Bad as things have gotten I think it's actually better that Trump blundered away his narrow popularity with vandalism and sabotage than if he'd husbanded his popularity just long enough to lull the country into dictatorship.
Sadly, engineering something like that would be quite easy given all that Trump now controls.
Obviously his mal narc pathology has been under appreciated. Loser can’t contain his drive 4sadistic revenge, even at the expense of imploding. Tricky balancing act.
This holds (granted events have evolved).👇
With all the non-calculation, mis-calculation, and outright treason (apologies to the terminologists), this could happen rather soon after we get out of the prep phase we're in now.
The ship is rudderless without a strong Speaker asserting Constitutional order.
Handled with more finesse, might have made them appear less evil, but he’s a mal narc…so whatcha gonna go. Hoo ha.
We can only hope that their incompetence and in specific his defective psychology helps sink them.
Our Democracy is more important than getting primaried.
And it needs to include conservative and Republican voters, not just the usual suspects.
Maybe pause Tennessee whiskey.
Will popular opposition actually cause Congressional Republicans to start opposing Trump's power grab?
in downstream effects on local economies. Unemployed workers don’t spend.
It’s not like anything in the next two or four years will impede him in any meaningful, significant way.
We've no time to lose.
1. Underfund/underman federal agencies
2. Do other stuff to hamper federal agencies
3. Claim the agency is inefficient, regardless of evidence
4. Underfund further