That's a more significant slip. The delaying and extra redaction of the Russia report, as well as Lebvedev, makes me suspect he is a Russian asset much like Trump.
Always made sense to recruit those at home in Pall Mall clubs and country house shooting-parties than some Communist shipyard Trade Unionist with access to nowhere.
Make Russia great again. For all Boris Johnson’s fake empathy for Ukraine he has by endorsing and emboldening Trump sold Zelensky down the river without a paddle.
Why is BJ so quiet at the moment? Is Trump not doing what BJ thought he would? How the hell did this country ever elect such a buffoon as its PM? His face on June 24 2016 should have been a warning to everyone.
Was more a comment on why Tory members elected BJ, really. But then they did go on to elect Truss!!! And didn't do much better with Sunak. And have now plumped for Badenoch!!! They seem drawn to the unelectable!
Alexander (Sasha) "Boris" Johson first went to the Soviet Union in the early 1980s. He was named Boris after a KGB spy his parents met on holiday. His connections to Russia go back a long time. There is no way he is anything other than a FSB asset
My postman” thinks” that Ukraine really did start the war with Russia, and his sister believes that Hamas leaders all live in the Caymen Islands. The hallmark of expertise …
Wait until the people at the Telegraph find out that Boris Johnson described his £250,000 earnings for writing a weekly Telegraph column as "chicken feed"
Like Trump, a prime KGB target- at heart of the Establishment, highly irresponsible, spendthrift, greedy, egotistical, stupid, a long history of sexual misdemeanours. He and Trump would be in the honey-trap before you could say 'Felix Dzierzhinsky'.
Johnson never does have a clue. He is a posh, overrated muppet who only got where he is by the old boy network. In another life, he would be on the dole with 8 kids in a shitty council flat.
Boris is another Russian plant and agent. He too did the Moscow visits early in career and then visited the oligarch estates in Europe as a minister without security detail to receive further orders/provide intelligence. Money maketh the traitor.
Can anyone explain to me (an autistic man) in simple one word sentences why he hasn’t been tried for treason (I remember his government lying to the Queen) and could a group of us not try to get him in court for that charge
For the same reason Grifter Fagash gets the oxygen of publicity. Uncritical shock journalism is the only way some media outlets try to stay relevant. You only have to look at the likes of the Daily Heil
For once.
No wonder he was such a lousy PM
…or share the same financial sponsor!!?
What japes.
When there is zero evidence to support the statement.
Happy Friday!
Brexit will put the great back into Britain - Massive Fail
Trump will make the world a safer place - Massive Fail
Boris Johnson - Massive grifter - Massive Fail
Why is he still getting air time!?