This is bullshit. If they pass a CR they are just
re-appropriating the same waste, fraud, and abuse musk says he found. That's the whole purpose of a continuous resolution it changes nothing.
Biden admin strategically signed a continuing resolution from Dec 2024 to March 14 knowing full well that Republicans could not pass alone.Democrats set this all up and they better let it 🔥 and not vote to approve anything without getting rid of Elon and stopping the attack on our gov’t from within
The mess you claim Biden caused is of your, the Robber Barons and the Republican Administration's own making. Making excuses, lying, and sticking your collective thumbs up your asses are the only things your fascist minds are capable of doing.
One thing I've been wondering about is if he still thinks people believe him or he knows they don't and he just doesn't care. Currently leaning towards the latter.
Trump never wanted a CR before. And this means there still is not a FY25 budget. Does Trump not know a CR is a continuation of the prior approved budget spending levels until the new budget is approved?
They figured out the only thing that can snap him out of it is to mention a democratic president. The BBC asked him about trade and Obama and his head exploded.
President Biden left you such a mess that the stock market was hitting record highs, inflation was trending down unemployment was down and in 38 days you #Felon47 have totally fucked it and that is on you so own it.
Wtf have repubs been doing since Nov? I'd bet an eye Biden could post a well thought out budget that was ready to be fine tuned last year. This know nothing has no idea wtf he's doing. He'll never man up & take responsibility for a thing. Maybe stop napping, golfing, wrecking shit and work on it
The right side of the aisle is a dysfunctional collection of idiots. They won't pass one piece of legislation.
The only guardrail left between now and the mid-terms.
I love how he says Biden couldn’t get the budget done when Republicans control Congress and Trump constantly meddled in the government as a private citizen. Holding meetups with R Congress members in Mar a Lago.
Most dictators have a modicum of ambition. Trump is literally happy being in fake charge, dissing, and getting his orange butt kissed all day. It’s all he wants. Unfortunately he thinks he has to vandalize the country to is knees to get and keep that.
My first lesson from Hong Kong's authoritarian transformation: dictators govern incompetently. It's a feature, in fact the CORE feature, not a bug. A full dictatorship is about the only way you even can govern that incompetently in our day & age.
F47 was asked if he still thought Zelensky was a dictator. He then asked who said that and seemed oblivious that he had said exactly those words.
I remember during the 2016 campaign he was asked a question about something he said during his speech. His response: "I didn't say that."
He knows he’s a fucking failure, and has been a failure at everything in his repulsive life. He can lie and inflate himself to believe he’s a great man, but deep down he knows he’s the biggest loser in American history.
This fucking clown can post whatever horse shit he pleases, the problem is that his dimwitted followers believe every word that spews from his cesspool mouth.
My go-to to piss off Trump-fluffers on Twitter in his first administration was to point out that “the Deep State” was just an excuse for an inability to govern.
Trump inherited a great economy from Biden. After a month of Trump’s slash and burn tactics, the economy is faltering and the stock market is reacting accordingly.
His propensity to be a failure at every business venture will be our only saving grace. He nominates TV personalities because that was his ONE success…his gameshow. He lives in a TV land in his mind. We are in the #TwilightZone.
I wish Joe Biden would sue Trump's ass for defamation. I'm so tired of his blaming absolutely everything that is wrong on Biden instead of his own incompetency.
Folks this is actually good news since DJT is looking for a Nobel Peace prize (just like Obama got one) and his best path forward is with a paper prize treaty with Zelensky first, then Russia is second. CR is going to be clean because Mikey needs some Dems to get it over the finish line quickie!
So, "unlike" President Biden, he's invented a way to get a budget done. Did he invent the name, too? "Continuing Resolution (CR)" is pretty damn catchy. He should copyright it, so he can sell merch with it on.
In Vermont, they say, "Jeezum Crow." Seems apropos. What a feckin' eejit.
The people he's talking to, the ones that believe his bull shit, are too far gone to save. The rest of us know he's a lying sack of shit. I hope all those "both sides are bad" non-voters are sorry they sat it out.
PT Barnum is an oxygen scavenger. Useless excuse of a leader. Who all laughed out loud when he took up Harry Truman's "the buck stops here"? The buck stops in his pocket. And doesn't know anything about the Tate brothers. 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
re-appropriating the same waste, fraud, and abuse musk says he found. That's the whole purpose of a continuous resolution it changes nothing.
watched the Brady Bunch
too much Marsha,Marsha.
Now it’s Biden. Biden🤷♀️
I can safely assume he lost.
His FAT ASS is only ever shown when he's signing an EO to br a preformative asshole, golfing or meeting an international leader who calls him a liar
Seems he's more LOW ENERGY than anyone - a racist, bigot OLD MAN
I’ve stopped blaming him.
His goals, ideas and tactics are SUPPORTED by our fellow Americans.
He’s nothing but without them and they are beyond reckless and thoughtless.
Republicans cannot govern.
The only guardrail left between now and the mid-terms.
Here goes the blame game..
President Bankrupt.
Nice work Elon, you’re a terrible president
And Jake Tapper is still out there selling lies about Joe Biden’s health…
I remember during the 2016 campaign he was asked a question about something he said during his speech. His response: "I didn't say that."
Dementia Donny!
‘i know m@ga doesn’t know sh!t about budgets, so i’m gonna lie and say it’s someone else’s fault as always since everything i touch turns to real 💩’
Should we call this “personal growth”?
What a loser😂
They can’t keep the government open without help from the Democrats.
In Vermont, they say, "Jeezum Crow." Seems apropos. What a feckin' eejit.