JUST IN: It was not immediately clear if the deportations happened before or after a federal judge in D.C. on Saturday issued an emergency order that told the administration to stop using wartime powers to deport anyone, and turn around any planes already in the air.
SCOTUS is the exception because they have largely been hand selected to do the GOP bidding.
When unpredictable Amy Coney Barrett might be the one to hold up some of this outrageous stuff…
I'm just saying that if you're in a position to report the news, you should be honest and call this a lawless coup with no legitimate authority. 💚
Also, we have yet to see how sharp the judiciary teeth are. That may be playing out right now. On Saturday, Cheetolini and Rubio defied court orders. Now we wait to see if they are held in contempt or what happens. Cross those fingers everybody!
Vance said, reference a Supreme Court ruling, "The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it."
Trump/Vance plan on doing anything they want, illegal or not.
Probably a lot of people who were brown and therefore “must be gang members”.
ICE is too incompetent to have a stash of hundreds of gang members to suddenly deport.
I call Kabuki theatre.
Anyone who's in the military, who's taking the oath, has violated it by carrying out Trump's illegal orders.
Silly me, I thought all that bravado and oorah would result in at least preserving their own country.
I'm honestly 100% disgusted in our military for quietly standing down for a tyrant.
But, I could also say, they have sick minds including #musk...
Down with #trumpism
Down with #muskism
fuck NPR and fuck libtards
Bukeke is just another dictator chum for the US.
Very sad.
Were these actual convicted gang members?
This admin lies so
(I think you know who I mean)
FFS. You cannot take this administration at its word.
Yeah, it was. Two planes in the air didn't turn back and a third left after the court order and landed in El Salvador.
The El Salvadorean president even mocked the court order and Rubio re-tweeted it.
Continue to expose Trump's criminal acts!
"The written notice appeared in the case docket at 19:25 EDT on Saturday (00:25 GMT on Sunday), reports Reuters news agency, although it is unclear when the flights carrying the alleged gang members departed from the US."