Now that English is the official language of the United States, I look forward to everyone understanding the difference between “your” and “you’re,” “their” and “they’re,” and “to,” “two” and “too.”
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Alabama chiming in here. 😎
“Y’all” is a contraction of “you all,” but when addressing a group and emphasizing you’re addressing all of them without exception, it’s perfectly acceptable to say, “ALL y’all...” 😂
When I moved to the South I adopted y’all since everyone said it with no slander intended, just everyday normal talk. Now “bless your heart” was different. My grandparents said that and simply meant, “How could something so terrible happen to you.” I learned it meant something different soon enough
I use "y'all" all the time, and I'm a Philly/South Jersey girl who's never lived anywhere south of DC - usually when I'm talking about a group of people with a certain mindset. I'm also there with you on the use of homophones, the misuse of which can sometimes induce me to use "y'all".
It’s yous. My husband uses it all the time. I used to tease him all the time, too, until we both heard Lieut. Gen. Longstreet (played by Tom Berenger) in the movie “Gettysburg” say yous.
I’m not even from the south but I agree wholeheartedly with letting this one in; however, I would advocate to firmly shut the door on her northern cousin “you-uns.”
I had a boss who would say, "She rose her hand and volunteered for the project". I couldn't understand how an educated and intelligent person could say that.
Another boss used to say, "I had went into the system". But then, she was an idiot, so even though I cringed, I expected that from her.
I’m thinking maybe I’ll just pick random languages to reply in, if I can. Toss in some cursing in Yoruba, an Italian phrase or two, then say thank you in Tagalog. Could be fun ….
New second language will be Russian language.
Then Russian Oligarchs will move to Russia 2.0
And in a few years Russia will in invade it to save the russian speaking people.
Like they didin Ukraine.
Good luck 🧐
Exactly how Texas became a State. Flood the zone with migrants, complain about rights being infringed upon ( owning slaves, becoming Catholic, having to speak official language) then invade!
Auto correct cannot distinguish between possessives and plurals, ed-es, s, it if is, to too, at of, and gods help you if you try to spell scientific nomenclature the first five hundred times 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ or anything Latin or Greek or any non-English word that hasn’t been engulfed by modern slang.
Good luck with that!
I think everyone ought to take up a foreign language to communicate with each other in public... just for the f'ck of it.
I will alternate between Spanish, French, German and Italian.
“Less oatmeal makes fewer cookies” is the easy way to learn the difference because “”fewer oatmeal makes less cookies” just doesn’t sound right, even if you dont know the fewer for plural nouns rule.
Less milk; less tea. Less cotton: fewer factories; what do the words milk, tea and cotton have in common? You can't quantify the amount based on the words alone. Milk, tea & cotton don't have a plural forms. Factory does. 1 factory or 2 or more factories whereas 1 of of cotton bs 20 kg of cotton.
My general rule is that if you can pluralize the words, you quantify it by saying "less" and if the words doesn't have a plural form, then we say "fewer". English always has exceptions. Right now, I can think of animals. Fewer, not less cows and fewer, not less reindeer.
Mine, too!! Saw him perform live in downtown Milwaukee back in November 1990, which is when I first heard tomb, comb, and bomb. What a brilliant talent he was.
Most Americans whom graduated high school do understand its use, assuming they’ve written many essays & papers,themselves. It’s the ones who ,perhaps had to drop out of school at early age for whatever reason. I notice this in kids who didn’t finish school & academics was not a
2. priority,esp if from a lower socio-economic one parent or troubled family. I think it’s also telling of the group of people one interacts with,work with,live with. And really,its not English per se,but American English.
and using could've, would've, should've (or could have, would have, should have) instead could of, would of, should of. I grind my teeth every time I see and hear this. Especially in supposedly edited and published work.
Nothing wrong with contracting could have into could've. I wasn't clear. "Could of" is the mistake I see repeated often. In social media, it doesn't bother me. I'm lousy at math, some people don't get grammar. But in published work that goes through so-called editing, it grates on my nerves.
As long as auto correct and auto text do their jobs, I’m sure we can do ours! I can’t type cuz of arthritis so I talk text! Most times I have to correct auto correct! 🤣
Sorry, but "irregardless" is a word recognized by Webster's.
It is recognized as mostly used in speech and as nonstandard but it is a word. There was a time when it was used as an intensifier.
Well, English may be the official language of the United States but when are they going to start requiring Russian as a secondary language… I’m thinking any day now rumpled foreskin will sign an executive order declaring such.
Muchos Gracias… I spend a lot of my time trying to think of slurs for our current spate of ridiculously stupid leadership. I will not refer to them by their proper names ever.
Well they didn't say it would be grammatically correct English.
And since they are doing away with the Dept. Of Education, my guess is they will replace English I & II with 'pre-spell check' and 'advanced spellcheck'.
I really think they put a hold on teaching fanatics to our kids in about 25 years ago. I loved English in school and always got an A in it. That was back in the 50’s.
See, it's dangerous to comment in a thread like this one. (Especially if you're using speech-to-text? Besides, you wanted "phonics," not "phonetics." They're different.)
Also, if you're going to shorten a decade: It would be '50s. No apostrophe-S, unless you need a possessive.
I already have video amnesia. Most movies/TV series, I cannot remember how they ended. So every rewatch is like the first time! I'll be down to one movie soon. (Didn't work with The Sixth Sense, though.)
Our elders weren't kidding when they said "it ain't for sissies."
Start at the top: "For weeks and weeks, I’m up here ranting and raving. Last night, 100,000 people, flawless.Ranting and raving..Not a mistake. And then I’ll be at a little thing, and I’ll say something, a little bit like ‘the,’ I’ll say, ‘dah,’ they’ll say, ‘He’s cognitively impaired."Oct. 13 rally
Slightly tangential, but if a fortification is basically just a large fort, is a trumpification basically just a fat oops large trump? Or slang for a double cheeseburger?
And threw and through and no and know and it’s and its and women and woman and all the other shit I have been seeing on the internet from these idiots for the last 2 decades.
Trust you to confuse things even more but I do like the last sentence:
Down by the station
Early in the morning
See the little puffer belly's all in a row
See the engine driver turn the little handle
Off we go!
My best singing text.
Now that English is the official language, it’s time to put back the u’s in your words, pronounce z properly, add e’s before your s’s and come back to proper pronunciation of words like herb, aluminum, oregano, yoghurt, schedule, vase, basil, vitamin, tune, privacy, leisure and water to name a few!
Thank goodness for your corrected post! When I read your previous one, I thought “Wait - what? I’ve been saying ‘orientation’ my entire life! It’s not a real word?” So now I can breathe a sigh of relief, and my world is comfy once again.
“Y’all” is a contraction of “you all,” but when addressing a group and emphasizing you’re addressing all of them without exception, it’s perfectly acceptable to say, “ALL y’all...” 😂
Btw, it’s “US”. Not “us”. 😉
My family is south (and southwest), but we aren't THAT deep south. 😀
Every other romance language has it.
The apostrophe not comprehended by many despite being a really simple grammar rule.
Accept it, native speakers and students of American English.
After centuries, we have escaped British tyranny and grammatical infighting to finally have a broadly accepted, second person plural pronoun.
"could of" / "could have"
Another boss used to say, "I had went into the system". But then, she was an idiot, so even though I cringed, I expected that from her.
Hint: Not one person in the history of the world has ever watched the Oscar's.
Are not is, for third person proper nouns, for example.
Not to mention the restoration of the letter U.
Then Russian Oligarchs will move to Russia 2.0
And in a few years Russia will in invade it to save the russian speaking people.
Like they didin Ukraine.
Good luck 🧐
Also, "everyone" is singular, not plural, so it doesn't work in place of "y'all." 🙂
Colour (not color). Aluminium (not aluminum)
Sweets (not candy). Biscuits (not cookies)
Scones (not biscuits). Trousers (not pants)
etc. I'll be taking notes, ready to report you all to the FBI.
Bonnet not hood
Boot not trunk
Spanner not wrench
Chips not fries
And, while I'm at it, "number of people" instead of "amount of people". When folk use the latter I can't help but imagine a large pile of human flesh.
So tired of hearing that one
Honey, start packin,
we gots too move.
Man says we gots two text
write too stay hear.
I think everyone ought to take up a foreign language to communicate with each other in public... just for the f'ck of it.
I will alternate between Spanish, French, German and Italian.
(It means , "no".)
Less milk makes fewer tea?
Less cotton in fields will cause fewer textile industries?
Este es el tipo de ocasión que casi me hace desear que todavía le hablara a mi familia Trumpista
My favorite!!
but dirty
Enjoy, English speakers
(Yes, this is a casual forum, so I'm *gonna* use "wanna.")
Colour for example.
It is recognized as mostly used in speech and as nonstandard but it is a word. There was a time when it was used as an intensifier.
Cockwombling wankstain is amongst my favourites at the moment.
Take the other person out of the sentence and see if it makes sense.
“She gave it to him and I.”
“She gave it to I.”
“She gave it to him and ME.”
And since they are doing away with the Dept. Of Education, my guess is they will replace English I & II with 'pre-spell check' and 'advanced spellcheck'.
Also, if you're going to shorten a decade: It would be '50s. No apostrophe-S, unless you need a possessive.
I'll stop now.
It gets worse.
Can’t wait ‘til I only need one book. It’ll be new every day, and I can give away all the rest.
I already have video amnesia. Most movies/TV series, I cannot remember how they ended. So every rewatch is like the first time! I'll be down to one movie soon. (Didn't work with The Sixth Sense, though.)
Our elders weren't kidding when they said "it ain't for sissies."
Don't ever stop.
Or phonics?
In a thread about proper grammar?
Ted Cruz is totally unelectable, if he even gets to run (born in Canada). Will loose big to Hillary. Polls show I beat Hillary easily! WIN!
Donald J. Trump January 31, 2016
Welcome to Hell.
Also plural vs possessive. Example: sycophants vs sycophant’s.
Mislead for misled
act completely perplexed when people refer to me as you,
correct them to thou. Heathens speaking the devil's tongue.
And loose to the conversation.
Is it I feel bad or I feel badly?
Is it I am hopeful or hopefully?
If you can count them you say fewer.
If you can’t count them you say less.
Down by the station
Early in the morning
See the little puffer belly's all in a row
See the engine driver turn the little handle
Off we go!
My best singing text.
Infer and imply.
Same feelings about "conversating". Is conversate a word?