’t vote last year.
Start telling people to mail their ballots in. In person digital transmission of your vote from the polling station to the court house is compromised. Paper ballot backups are only looked at in audits which aren’t happening.
Might I suggest VA-9 as an addition to your itinerary? Ol’ Morgan Griffith has been in hiding for quite some time plus SWVA is lovely this time of year.
Maybe Luna would have gotten 50-60 people to turnout. But when you send in Swalwell, you get a big ass crowd that wants to understand the commitment of the Democrats to right this fucked up ship and stir it back toward sanity and safer harbors for all Americans people and our allies. 💙✌️
This is MY current playbook and tool kit on what I feel is important to meet the moment. I hope you can use it, chop it, tweak it, and share it. Stop asking for permission in some cases.
So what they are the other colour at least they are willing to talk to us, listen to us.
I'm a fan.💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙
Attach it to every vote. Filibuster everything else. Be the good trouble.
We need to use that to OUR benefit now.
You might want to ask your favs what they have written, if they are Ao n bern, I'll let ya know there has been none, but they are barely Dem.
Focus on GOP otherwise we write oppo for them.
Watching the complete destruction of our federal agencies, the blatant sabotage of our economy, and the horrific treatment of our allies
Remove Putrid’s puppets
It’s a bunch of bullshit how we got gerrymandered so that idiot could win. 🤬
Are you in downtown St Pete?
Consistently w zero shit posting about Dems.
Events like this may not flip a seat but they can inspire folks to get involved in direct action… people need hope in order to act.
More voter support for any party&movement than ANY 3rd party since 1936 More votes than Bernie sanders or AOC will. People much more patient than I am needs plant seeds in potential MLS. Between decades of lib BS for decades. Bernie made sure I became an intolerant leftist
💙 💙
Right now, DC is a waste of time.
Can they point to any Republican rep who have consistently stood up for them? If not, do they think any new Republican would?
Fill in the gaps
Expose the grift
Counter the lies
Chart a path forward
And FIRE Chuck Schumer.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
Thank you for fighting. You're inspiring.
You gotta own the bit.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
More of this in every state 🙂
Now let’s go!!!!
The actual bill has been removed, but here's what's available.
I just wish I were blessed with your public eloquence; would have certainly ran for some office just to elicit people's best neuronal connections to be used in their best interest
U, sir, R an example!
I hear she’s too busy planning the Mount Rushmore revamp to bother with the ppl who gave her her job.
In just 5 events, we had over 86,000 join us to stand up to authoritarianism & oligarchy and stop any bill that slashes Medicaid to give billionaires even more tax breaks.
That was a packed crowd.
I’ll have time this summer. Will you support our protests?
- Will you work against using unidentified police agents?
- Will search for protesters that “disappear” like immigrants do now?
We need the support of leadership now more than ever.
#WeThePeople are #TheResistance 🗽
Refuse fascism!
Revolution is now!
Also, this past election we had 2 people run as Democrats only to switch parties one and two weeks into their term.
So infuriating.
I gave you a follow!
This is MY current playbook and tool kit on what I feel is important to meet the moment. I hope you can use it, chop it, tweak it, and share it. Stop asking for permission in some cases.
#Resistance #democrats #townhalls #protests #republicans