In a wide-ranging and long interview, President-elect Donald Trump tells TIME Magazine his priorities for the first days of his second time at the presidency.
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Thanks to the legacy media, raising conscientious children in this country is nearly impossible. The Person of the Year is a felon, serial liar, serial sexual abuser, a bully, a racist, an anti-intellectual, a climate denier, a misogynist, and a narcissist. #America
OMG, he finally got “his” face on the cover of Time magazine as Person of the Year he has craved and felt he has deserved for the last 8 years. Disappointed in current trajectory of this country.
It's infuriating, bc Time's criteria rewards people like Hitler & Trump - any attention is ofc good attention for a narcissist. If the media could only walk away from Trump the way we walked away from Twitter, & starve him of that attention instead of staying in this sick, symbiotic relationship...
Time has done this many times, it’s about the most influential in the world for good or bad. Time news group was instrumental in their helping the war effort. Unfortunately I’m not sure they have the balls now.
A 34 time felon twice impeached insurrectionist seggsual assaulter is times person of the year? Whelp… no more credibility with this rag of a magazine.
Guys, before you get into a massive uproar, Time’s Person of the Year is not like employee of the month. It’s not necessarily given to the best person. They specifically state “for better OR FOR WORSE”. In 1938, they gave it to fucking Adolf Hitler. Don’t act like they’re praising him.
In 1939 and 42, they gave it to Stalin. In 1957, they gave it to Khrushchev. In 79, they gave it to Khomeini. They gave it to Putin in 2007, and nobody listened to the warning. It’s not always for the best people. Sometimes they give it to the most damaging people.
I hope the good folks at NPR will keep a scorecard on the promises made in the form of promises kept, promises broken. Whether plans/concepts were implemented, and the financial toll on lower/middle class and the enrichment of the ultra wealthy.
Marc Benioff, the founder and CEO of Salesforce, has owned Time magazine since 2018. Benioff purchased the magazine from Meredith Corporation for $190 million. He publishes Time through Time USA, LLC.
Being on the cover of Time isn't the beautiful endorsement he thinks it is. Hitler, Stalin, bin Laden, Pierre Laval (Google it, MAGA-heads), Yassar Arafat, and Ruhollah Khomeini have all been given the same endorsement. Perfect company for trump.🤣
What scares me is that he is likely to support the most guilty and violent, like my toddler raping Mormon youth leader Dennis Scott Loosli who blamed kids because he couldn't take responsibility for giving kids meth to produce child porn and systematic rape of his 4 yo stepdaughter. I loved God. Why
basically it is "impact". sort of like picking bubonic plague, Trump (2016) or Hitler (and yes... 1938).
and , well, sadly scientists and educators don't make the splash. (one entry in 1960... and they just said "scientists" SMH)
In 1960, the honor was granted collectively to “U.S. Scientists.” Maybe next year they will recognize “U.S. Charlatans, Quacks, Conspiracy Theorists and Conmen.” This group will flourish like never before under the second Trump administration, (he himself being, above all else, a conman).
JFC the guy is the living embodiment of what a gluttonous multinational corporate crime syndicate physically looks like, seeking to bilk more of our tax subsidies to give out to all his rich oligarch white bros.
this is why he’ll never leave. people love being appalled by it and that means more readers and that means more money for everyone except us. stop giving him attention.
Firstly, I’m surprised TIME still exists.
Secondly, they don’t learn a thing apparently. I’d be canceling my subscription immediately if I ever had one. What a POS publication putting a rapist, pedophile, & insurrectionist as POtY. 🤢🤮
What an awful excuse for accountability. Just another publication putting the all might dollar before anything else. It’s sad what Greed does to things. It’s the reason why we can’t have nice things.
IS THE FACT CHECKING INCLUDED WITH THE INTERVIEW? Not looking at it unless that’s the case, can’t call yourself a real journalist if your unwilling to fact check a racist in real time (that auto corrected to racist, I meant fascist, but will keep both because both are true)
Why the hell do you continue to treat this man as if he were a serious politician? He doesn't have plans, or priorities, he only has targets, those that have been fed to him by his white supremacist cronies and those who have "attacked" him. He's a joke and coverage should reflect that.
I thought they were a factual news source, thought wrong.
So disappointed at @npr - as bad as the other MSM now !
and , well, sadly scientists and educators don't make the splash. (one entry in 1960... and they just said "scientists" SMH)
They don't know how it works and the parts that they DO understand, they want to destroy.
Don’t keep me in. such. suspense….
Secondly, they don’t learn a thing apparently. I’d be canceling my subscription immediately if I ever had one. What a POS publication putting a rapist, pedophile, & insurrectionist as POtY. 🤢🤮
I'm not shocked about him being person of the year in so much as I am disgusted.